Page 7 - AHATA
P. 7
LOCAL Saturday 22 July 2023
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Bucuti and Tara Beach Resort
EAGLE BEACH - Recently, Aruba Tourism behalf of the Minister of Tourism as a to-
Authority representative Ms. Ms. Marouska ken of appreciation to the guests who visit
Heyliger had the great pleasure in honor- Aruba between the 10-20-35 and more
ing many loyal Aruba visitors with their dis- consecutive year mark.
tinctive certificates. These certificates are The couple loves coming to the island for
a way to say “Masha Danki” for continu- its beautiful weather, the wonderful and
ously choosing Aruba as a favorite vaca- friendly people and the safety of the is-
tion destination. The titles are as following: land.
10+ years “Distinguished Visitor”, 20+ years
“Goodwill Ambassador” and 36+ years Ms. Marouska Heyliger representing the
“Emerald Ambassador”. Aruba Tourism Authority and members
of the Bucuti and Tara Beach Resort be-
The honorees are Dan and Theresa Rosner stowed the Ambassador certification to
from New Jersey who have been honored the honorees, presented them with gifts,
as Goodwill Ambassadors. and also thanked them for choosing Aru-
ba as their favorite vacation destination
This symbolic honorary title is presented on and their home-away-from-home.q
Lessons from our elders:
Plants and fruits for medicinal use (part 2)
tatoes need plenty of wa- pomegranates, but they skin tea can help those that
ter to grow, especially in need enough time to fully suffer from diarrhea. Dried
the first week in the ground. ripen before harvesting, pomegranate skin tea is
It was said that once you otherwise you might end also good for people who
start to notice the ground up with bitter seeds. Pome- have worms. Pomegranate
crack underneath the flow- granate trees are also very flowers can be boiled to
ers, it is time to harvest. This easy to plant. In essence, make a drink and this can
should happen around if you just throw the seeds be used for irritated gums;
month 3. on the ground, they could just take a swig and let the
grow into a tree. tea sit in your mouth for a
(Oranjestad)—In last pressure, it is best not to eat Pomegranate In terms of medicinal use, couple minutes.
week’s edition, we shared too much sweet potato, as Pomegranates are also pomegranate skins are Source: Remedi i Kustum-
with our readers some me- this raises blood pressure. one of the easier fruits to said to have a few benefits ber di nos Bieunan (Medi-
dicinal use for plants and Sweet potatoes are also plant and harvest. Origi- for our health. According cine and Customs of our
fruits, passed down from great for people who work nated from Persia, this to customs, pomegranate Elderly) by Dinah Veeris q
our elders through genera- hard labor jobs, and it’s plant can grow almost ev-
tions. This week, we present been said to be aid blood erywhere. In Aruba, there
two more uses of fruits and circulation in the body, are many homes that have
plants for medicinal use. as well as help those with a tiny or big pomegranate
hemorrhoids or diarrhea. tree. You may be wonder-
Sweet potato Many of our elders opted ing what the difference is
According to our elders, to plant sweet potatoes between a small and big
sweet potato is mostly use- themselves, mostly be- pomegranate tree, for
ful for low blood pressure. cause of how easy it was which the answer is based
People who suffer from low to do so. Cut the end of a on harvest time. Tiny trees
blood pressure were ad- sweet potato let it sit in shal- produce tinier pomegran-
vised to eat sweet potato 2 low water until it starts to ates that can be harvest-
to 3 times a week. Howev- sprout. Then you may plant ed early on. Contrarily,
er, if you have high blood it in the ground. Sweet po- big trees produce bigger