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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 19 april 2023

            Hunger is soaring and spreading across West Africa, says U.N.

            By SAM MEDNICK                                                                                                      fear of reprisals from speak-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ing publicly.
            DAKAR,  Senegal  (AP)  —                                                                                            As  civilians  flee  attacks
            Hunger  is  soaring  and                                                                                            and  militants  expand  their
            spreading  across  West  Af-                                                                                        reach in Burkina Faso, hun-
            rica,  with  some  48  million                                                                                      ger also is spreading across
            people,  a  10-year-high,                                                                                           the  border  to  neighboring
            facing  food  insecurity  in                                                                                        Togo and Benin.
            the  conflict-riddled  region,                                                                                      Nearly 1 million people are
            the United Nations warned                                                                                           expected  to  be  food  in-
            Tuesday.  Driven  primarily                                                                                         secure  in  Benin  and  Togo,
            by  violence  as  well  as  the                                                                                     almost double the number
            economic fallout from CO-                                                                                           from two years earlier, ac-
            VID-19  and  inflation,  food                                                                                       cording  to  the  UN.  For  the
            insecurity  has  heavily  im-                                                                                       first  time,  both  countries
            pacted  Burkina  Faso,  Mali,                                                                                       asked  aid  groups  for  assis-
            Niger, northern Nigeria and                                                                                         tance  in  dealing  with  the
            Mauritania,  U.N.  officials                                                                                        influx  of  displaced  people
            said at a press conference                                                                                          and  refugees.  “We’re  re-
            in Senegal’s capital, Dakar.                                                                                        ally  concerned  with  the
            U.N.  officials  said  that  for                                                                                    coastal countries. If there’s
            the  first  time,  some  45,000                                                                                     not enough done in Burkina
            people in the Sahel region,                                                                                         (Faso), the risk of increasing
            the arid expanse below the   Malnourished children wait for treatment in the pediatrics department of Boulmiougou hospital in   numbers of people having
            Sahara  Desert,  are  on  the   Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on April 15, 2022.                                       to  cross  the  border  to  find
            brink of starvation, one step                                                                      Associated Press   safe  haven  or  livelihood
            away from famine. The vast   Sahel.  ...  In  many  areas,  it  farms  and  lined  the  roads  town  in  the  east  that  has   opportunities   because
            majority facing catastroph-  is  getting  much  more  diffi-  with  explosives,  making  it  been  under  blockade  for   they cannot use their land
            ic levels of hunger, 42,000,   cult for families to find nutri-  hard for residents to move  more than a year told The   or their livestock have been
            are in Burkina Faso, the of-  tious food to eat, especially  freely  and  forcing  aid  Associated Press.           attacked  will  increase,”
            ficials reported.            where we have communi-       agencies  to  fly  in  food  as-  A  few  aid  groups  have   said Alexandre Le Cuziat, a
            “The  situation  is  worrying,”   ties under blockade.”   sistance, which is costly.   managed  to  provide  rice,   senior  emergency  advisor
            said  Ann  Defraye,  a  re-  Violence linked to al-Qaida  People  living  in  besieged  oil and beans, but women    for the World Food Program
            gional nutrition specialist for   and the Islamic State group  towns  in  Burkina  Faso  say  can’t grind millet  because   in West and Central Africa.
            UNICEF in West and Central   has  ravaged  both  Burkina  they’re  struggling  to  sur-  there’s no gas and people   “There’s  still  a  prevention
            Africa. “Last year, we saw a   Faso and Mali for years.   vive.                        can’t  leave  the  town  be-  window  in  the  coastal
            large increase (31%) in the   Jihadis  have  blockaded  “We  don’t  have  enough  cause it’s surrounded by ji-      countries,  but  it’s  closing
            numbers of children admit-   dozens  of  villages  in  the  food. People eat what they  hadis, the resident said. He   fast. We saw it close fast in
            ted to health facilities with   region,  cut  off  access  to  get,” a resident of Pama, a  would not give his name for   the Sahel,” Le Cuziat said.q
            severe  wasting  across  the

            Clinton optimistic Northern Ireland govt will be revived

            By JILL LAWLESS              tionalist parties.           border  between  Northern  ruary  to  remove  many  of  the  devolved  institutions
            Associated Press             The  DUP  walked  out  more  Ireland and the rest of the  the border checks.           and get on with the job of
            BELFAST,  Northern  Ireland  than  a  year  ago  to  pro-  U.K. It has refused to return,  Clinton  said  the  deal,  delivering for the people of
            (AP)  —  Former  U.S.  Presi-  test  post-Brexit  trade  rules  despite a deal reached by  known  as  the  Windsor  Northern Ireland.”
            dent  Bill  Clinton  said  Tues-  that  imposed  a  customs  the U.K. and the EU in Feb-  Framework,  had  gone  a  “The  biggest  threat  to
            day he was optimistic that                                                             long  way  to  resolving  the  Northern Ireland’s place in
            one  of  Northern  Ireland’s                                                           political impasse.           the union is failing to deliver
            main political parties would                                                           “So  I  expect  that,  in  the  on these priorities,” he told
            soon  end  a  boycott  that                                                            not  too  distant  future,  the  a Good Friday Agreement
            has kept the regional gov-                                                             barriers  to  bringing  up  the  commemoration   confer-
            ernment  on  ice  for  more                                                            government     again   will  ence in Belfast.
            than a year.                                                                           be  removed,”  he  told  the  The  political  impasse  has
            Clinton  said  he  had  met                                                            BBC.  “Because  everybody  left  Northern  Ireland’s  civil
            with  Democratic  Unionist                                                             knows  that  economically,  servants running a skeleton
            Party  leader  Jeffrey  Don-                                                           socially   and   politically,  caretaker   government,
            aldson on Monday, and “I                                                               they  would  be  worse  off  if  with no politicians in place
            left that meeting more opti-                                                           they packed it in over the  to make big decisions amid
            mistic than I entered it.”                                                             current  level  of  disagree-  a cost-of-living crisis and a
            Clinton is in Belfast this week                                                        ment.”                       creaking public health ser-
            to mark 25 years since the                                                             U.K.  Northern  Ireland  Sec-  vice.
            Good  Friday  Agreement                                                                retary  Chris  Heaton-Harris  The  other  parties  in  the
            ended decades of sectar-     From  left,  former  British  Prime  Minister  Tony  Blair,  former  US   also  urged  the  DUP  to  go  Northern  Ireland  Assembly
            ian  bloodshed.  The  deal   President Bill Clinton, and former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern attend   back   into   government,  have expressed frustration,
            established   a   Northern   an event marking the 25th anniversary of the Belfast Good Friday   saying  those  who  valued  but  Donaldson  said  Tues-
            Ireland  government  with    Agreement  at  Queen’s  University  Belfast,  Northern  Ireland,   Northern Ireland’s place in  day  that  his  party  would
            power  shared  between       Monday, April 17, 2023.                                   the United Kingdom should  not  be  “browbeaten  into
            British unionist and Irish na-                                        Associated Press   “put  the  union  first,  restore  submission.”q
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