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                                                                                                           local Friday 17 February 2023

            Jerwin Giel 8 years after cancer diagnosis:

            “I want to be an inspiration for others”

            (Oranjestad)—The     world                                                                                          Giel said.
            celebrated  World  Cancer                                                                                           He remembers the first time
            Day this past Saturday. This                                                                                        his hair starting to fall off. He
            is  a  day  to  raise  aware-                                                                                       recalls that he was in class,
            ness  and  prevention  for                                                                                          and he decided the same
            a  disease  that  many  lose                                                                                        day to shave it off. Giel told
            their lives to and that others                                                                                      the newspaper about one
            overcome and keep fight-                                                                                            of  his  fond  memories  dur-
            ing.                                                                                                                ing  the  new  year,  where
                                                                                                                                they let him light a firework
            Jerwin Giel is one a young                                                                                          outside the hospital parking
            man  who  around  8  years                                                                                          lot.  “During  the  process,  I
            ago,  had  to  confront  the                                                                                        would see the positive and
            hardest challenge of his life                                                                                       I stayed a happy person on
            when  he  was  diagnosed                                                                                            the outside, but inside I was
            with  cancer.  In  an  inter-                                                                                       actually  becoming  miser-
            view  with  Bon  Dia  Aruba,                                                                                        able,” he remarked.
            he  shared  his  story  and                                                                                         After  he  finished  chemo,
            provided in sight on his life                                                                                       Giel shared that he thought
            after his fight with testicular                                                                                     he was done, but two days
            cancer at a young age.                                                                                              later he was informed that
            Giel  said  that  everything                                                                                        he had to go to The Nether-
            started with a simple back                                                                                          lands to operate. They did
            pain. He was in and out of                                                                                          not  tell  him  what  type  of
            the doctor’s office and re-                                                                                         operation  it  was  in  Aruba,
            ceived  many  medications                                                                                           but he found out when he
            for  this  pain,  but  nothing                                                                                      arrived in The Netherlands.
            seemed to work.                                                                                                     “They  told  me  that  they
            After that, he realized that                                                                                        would have to open me up
            his  sperm  production  be-                                                                                         to remove all of my lymph
            came  scarce,  and  during                                                                                          nodes,  because  they  had
            one of his usual work outs,                                                                                         became  a  teratoma.  That
            he felt a pain he had never                                                                                         meant  that  they  found
            felt  before.  In  that  same                                                                                       teeth,  hair,  nails  etc.,”  he
            week,  Giel  said  that  he                                                                                         stated.
            went to the doctor and ex-                                                                                          Giel  remarked  that  right
            plained his entire dilemma.                                                                                         before he entered the op-
            “When the doctor assessed                                                                                           eration  room,  he  cried  for
            me, his eyes widened after                                                                                          the first time. “I cried a lot,
            I told him I had been expe-                                                                                         and I just couldn’t stop, no
            riencing back pain for sev-                                                                                         matter how hard I tried. The
            eral months now,” he said.                                                                                          nurses  asked  me  to  calm
            He  continued  by  saying                                                                                           down, but I was hysterical;
            that  his  general  practitio-  He indicated.             that  became  something  I  the good ones,” He added.     I  just  had  to  let  everything
            ner sent him to Dr. Moreta  Giel  explained  that  at  the  looked forward to. It was a  In terms of the physical ef-  out.”
            and asked him to do some  same  time,  the  doctor  way to make it bearable,”  fects  of  the  chemo,  he  Giel  highlighted  that  even
            blood work and make a CT  told  him  to  get  ready  to  he recalled.                  said that he felt them right  though  he  told  his  jour-
            scan of his back. However,  go  stay  in  the  hospital,  as  He shared that his body did  away.  From  his  first  day  of  ney  from  his  perspective,
            Giel, young and rebellious,  they  would  be  operating  not react badly to the first  chemo, he noticed that his  with  a  strong  and  positive
            did not follow through with  the next day to remove the  two  rounds  of  chemo.  He  ears  started  ringing,  like  a  mindset,  he  remarks  that
            all his orders.              tumor.  After  his  operation,  did  however  start  to  feel  firework went off right next  he  could  not  have  gone
            “I  still  remember  the  date,  Giel  spent  Christmas  with  sick  during  the  third  cycle.  to  you.  To  this  day,  he  still  through  it  all  without  his
            13  or  16  of  December  I  his family at home and had  He  noticed  his  hair  falling  experiences this ringing.   supportive  system.  “I  will
            was in class and Dr. Moreta  to undergo chemotherapy  out and his lack of energy.  “I  see  it  as  selective  hear-  forever be grateful for God
            called  to ask  where I  was.  treatment the next week.   “The chemo was so strong  ing now. Whenever I don’t  and their help. I want to be
            He  told  me  to  go  to  the  Every  chemo  cycle  took  that  I  would  taste  it  in  my  want to listen to someone,  inspiration  for  others.  With
            hospital  and  take  some  21  days,  and  Giel  had  to  mouth and smell it whenev-   I  just  pretend  that  I  can’t  a  strong  mindset,  you  can
            pictures  and  bring  them  undergo  4  in  total.  He  in-  er I went to the bathroom.  hear  them.  Again,  trying  face  any  obstacle  that
            to him. That’s when I knew  dicated  that  for  5  days  It kills the bad cells, but also  to see the good in all this,”  comes your way.”q
            that something was off,” he  straight,  he  had  chemo.
            remarked.                    During  those  5  days,  he
            After taking his pictures, he  had to stay in the hospital
            went  by  the  doctor’s  of-  and receive three bags of
            fice  and  that  is  where  he  chemo.  Fridays  were  al-
            received the news that he  ways the hardest.
            had  stage  3-4  testicular  “I always look for the good
            cancer.  “I  told  him  to  tell  in  bad  situations,  and  I
            my  family,  because  I’m  a  found  out  that  on  chemo
            joker,  and  they  wouldn’t  day  they  give  you  what-
            believe me if I told them,”  ever  you  want  to  eat,  so
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