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                   Friday 17 February 2023

            The Hilton makes a generous donation to FPNC

            Palm  Beach—The  Hilton                                                                                             been  active  ever  since.  It
            Aruba  Caribbean  Resort                                                                                            played  a  major  role  dur-
            &  Casino  introduced  the                                                                                          ing  the  pandemic  when  it
            festive season Tree of Giv-                                                                                         distributed  care  packages
            ing  in  2020,  as  a  way  to                                                                                      to over 6000 families in the
            give  back  to  the  commu-                                                                                         community.
            nity  during  the  pandemic.
            Guests could contribute to                                                                                          Headquartered  at  club
            the Tree of Giving, situated                                                                                        Kibrahacha, in the heart of
            in  the  Aruba  Tower  Lobby,                                                                                       the  island,  FPNC  currently
            by purchasing a poinsettia                                                                                          supports 250 families, down
            plant throughout the month                                                                                          from 500 last year. This is due
            of December. All proceeds                                                                                           to  significant  reduction  in
            collected would go directly                                                                                         island donations along with
            to assist island’s food bank                                                                                        the higher priced goods as
            FPNC,  Fundacion  Pa  Nos                                                                                           a result of inflation. Thus, Hil-
            Comunidad,  www.fpnca-                                                                                              ton’s donation comes at a
                                                                                                             time to help the foundation
                                                                                                                                maintain their commitment
            Continuing  the  meaning-                                                                                           to these local families.q
            ful tradition for its third year
            in a row, Hilton Aruba was  December 2022. A total of  Fundacion Pa Nos Comuni-
            eager  to  spread  cheer  Awg 4,361.00.                   dad  was  founded  in  2009,   Aruba to me
            last month, decorating the                                following  Gandhi’s  view
            resort with the Tree of Giv-  Throughout the month, the  that  poverty  is  the  worst
            ing.  Just  recently,  the  re-  resort matched guest con-  form of violence.
            sort  presented  Gianaika  tributions on various dates,
            v/d  Biezen,  director  FPNC,  maximizing  the  total  col-  The foundation runs a food
            and her team, with a gen-    lected donations.            bank, a clothing bank and
            erous  amount  collected  in                              a  furniture  bank,  and  has

                                                                                                   ORANJESTAD  —  You  are  nies  to  use  said  materials,
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                                                                                                   Isn’t that a special way to  Pope.
                                                                                                   keep  your  best  moments
                                                                                                   alive?  Please  do  note:  By  He wrote to us saying; “Aru-
                                                                                                   submitting  photos,  text  or  ba to me is heaven!”
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                                                                                                   ba Today Newspaper, Ca-      wonderful message sharing
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