Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210512
P. 30

A30    world news
                     Diaranson 12 Mei 2021

                            School shooting in Russia kills 9 people; suspect arrested

            MOSCOW (AP) — A gun-         dead Tuesday — including  windows.                        Another video depicted shat-  attack, Putin ordered author-
            man  launched  an  attack  seven  youngsters  —  and                                   tered  windows,  a  stream  of  ities  to  tighten  control  over
            on  a  school  in  the  Rus-  sent students running out  At least 21 others were hospi-  smoke  coming  out  of  one,  gun  ownership.  But  most
            sian  city  of  Kazan  that  of  the  building  as  smoke  talized, six in extremely grave  and  the  sound  of  gunfire.  of  the  proposed  legislative
            left  at  least  nine  people  poured  from  one  of  the  condition, authorities said.  Dozens of ambulances lined  changes  were  turned  down
                                                                                                   up at the entrance.          by the parliament or the gov-
                                                                      The attacker, identified only                             ernment,  the  Kommersant
                                                                      as a 19-year-old, was arrested,  Russian  media  said  while  newspaper reported.
                                                                      officials  said.  They  gave  no  some  students  were  able  to
                                                                      immediate  details  on  a  mo-  escape,  others  were  trapped  Russian lawmaker Alexander
                                                                      tive.                        inside during the ordeal.    Khinshtein said on Telegram
                                                                                                                                that the suspect in the Kazan
                                                                      But  Russian  media  said  the  Authorities said the 21 hospi-  attack received a permit for a
                                                                      gunman was a former student  talized included 18 children.  shotgun less than two weeks
                                                                      at the school who called him-                             ago  and  that  the  school  had
                                                                      self "a god" on his account on  Authorities announced a day  no security aside from a panic
                                                                      the  messaging  app  Telegram  of  mourning  on  Wednes-  button.
                                                                      and promised to "kill a large  day  and  canceled  all  classes
                                                                      amount  of  biomass"  on  the  in  Kazan  schools.  Authori-  Authorities  in  Tatarstan  or-
                                                                      morning of the shooting.     ties  tightened  security  at  all  dered checks on all gun own-
                                                                                                   schools  in  the  city  of  about  ers in the region.
                                                                      Attacks on schools are rare in  1.2 million people, 430 miles
                                                                      Russia,  and  President  Vladi-  (700 kilometers) east of Mos-  Putin  extended  condolences
                                                                      mir Putin reacted by ordering  cow.                       to  the  families  of  the  vic-
                                                                      the head of the country's Na-                             tims  and  ordered  the  gov-
                                                                      tional Guard to revise regula-  The  deadliest  school  attack  ernment  to  give  them  all
                                                                      tions on the types of weapons  in Russia took place in 2004  necessary  assistance.  Rus-
                                                                      allowed for civilian use.    in  the  city  of  Beslan,  when  sian  officials  promised  to
                                                                                                   Islamic  militants  took  more  pay families 1 million rubles
                                                                      Four  boys  and  three  girls,  1,000 people hostage for sev-  (roughly  $13,500)  each  and
                                                                      all  eighth-graders,  died,  as  eral days. The siege ended in  give  200,000  to  400,000  ru-
                                                                      well as a teacher and another  gunfire and explosions, leav-  bles  ($2,700-$5,400)  to  the
                                                                      school  employee,  said  Rus-  ing 334 dead, more than half  wounded.
                                                                      tam  Minnikhanov,  governor  of them children.
                                                                      of  the  Tatarstan  republic,                             The  Kremlin  sent  a  plane
                                                                      where Kazan is the capital.  In  2018,  a  teenager  killed  with  doctors  and  medical
                                                                                                   20  people  at  his  vocational  equipment to Kazan, and the
                                                                      Footage  released  by  Rus-  school before killing himself  country's  health  and  educa-
                                                                      sian  media  showed  students  in  Kerch,  a  city  in  the  Rus-  tion ministers headed to the
                                                                      dressed  in  black  and  white  sian-annexed  peninsula  of  region.
                                                                      running out of the building.  Crimea. In the wake of that

                            Business group warns China boycotts spooking investors

            BEIJING  (AP)  —  An  state  media  criticized  them  cern,  while  7%  said  it  was  ber  said  only  12%  reported  el of any industry. That find-
            American  business  group  for expressing concern about  decreasing  their  willingness  conditions  had  deteriorated,  ing comes at a time when the
            warned Tuesday that gov-     reports of possible forced la-  to invest.                the lowest level since 2015.   ruling  Communist  Party  is
            ernment-instigated  con-     bor  by  ethnic  minorities  in                                                        using subsidies, market barri-
            sumer boycotts of foreign  the  Xinjiang  region  of  Chi-  Despite  that,  half  the  com-  The Chamber noted that 27%  ers and informal pressure on
            shoe,  clothing  and  other  na's northwest.              panies surveyed said China's  of information and computer  companies  to  try  to  develop
            brands in China are mak-                                  investment  environment  is  technology  companies  said  its own high-tech industries.
            ing companies less willing  The American Chamber said  improving, while 38% said it  investment  conditions  were
            to invest.                   78%  of  companies  that  re-  stayed the same. The Cham-  deteriorating, the highest lev-
                                         sponded  to  its  survey  cited
            That is adding to anxiety over  "rising  tensions"  between
            Beijing's plan for a list of "un-  Beijing  and  Washington  as
            reliable entities" that might be  their top concern.
            punished for actions deemed
            to run counter to Chinese in-  Beijing announced plans for
            terests, the American Cham-  its  "unreliable  entities"  list
            ber  of  Commerce  in  China  in  2019  after  then-President
            said  in  an  annual  report  on  Donald  Trump  blocked  ac-
            business conditions.         cess to U.S. components and
                                         technology for Chinese tech
            The  report  reflects  grow-  giant  Huawei  Technologies
            ing unease among American  Ltd. Officials have yet to say
            and other foreign companies  which  companies  might  be
            about  the  impact  of  eco-  on the list or disclose the cri-
            nomic and strategic tensions  teria for being included.
            between  Beijing  and  their
            home countries.              Concern about the list is "ag-
                                         gravated  by  consumer  boy-
            Brands  including  Swedish  cotts  instigated  by  official
            retailer  H&M,  Adidas  and  organizations  and  through
            Nike  have  been  targeted  by  Chinese  media,"  the  Cham-
            demands online for consum-   ber  said.  It  said  one  in  five
            er boycotts. That came after  companies  expressed  con-
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