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sports Diaranson 12 Mei 2021
Dombrowski wins his 1st stage, De Marchi takes Giro lead
SESTOLA, Italy (AP) — American Filippo Fiorelli was third, 27 seconds behind
cyclist Joseph Dombrowski held off Dombrowski at the end of a wet and windy
the rest of the breakaway pack to win 187-kilometer (116-mile) ride through the
the fourth stage of the Giro d'Italia on Apennines from Piacenza to Sestola.
Tuesday for his first victory in a Grand
Tour, and Alessandro De Marchi took De Marchi took over the lead from Filippo
the leader's pink jersey. Ganna, who had led the the Giro since win-
ning the time trial that opened the race on
Dombrowski, who rides for UAE Team Saturday. The 34-year-old De Marchi has a
Emirates, attacked on the first uphill finish 22-second advantage over Dombrowski and
of this year's race and crossed the line 12 42 seconds over third-place Louis Vervaeke.
seconds ahead of De Marchi.
João Almeida was one of the favorites to
It was the 29-year-old Dombrowski's first win the Giro after leading the race for 15
pro win outside of the United States. days last year but his chances are all but
over after losing more than four minutes
"I was feeling good in the last 50K and was on Tuesday.
just trying not to do too much work and be
conservative, because I knew the last climb Wednesday's fifth stage is a flat and straight
was really a tough one," Dombrowski said. 177-kilometer (110-mile) route from
"I was able to get a gap, and it wasn't enough Modena to Cattolica on the Adriatic coast.
for the pink jersey but I think the stage win
is a nice way to finish the day." The Giro finishes on May 30 in Milan with
an individual time trial.
Tokyo Olympic torch relay pulled off streets in Hiroshima
TOKYO (AP) — The To- weeks before the opening the relay is likely to still take ing ceremony of the Olym-
kyo Olympic torch relay ceremony. place. This is at least the sixth pics. Tokyo and other areas International Olympic Pres-
is being pulled off the change to the relay — from are under a state of emergen- ident Thomas Bach was
streets in Hiroshima pre- Hiroshima Governor Hide- rerouting to cancellation — cy until May 31. forced this week to call off a
fecture as COVID-19 cas- hiko Yuzaki said that a cer- in the last several weeks. trip to Hiroshima to greet the
es rise in Japan barely 10 emony next week without Japan has attributed about torch, an embarrassing move
Organizers warned before 11,000 deaths to COVID-19, with the IOC and local orga-
the relay began that changes but new cases of the virus and nizers saying the Olympics
and delays were expected in its variants are now increas- will be "safe and secure" for
the face of the pandemic. ing in Tokyo and the second fans and athletes.
largest metropolitan area of
"It is certain there will be no Osaka. Yuzaki said the cases were ris-
relay on public streets since ing at such a rapid pace that
we are all trying to reduce The relay is heavily spon- it could become an emer-
going out, and how to do the sored by Toyota and Coca- gency situation unless people
ceremony without the relay Cola and has proceeded de- curbed their activities.
on the streets is still being spite some calls a year ago to
discussed with the organiz- cancel it to save money. It in- On Monday, Japan's Kyodo
ers," Yuzaki said Monday. volves 10,000 runners criss- news agency reported that
crossing Japan with organiz- Hyogo and Okayama prefec-
The relay began on March 25 ers trying to keep crowds off tures will also take the torch
in northeastern Japan and is the streets and urging them relay off public streets.
to end on July 23 at the open- to maintain social distancing.
Baffert: Antifungal meds given to Medina Spirit had steroid
BALTIMORE (AP) — horses therapeutically to help cograms, could be consistent olation in the past 13 months ther Medina Spirit or Con-
Kentucky Derby winner their joints and is a violation with application of this type for Baffert, a two-time Triple cert Tour would give Baffert
Medina Spirit was treated even at a trace amount on of ointment." Crown-winning trainer and a record eighth victory in that
with an antifungal oint- race day in Kentucky. the face of the sport. Win- race, breaking a tie with 19th-
ment containing the ste- Baffert said at a news con- ning the Preakness with ei- century trainer R.W. Walden.
roid betamethasone that Regardless of the reason, ference Sunday at Churchill
may have caused the horse Medina Spirit would be dis- Downs that he did not know
to fail a postrace drug test, qualified from the Derby how the substance made its
trainer Bob Baffert said and Mandaloun named the way into the colt's system.
Tuesday. winner if a second round of
testing shows the presence of "Medina Spirit earned his
In a statement issued by his betamethasone. Kentucky Derby win, and my
lawyer, Baffert said Medina pharmacologists have told
Spirit was treated for derma- "My investigation is continu- me that 21 picograms of be-
titis with the ointment once ing, and we do not know for tamethasone would have had
a day leading up to the May sure if this ointment was the no effect on the outcome of
1 race and that equine phar- cause of the test results, or if the race," Baffert said. "Medi-
macology experts have told the test results are even ac- na Spirit is a deserved cham-
him this could explain the curate, as they have yet to pion, and I will continue to
test results. Baffert said the be confirmed by the split fight for him."
horse tested positive for 21 sample," Baffert said. "I have
picograms of the substance, been told that a finding of a Medina Spirit's failed drug
which is typically given to small amount, such as 21 pi- test is the fifth medication vi-