Page 7 - aruba-today-20221216
P. 7

                                                                                                           local Friday 16 december 2022
            Results of investigation

            on financial misconduct

            at Aruba House heard in


            ORANJESTAD  –  A  year  af-  over there and they all told
            ter  members  of  Parliament  me they didn’t write the e-
            requested  the  complete  mail”, she said.
            report  on  the  investigation
            of  the  Central  Accounting  But  in  September  2021  an
            Service  (CAD)  on  allega-  e-mail  with  proof  was  re-
            tions  of  financial  miscon-  ceived, and the prime min-
            duct by ex-Plenipotenciary  ister  said  she  immediately
            Minister  of  Aruba  in  the  contacted  CAD  and  DRH
            Netherlands,  members  of  and  the  Council  of  Minis-  ba House.  The government  The investigation found ex-    commented  that  when-
            the  Wever-Croes  Cabinet  ters to discuss the topic and   changed the top of Aruba  penses  for  lodging,  gaso-   ever public funds are used,
            together with the director of  immediately start an inves-  House.  The  investigation  line and meals, which were  information  needs  to  be
            CAD  presented  the  results  tigation  on  Aruba  House.   continued,  and  the  gov-  already covered by a daily  provided.
            of this investigation to Par-  The  government  also  sent   ernment introduced neces-  stipend, thus the ex-minister
            liament.                     a delegation to the Nether-  sary changes to avoid that  was  receiving  money  in  Nevertheless,      according
                                         lands to ensure that every-  the  financial  misconduct  his  pocket  while  using  the  to our reporter, it is unlikely
            On  Tuesday,  13th  of  De-  thing  found  in  the  investi-  continued, she said.     card to cover the expenses  that  the  ex-minister  will  be
            cember,  prime  minister  of  gation to be wrong, would                                the  money  was  intended  prosecuted. This is because
            Aruba,  Mrs.  Evelyn  Wever-  be right from then on.      Preliminary    conclusions  to  cover.  Some  of  these  the  prime  minister  indicat-
            Croes, Mr. Roland Pang of                                 back then indicated three  expenses, according to Mr.  ed  that  he  has  agreed  to
            CAD  and  Mr.  Gilbert  Wer-  Their first impression at Aru-  people  were  involved  do-  Pang, were incurred in pe-  pay back the money going
            net  of  the  Department  of  ba  House  was  that  there   ing  things  that  “were  con-  riods when the minister was  back  18  months,  and  thus
            Human  Resources  (DRH)  was  a  need  for  reinforce-    sidered normal in the past”,  not in service, namely dur-  the Public Prosecution Ser-
            were  in  Parliament  during  ment  in  the  beginning  of   as  they  argued  in  their  ing vacations.            vice will not open a penal
            a public meeting to give in-  2022. The Government sent   defense.  In  the  past,  such                            case against him.
            formation regarding the in-  a  delegation  consisting  of   misconduct  regularly  took  The  investigation  also  un-
            vestigation at Aruba House  one  person  from  DRH  and   place.                       covered    irregularities   in  Opposition  members  criti-
            in The Hague. Wever-Croes  a budget coordinator from                                   payments  for  dinners  and  cized  the  way  in  which
            said in a press release that  her  ministry.  Because  Aru-  Mr.  Pang  said  that  the  in-  lunches. CAD noted that a  the  information  was  pre-
            “this  is  a  topic  that  gar-  ba  House  is  in  the  Nether-  vestigation  focused  on  ir-  large sum was being spent  sented,  requesting  for  the
            nered  a  lot  of  attention  lands, their financial system   regularities  found  with  the  on this compared to previ-  entire  (redacted)  report
            since it started, even politi-  is different and they did not   use  of  a  pin-card,  where  ous years. Furthermore, Mr.  to  be  provided  to  Parlia-
            cal attention in Parliament  have immediate access to     they noticed a large num-    Pang  said  that  previous  ment. They also questioned
            and  in  various  occasions  I  all information, she said.   ber  of  transactions.  After  ministers  would  regularly  the  period  covered  in  the
            received letters from Parlia-                             evaluating   these,   they  provide  information  about  investigation  –  18  months
            ment asking for more infor-  Wever-Croes      indicated   identified  public  servants  these  meals,  for  example,  – asking why the investiga-
            mation.  The  Government  that the preliminary conclu-    involved  in  the  expenses.  who  was  invited  or  who  tion did not cover the entire
            said  that  it  is  important  to  sion from this visit after CAD   The  investigation  focused  they  sat  with  and  which  mandate of the ex-minister.
            carry  out  the  investigation  was  quite  advanced  with   on the last 18 months, cov-  topics   were   discussed.  Pang  indicated  that  they
            and to not hinder it.”       their investigation was that   ering 22,000 euros spent us-  However,  the  ex-minister  worked  with  the  informa-
                                         the  government  needs  to   ing a pin-card.              in  question  refused  to  pro-  tion they had available.q
            Wever-Croes  said  that  the  introduce  change  to  Aru-                              vide this information. Pang
            decision to open an inves-
            tigation  began  with  an  e-
            mail  she  received  in  Sep-
            tember  2021  addressed
            to  the  Council  of  Ministers
            and some MPs, mentioning
            possible  irregularities  alleg-
            edly taking place at Aruba
            House. “Indeed there were
            rumors  before  this.  It  was
            an anonymous e-mail that I
            received a few months ear-
            lier, in May 2021. An e-mail
            saying it is from a group of
            personnel of Aruba House.
            Right away I got in contact
            with them and asked them
            to  provide  proof  of  what
            they were saying because
            then  I  could  take  action
            and  investigate.  Regretta-
            bly  no  reply  came.  I  con-
            tacted people that I knew
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