P. 47
Diabierna, 16 Februari 2018 AWEMainta 47
“Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart
Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega. Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega. that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad and a soul
E ta hibami na awa trankil, Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. that never loses faith in God.
E ta hibami na awa trankil, Salmo: 23
Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. Saddened but very grateful for all her unconditional love for us,
Cu inmenso tristeza y dolor na mi curason, pero we announce the passing away of our beloved wife, mother,
Salmo: 23 conforme cu boluntad di Dios, nos ta participa fayeci- grandmother, aunt, sister and friend.
mento di mi esposo y ruman stima:
Cu inmenso tristesa na nos curason pero conforme Johanna Caterina
boluntad di Dios, nos ta participa cu a fayece Matthew –
cristianamente: Mac-Jannet
Sr. Julian better known as “Jane”
Elias Pers * 22 December 1947 - † 07 February 2018
Mihor conoci como “Eli” of “Janchi” Daughter of † Carolus & † Daisy Mac-Jannet – Stakenborough
Left to mourn are her:
*16-02-1960 - †10-02-2018
Husband: U.D. Nigel Matthew
Na nomber di su: Children: Timothy (Tim) Matthew & Sharlin Croes
Marlon Matthew & Chanina Hermanus
Sra Esposa stima : Arline (Samantha) Pers-Henriquez Jill & Rodymar Geerman-Matthew
Grandchildren: Chloë, Meghan & Aidan Matthew
Francisco Giel Sobrina : Dyanna Henriquez y famia Gideon, Nathan & Yahr-Lon Matthew
Jillian, Jady-Ann & Jaydah Geerman
Mihor conoci como: “Frans” of “Nas” Yiunan sin dolor : Quishon y Tishon Jones
*29-01-1936 - †12-02-2018 Brothers & Sisters:Florese, Raymond &
Mama : †Catharina Pers-Tromp Nelly Richardson – Bregita & family
† Oswald & Carmen Richardson – Trinidad & family
Tata : †Jose Pers Jeannette & Rupert Richardson & family
Wilhelmina (Wil) Mac-Jannet & family
Rumannan : Theresita de Cuba, esposo y famia Marijke Mac-Jannet & family
† Anthonius (Tony) Mac-Jannet & family
Na nomber di su: Gala Flanegin y famia na Hulanda Lucy Mac-Jannet & family
Diana Mac-Jannet
Esposa: Tinina “Cristina” Cruz Lilia Pers y famia
Brothers & Sisters in law:†Bernice & Graziano, Ernest (Hugh)&
Rudi Pers, esposa y famia Patsy, Earon, Eric & Inez, Joy
Yiunan: Annie Giel y Joseph Wernet Mayra Flanegin y famia Nephews & Nieces: Marcia, Eddy, Haime, Simon, Richenella,
Ivelisse “Maritsa” Giel y Jose Sarita Xavier, Jemal, Denise, Giselle, Ruella, Murielle, Alexandra
Miossotys Giel Daniel Pers y famia (Andra), Anthony (Andy), Marc, Igmar, Carlene
Godchildren: Haime, Alexandra (Andra), Igmar
Suegro y suegra stima : Chen Henriquez y esposa
Sister friends: Elly, Annie, Carlien, Yolanda , Cresie
Nieta(o)an stima: Meryanne Giel y Osmo Gomez, Nia Figaroa-Henriquez Cousins: Johanna (Joke) & Henry, Mercedes,† Imelda,
Saira Giel, Jeremy Wernet y Rosita, Brenda, Glenda, Bernadette, Sandra, Dorothy,
Isairy Sarita Swa y cuñanan, sobrina y sobrinonan, prima y primo- Fernando, Judith
nan, ihanan mucho pa menshona Care taker: Nadine Mark
Family & friends: Matthew, Mac-Jannet, Croes, Hermanus,
Bisanieta stima: Osienne Giel, Comper y comernan : Wendell de Leeuw y famia Cristina, Geerman, de Cuba, Laclé, Van Leeuwaarde,
Petrocchi, Tromp, Maduro, Delgado, Lassiter, Bregita, Trinidad,
Pedro Tromp y famia Richardson, Huisman, Roosenhoff, Soemers, Alt, Danjo,
Vishnudatt, Berhgbom, White, Elliot, Chacuto, Mathew, Knegt,
Rumannan: †Leonardo y Anita Giel Christina Tromp y famia Massaro ,Van Gellecum, Benesia, Noldus, Fun, Burke,
Jozef “Chepy” y Rafaela Giel Nijbroek, Ho-A-Sjoe, Wijngaarde, de Vries, Boekhoudt,
†Hosé Giel Ayudantenan : Sra. Liz Schaap y Sra. Nia Henriquez Benjamin, Heinze, Moreta, Samuels, Sint Jago, Musson, Van
Filomena “Mena” Giel Stroe, Schoop, Pietersz, Muller, Ridderstap, Holsman, Rafine,
†Alfonso y Graciela Giel Terapista : Adriana Kipp Donata, Gooskens, Benisia, Nisbeth, Van Doornspeek,
Vicente “Chen” y Maria Giel Vrolijk, Hagenaars, Weller, Nijland, De Lange, Kelly, Winklaar,
Amiga(o)nan di cas: Edwin Kelly y famia Martijn, Vijber, De Freitas, McKie, Falby, Da Santos, Le Grand,
Van Hemert, Arrindel, Domima
Sita Wolff
The funeral will take place on February 16th, 2018 at 4.30pm at
Ilsa Paesch y Eugene Leañez the Pro Cathedral San Fransisco in Oranjestad and from there
to the Catholic Cementary at Caya Ernesto Petronia. The body
Magda Tromp will be laid out from 3.00pm at the Pro- Cathedral San Franisco.
Sobrino(a)nan: Richard, John, Aldrin, Armando, Julie, Melissa Eustatia-de Palm Address for condolences on February 15th, 2018 at Royal
Magaly, Soraida, Lissette, Luella, Zahaira y Vincent Funeral Home, Cumana 44 from 6pm to 9pm
Bon Bisiñanan: Mariano Werleman y famia Tambe di su ex-coleganan di Biblioteca National, St. Instead of wreaths and flowers we prefer e a donation for the
Su bon amigo: Robert Ignacio y famia Dominicus College, Colegio Bon Bini “”. There will be a donation box
Rolando “Cambochi” Tromp Colegio Laura Wernet Paskel, Comishon di Carnaval di at Royal Funeral Home and in the Pro-Cathedral San Fransisco.
CBN, Domino di CBN, Aruba Softball Bond, Umpirenan,
Demas famia: Giel, Cruz, Tromp, Boekhoudt, Ridder- Team Softball MPR Decos, North Eagle Stars, Baseball y We respectfully request no condolences at home after the
staat, Figaroa, Kelly, Wernet, Wolff, Khalil, Irausquin, Seso Sport Raspa Coco. funeral.
Perez, Werleman, Kock, Bislick, Sarita y Gomez
Primo y primanan, demás famia y conocirnan na Demas famia: Pers, Henriquez, Tromp, Flanegin, de Please accept our apologies if during our grief we forgot to
Repuublica Dominicana y U.S.A. cuba, Figaroa, de Leeuw, Kelly, Giel, Gomez, Pom, mention any family or friend.
Geerman, Jacobs, Ignacio, van der Jagt, Nedd,
Nos disculpa si den nos tristesa por a lubida un of Maduro, Paesch Leañez, Eustatia y de Palm
mas famia, conocir of amigo
Ta invita pa asisiti na acto di entiero cu lo tuma lugar
Condolencia lo tuma lugar na Turibana # 27, diaran- diasabra 17 di februari 2018 for di 2’or pa 4’or di atardi
son 14 di februari 2018 di 7’or pa 9’or di anochi. na Misa Sta. Anna na Noord despues ta sali pa Santana
Catolico na Noord.
Acto di entiero lo tuma lugar diabierna 16 di februari Oportunidad pa condolencia lo tuma lugar na Royal
2018 pa 4’or di atardi na misa Santa Anna na Noord y Funeral Home diabierna 16 di februari 2018 for di 7’or
despues ta Sali pa Santana catolico na Noord. Nos pa 9’or di anochi.
defunto stima “Frans” lo ta reposa for di 2’or di atardi
den misa.
Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero nos no por ricibi Lo tin un box disponibel pa un donashon pa fundashon
bishita di condolencia na cas. Wilhelmina Kanker Fonds.
Nos ta pidi nos disculpa si den nos tristesa nos por a
lubida un of otro famia of conocirnan.
Despues di entiero no ta ricibi bishita di condolencia na