P. 3
LOCALDiasabra 13 Juni 2015
Saludo di 21 tiro
Gobernador Interino, di stacion S.M. Van Ams- tiro na bandera di Reino, cu a Na e momento aki S.M. Van estrecho cu Warda Costa di
A.A. (Ella) Tromp-Yar- tel. keda contesta cu 21 tiro for di Amstel ta mara den haf di Teritorio di Caribe y por uza
zagaray, a ricibi e saludo, E saludo a consisti di dos riba e pida beach na Bahia di Oranjestad. e barco aki pa presta yudansa
na ocasion di entrada cer- parti: un prome saludo di 21 Gobernador. E tarea mas importante di di urgencia despues di pasada
emonial di e actual barco E di dos saludo a bay pa S.M. Van Amstel ta, ehecu- di un horcan.
Gobernador (interino) y cion di contra operacionnan Recientemente e tripula-
tambe tabata consisti di 21 di droga. Banda di esey e bar- cion a pasa den un “eherci-
tiro, y a keda contesta cu e co ta percura tambe pa pres- cio di desaster"intensivo na
saludo militar. encia maritimo den contacto Aruba.q
Minister Paul Croes:
AUCTION Declaracion di Diego de
Cuba ta ridiculo
ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba�
On Tuesday July 14, 2015, at 11 AM, at the of ice of JOHNSON NOTARY SERVICES situated
the address Italiëstraat 50 Units 10 & 10-A Orange Plaza Mall, Aruba, will be auctioned in
An empty parcel of lease land having an area of 334 m2, situated in Mabon, Aruba,
locally recorded as Fourth Division Section E number 1233. The lease rights will
expire on April 26, 2028.
This empty parcel can only be used as an extension of the parcel of lease land locally recorded
as Fourth Division Section E number 781.
Starting bid: to be announced at a later date.
Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson
• The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and special "Declaracion di Diego de esun cu a cambia e ley “Ke-
auction conditions which will be determined by acting civil law notary T.R. Johnson. Cuba di STA cu mi a can- tenaansprakelijkheid” neta-
These auction conditions are available for inspection at the of ice of the cela un reunion pa bay mente t pa controla e tipo di
aforementioned acting civil law notary situated at Italiestraat 50 units 10 & 10-A, hacimento di aña di mi practicanan aki den sector di
Aruba. señora ta ridiculo y ta un construccion. Tambe Minis-
mentira. ter a bisa cu companianan cu
• The auction will take place by raising bids and by decreasing bids, in one Dos or di atardi mi no a bay no ta cumpli cu nan traha-
session. ningun fiesta", Minister Paul donan, por ehempel kedando
Croes a declara despues di sin paga nan prima di AZV of
• Seller has the right to not accept any bid. scucha declaracionnan di AOV ta wordo controla pa e
Sr. Diego de Cuba. "Mi ta companianan grandi y tambe
Each bidder must be able to submit a bank-guarantee issued by a reputable bank in considera sr. De Cuba un pa Departamento di Labor.
Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with the charges for the auction sindicalista serio, cu mi ta Na momento cu companian-
costs. lamenta cu e mester recori an no ta cumpli cu nan pago
na mentira y declaracion ab- di impuesto Departamento
The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time. surdo asina", Minister Croes di Impuesto tin un tarea pa
a bisa. Bisando esaki Minister controla esaki. "Mi lo no laga
FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Croes a bisa tambe cu e top- e declaracionnan aki stroba
JOHNSON NOTARY SERVICES ico di koppelbazen a wordo e encuentronan cu STA, pa
c/o mr. Berry Weijers trata den algun ocasion cu motibo cu mi ta mira e in-
Italiestraat 50 WAB y tambe sindicatonan. teres general riba e remar-
Units 10 & 10-A Tambe Minister Croes a canan aki", asina Minister a
tel.# 280 9950 – fax # 280 9949 bisa cu e Gobierno aki ta conclui.q