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                                                                     OBITUARIO/U.S. NEWS Dialuna 28 Juni 2021

                                                               5 who died in New Mexico hot air balloon crash


                                                              (AP) — Authorities on Sun-
                                                              day released the names of the
                                                              pilot  and  two  couples  who
                  “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta       died  after  a  hot  air  balloon
                                di nada                       they were riding in struck a
                     Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta           power line and crashed onto
                            ponemi sosega.                    a busy street in Albuquerque.
                       E ta hibami na awa trankil,
                        Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.              New  Mexico  State  Police  on
                               Salmo: 23                      Sunday  identified  the  pilot  as
                                                              62-year-old  Nicholas  Meleski
                     Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:           and the four passengers as Susan
                                                              Montoya,  65;  John  Montoya,
                                                              61;  Mary  Martinez,  59;  and
                                                              Martin  Martinez,  62.  The  ages
                                                              of the Martinez couple were re-
                                                              versed when authorities released
                                                              their identities Saturday.
                                                                                              tors  to  the  scene  and  will  look  a  multi-colored  balloon  with  a
                                                              All were Albuquerque residents.  into the pilot, the balloon itself  Zia  symbol  which  appears  on
                                                              State Police said John Montoya  and the operating environment,  the New Mexico state flag.
                                                              died at a hospital from his inju-  according to agency spokesman
                                                              ries while the other victims were  Peter Knudson.              The  retired  UPS  driver  had
                                                              declared dead at the crash scene  “This is a tragedy that is unique-  been  a  licensed  balloon  pilot
                                                              Saturday.                       ly felt and hits uniquely hard at  since 1994 and was a regular at
                                                              Witnesses  told  authorities  that  home here in Albuquerque and  the Balloon Fiesta.
                   Anoralit Angelina Roos                     the  balloon  descended  toward  in  the  ballooning  community,”

                       Mihor conoci como: “Nora”              the  ground  around  7:30  a.m.  Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller  Paul  Fields,  an  Albuquerque
                       *15-01-1948 - †25-06-2021              Saturday and struck an overhead  said.                         resident  who  was  friends  with
                                                              power line.                     According  to  an  NTSB  data-  Meleski, said he was an amazing
                    Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia                                          base,  there  have  been  12  fatal  pilot who made every passenger
                               despues.                       The gondola detached from the  hot  air  ballooning  accidents  in  smile.
                                                              envelope and fell about 100 feet  the  United  States  since  2008  “The  skies  will  be  a  little  less
                                                              (30 meters) and crashed in the  with two of those occurring in  bright without him,” Fields said.
                                                              median of a busy city street be-  Rio  Rancho  just  outside  Albu-
                                                              fore catching on fire, authorities  querque, which is mecca for hot  Martin  “Marty”  Martinez  re-
                                                              said.                           air ballooning.                tired from the Albuquerque Po-
                                                              The  envelope  of  the  balloon                                lice Department as a patrol of-
                                                              floated away, eventually landing  The  city  hosts  a  nine-day  Bal-  ficer and had been a police field
                                                              on a residential rooftop.       loon  Festival  in  October  that  sergeant for Albuquerque Pub-
                                                              The  National  Transportation  draws  hundreds  of  thousands  lic Schools the past 16 years.
                                                              Safety Board and Federal Avia-  of  spectators  and  pilots  from  Some  Albuquerque  officers
                                                              tion  Administration  will  be  around  the  world.  It  is  one  of  who responded to the crash had
                                                              investigating  the  cause  of  the  the  most  photographed  events  worked with Martinez and were
                                                              crash.                          globally.                      sent home because it took a toll
                 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all
                 the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house                                                          on  them,  police  Chief  Harold
                      of the LORD forever “ Psalm 23:6        The NTSB sent two investiga-    Meleski  was  known  for  flying  Medina said.

                 The World changes from year to year, our lives
                  from day to day, but the love and memory of
                         you, shall never pass away.            Man jumps from moving plane at Los Angeles

                   Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa                                         airport
                        fayecimento di nos ser stima:
                                                              (AP)  —  A  passenger  was  ening and taken to the hospital,  port said.
                                                              taken  to  the  hospital  Friday  authorities said.
                                                              night after jumping out of a  The  twin-engine  Embraer  175,  Nobody  else  aboard  the  plane
                                                              moving plane at Los Angeles  which was headed to Salt Lake  was injured.
                                                              International  Airport,  au-   City, returned to its gate, the air-
                                                              thorities said.

                                                              United Express flight 5365, op-
                                                              erated  by  SkyWest,  was  pulling
                                                              away from a gate shortly after 7
                                                              p.m. when the man unsuccess-
                                                              fully  tried  to  breach  the  cock-
                                                              pit  by  pounding  on  the  door,
                                                              then  managed  to open the ser-
                                                              vice door and jumped down the
                     Sra. Marilyn B. Croes                    emergency  slide  onto  the  tar-
                        Cariñosamente yama “Nanien”           mac,  according  to  the  airport,
                         *12-12-1955- †25-06-2021             the FBI and SkyWest.

                Acto di despedida y cremashon lo wordo anuncia   The man was taken into custody
                                despues                       on  the  taxiway,  treated  for  in-
                                                              juries that were not life-threat-
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