Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20210628
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A26     U.S. NEWS
                       Dialuna 28 Juni 2021

                 With virtual and in-person events, NYC                                              Unprecedented:

                                  commemorates Pride                                                      Northwest heat wave

                                                                                                            builds, records fall
                                                                      “It’s such an important thing
                                                                      for them to see that they have
                                                                      two  dads  and  that  there  are
                                                                      other  people  that  have  two
                                                                      moms, two dads, single dads,
                                                                      single  moms,”  Gannon  told
                                                                      WCBS Radio. “There are all
                                                                      different  ways  that  families
                                                                      are  made  up,  so  it’s  really
                                                                      awesome to be able to share
                                                                      this experience with them to-

                                                                      For people looking to march
                                                                      for  LGBTQ  rights,  the  Re-
                                                                      claim  Pride  Coalition  held
                                                                      its  third  Queer  Liberation
            (AP)  —  New  York  City’s  ing planned.                  March  from  Bryant  Park
            annual LGBTQ Pride pa-                                    to  the  Stonewall  National   (AP)  —  Intense.  Pro-    opened  additional  public
            rade went ahead virtually  That  didn’t  deter  throngs  Monument  and  into  Wash-      longed.  Record-break-     library  branches  Sunday,
            again due to the pandemic  from  gathering  in  person  ington Square Park. The lib-     ing.    Unprecedented.  and will again Monday, to
            Sunday,  though  demon-      on  Sunday  afternoon  for  eration march event does not    Abnormal. Dangerous.       provide  additional  cooling
            strators  and  celebrators  PrideFest,  a  street  fair  with  allow police or corporate par-                       centers, The Seattle Times
            were  still  making  their  vendors, food and entertain-  ticipation.                    That’s  how  the  National  reported.
            presence  felt  around  the  ment in Manhattan. A dance                                  Weather  Service  described
            city.                        party was planned for Herald  New  York  City’s  gay  pride
                                         Square  and  fireworks,  mu-  parades  began  in  1970  to   the  historic  heat  wave  Seattle’s  light  rail  trains
            The  main  New  York  City  sic  and  food  were  prepared  commemorate   the   1969     that  is  hitting  the  Pacific  may  have  to  operate  at
                                                                                                                                reduced  speeds  because
                                                                                                     Northwest,  pushing  day-
            Pride  parade,  which  usually  for Pier 45 in Hudson River  Stonewall  uprising,  which   time temperatures into the  of  excessive  heat  on  the
            draws throngs of participants  Park.                      started after a police raid on a   triple  digits  and  breaking  tracks,  causing  delays  that
            and spectators, was presented                             Manhattan gay bar.             all-time  high  temperature  could  continue  into  the
            as a television broadcast spe-  Sean  Gannon  from  Maple-                               records  in  places  unac-  work week, Sound Transit
            cial,  since  now-lifted  pan-  wood,  New  Jersey,  attended  The  Stonewall  Inn  is  still   customed to such extreme  said Sunday.
            demic  restrictions  were  still  with  his  husband  and  two  there,  now  under  different   heat.               The heat wave also moved
            in effect at the time it was be-  3-year-old sons.        owners.                                                   into  Idaho,  where  tem-
                                                                                                     Portland, Oregon, reached  peratures above 100 F (38
             US airstrikes target Iran-backed militias in                                            110  degrees  Fahrenheit  C) are forecast in Boise for
                                                                                                     (43.3  Celsius)  Sunday,  at least seven days starting
                                            Syria, Iraq                                              breaking the all-time tem-  Monday. Ontario, Oregon
                                                                                                     perature  record  of  108  F  —  a  city  near  the  Idaho
                                                                                                     (42.2C),  which  was  set  border — could see at least
                                                                                                     just a day earlier. Oregon’s  a week of triple-digit tem-
                                                                                                     Capital  city,  Salem,  also  peratures, including a high
                                                                                                     recorded the highest tem-  of 109 F (42.8 C) Wednes-
                                                                                                     perature  in  its  history  on  day, forecasters said.
                                                                                                     Sunday:  112  F  (44.4  C),
                                                                                                     breaking the old mark by 4  Cities were reminding res-
                                                                                                     degrees.                   idents where pools, splash
                                                                                                                                pads  and  cooling  centers
                                                                                                     Records  were  being  bro-  were  available  and  urging
                                                                                                     ken across the region, and  people  to  stay  hydrated,
                                                                                                     the  sizzling  temperatures  check  on  their  neighbors
                                                                                                     were expected to get even  and avoid strenuous activi-
                                                                                                     hotter Monday.             ties.

                                                                                                     The  temperature  hit  101  Still,  about  3,000  athletes
                                                                                                     F (38.3 C) at Seattle-Taco-  participated  in  an  Iron-
                                                                                                     ma  International  Airport  man  Triathlon  in  Coeur
                                                                                                     on  Sunday.  The  National  d’Alene, Idaho, on Sunday.
                                                                                                     Weather  Service  said  that  The  race  start  was  moved
                                                                                                     is the first time the area re-  up to 5 a.m. The event in-
                                                                                                     corded two triple digit days  cludes  a  2.4-mile  swim,  a
                                                                                                     since  records  began  being  112-mile  bike  ride  and  a
            (AP)  —  The  U.S.  military,  under  the  operational and weapons storage facilities —   kept in 1894.             26.2-mile  marathon  run
            direction  of  President  Joe  Biden,  con-  two in Syria and one in Iraq.                                          (a  3.9-kilometer  swim,  a
            ducted airstrikes Sunday against what it                                                 It got so hot in Seattle that  180-kilometer  bike  ride
            said were “facilities used by Iran-backed  He  described  the  airstrikes  as  “defensive,”   the  city  parks  department  and a 42-kilometer run).
            militia groups” near the border between  saying  they  were  launched  in  response  to   closed  a  community  pool
            Iraq and Syria.                            an “ongoing series of attacks by Iran-backed   in the southern portion of  Race  organizers  said  they
                                                       groups targeting U.S. interests in Iraq.”     the city because of “unsafe,  had 62,000 pounds (28,000
            Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said the  “The United States took necessary, appropri-  dangerous pool deck tem-  kilograms) of ice at hydra-
            militias  were  using  the  facilities  to  launch  ate, and deliberate action designed to limit the   peratures.”  tion  stations,  misting  sta-
            unmanned aerial vehicle attacks against U.S.  risk of escalation — but also to send a clear   King County closed sever-  tions  and  chilled  towels
            troops in Iraq.                            and unambiguous deterrent message,” Kirby     al COVID-19 testing sites  to  hand  out  to  athletes,
            Kirby  said  the  U.S.  military  targeted  three  said.                                 because of the heat. Seattle  KHQ-TV reported.
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