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A28 u.s. news
Diabierna 19 augustus 2022
Trump executive pleads guilty in tax case, agrees to testify
guilty days after a court hear-
ing where Merchan denied
his request to dismiss the
charges. The judge rejected
the defense's argument that
the district attorney's office
was punishing Weisselberg
because he wouldn't offer
information that would dam-
age Trump.
The district attorney has also
been investigating whether
Trump or his company lied
to banks or the government
about the value of its proper-
ties to obtain loans or reduce
tax bills.
Then-District Attorney
Cyrus Vance Jr., who started
the investigation, directed his
deputies last year to present
evidence to a grand jury and
seek an indictment of Trump,
according to former pros-
ecutor Mark Pomerantz, who
previously led the probe.
But after Vance left office in
January, his successor, Bragg,
allowed the grand jury to dis-
band without charges. Both
prosecutors are Democrats.
Bragg has said the investiga-
tion is continuing.
Prosecutors alleged that the
company gave untaxed fringe
benefits to senior executives,
including Weisselberg, for
(AP) — A top executive at than three months if he be- larceny — of 15 years. enforcement, particularly the 15 years. Weisselberg alone
former President Donald haves behind bars. The judge Manhattan district attorney, was accused of defrauding
Trump's family business said Weisselberg will have to Weisselberg's lawyer Nicho- in their never-ending, politi- the federal government, state
pleaded guilty Thurs- pay nearly $2 million in tax- las Gravante Jr. said his cli- cally motivated quest to get and city out of more than
day to evading taxes on a es, penalties and interest and ent pleaded guilty "to put President Trump." $900,000 in unpaid taxes and
free apartment and other complete five years of proba- an end to this case and the undeserved tax refunds.
perks, striking a deal with tion. years-long legal and personal In a statement, the company
prosecutors that could nightmares it has caused for accused prosecutors of try- Trump, a Republican, has
make him a star witness The plea bargain also re- him and his family." ing to pressure Weisselberg decried the New York inves-
against the company at a quires Weisselberg to testify to cast aspersions on Trump, tigations as a "political witch
trial this fall. truthfully as a prosecution Manhattan District Attor- and of stretching to make a hunt" and has said his com-
witness when the Trump ney Alvin Bragg said in a criminal case out of famil- pany's actions were standard
Allen Weisselberg, a senior Organization goes on trial in statement that Weisselberg's iar executive perks such as a practice in the real estate
Trump Organization adviser October on related charges. plea "directly implicates the company car. business and in no way a
and formerly the company's The company is accused of Trump Organization in a The company, which was crime.
longtime chief financial of- helping Weisselberg and oth- wide range of criminal activ- not involved in Weisselberg's Last week, Trump sat for a
ficer, pleaded guilty to all 15 er executives avoid income ity and requires Weisselberg guilty plea Thursday, said deposition in New York At-
of the charges he faced in the taxes by failing to report their to provide invaluable testi- it has done nothing wrong, torney General Letitia James'
case. full compensation accurately mony in the upcoming trial won't plead guilty and looks parallel civil investigation
to the government. Trump against the corporation." forward "to having our day in into allegations that Trump's
In a low, somewhat hoarse himself is not charged in the court." company misled lenders and
voice, Weisselberg admit- case. "We look forward to prov- tax authorities about asset
ted taking in over $1.7 mil- ing our case in court against Weisselberg, seen as one of values. Trump invoked his
lion worth of untaxed extras Weisselberg will remain the Trump Organization," he Trump's most loyal business Fifth Amendment protection
— including school tuition free on bail until he is for- added. associates, is the only person against self-incrimination
for his grandchildren, free mally sentenced following Testimony by Weisselberg to face criminal charges so more than 400 times.
rent for a Manhattan apart- the company's trial. He said could weaken the company's far in the Manhattan district
ment and lease payments for nothing as he left court, of- defense. If convicted, the attorney's long-running in- James, whose probe uncov-
a luxury car — and explicitly fering no reply when a jour- company could face fines of vestigation of the company. ered the evidence that led to
keeping some of the plums nalist asked whether he had double the amount of unpaid Weisselberg started working Weisselberg's charges, said in
off the books. any message for Trump. If taxes or potentially be placed for the Trump Organization a statement: "Let this guilty
Weisselberg fails to comply on probation and forced to in 1973, when it was run by plea send a loud and clear
Judge Juan Manuel Mer- with the plea terms, prosecu- change its business practices. Trump's father, Fred. Follow- message: we will crack down
chan agreed to sentence the tors said they would seek a ing his July 2021 arrest, the on anyone who steals from
75-year-old executive to five "significant state prison sen- The company praised Weis- company changed his title the public for personal gain
months in New York City's tence," and Merchan warned selberg on Thursday as a from CFO to senior adviser. because no one is above the
Rikers Island jail complex, that he could be subject to trusted, honorable employee The CFO position remains law."
although he will be eligible the maximum punishment who it said has been "perse- vacant.
for release after little more for the top charge — grand cuted and threatened by law Weisselberg agreed to plead