Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220819
P. 30

A30    world news
               Diabierna 19 augustus 2022

                             High-level talks in Ukraine yield little reported progress

                                                                                    nian negotiators, but the effort to end  Zelenskyy and the U.N. chief agreed
                                                                                    the hostilities failed.             Thursday  on  arrangements  for  an
                                                                                    On  the  battlefield,  meanwhile,  at  IAEA mission to the plant, according
                                                                                    least 17 people were killed overnight  to the president's website. But it was
                                                                                    in  heavy  Russian  missile  strikes  on  not  immediately  clear  whether  the
                                                                                    Ukraine's Kharkiv region, Ukrainian  Kremlin would consent to the terms.
                                                                                    authorities said Thursday.
                                                                                    Russia's  military  claimed  that  it  As for a pullout of troops, a Russian
                                                                                    struck  a  base  for  foreign  mercenar-  Foreign Ministry official said earlier
                                                                                    ies in Kharkiv, killing 90. There was  that that would leave the plant "vul-
                                                                                    no  immediate  comment  from  the  nerable."
                                                                                    Ukrainian side.                     Fears mounted Thursday when Rus-
                                                                                                                        sian  and  Ukrainian  authorities  ac-
                                                                                    In  the  latest  in  a  series  of  incidents  cused each other of plotting to attack
                                                                                    on Russian soil near the border with  the site and then blame the other side.
                                                                                    Ukraine,  an  ammunition  dump
                                                                                    caught  fire  in  the  Belgorod  region,  Guterres  used  the  talks  in  Lviv  to
                                                                                    the regional governor said. No casu-  name Gen. Carlos dos Santos Cruz of
                                                                                    alties were reported.               Brazil to lead a previously announced
                                                                                    Heightening  international  tensions,  U.N.  fact-finding  mission  to  the
                                                                                    Russia  deployed  warplanes  carrying  Olenivka prison where 53 Ukrainian
                                                                                    state-of-the-art  hypersonic  missiles  POWs were killed in an explosion in
            (AP)  —  Turkey's  leader  and  the  exchanges of prisoners of war and ar-  to its Kaliningrad region, an enclave  July. Russia and Ukraine have blamed
            U.N.  chief  met  in  Ukraine  with  ranging for U.N. atomic energy ex-  surrounded  by  NATO  members  each other for the blast.
            President Volodymr Zelenskyy on  perts to visit and help secure Europe's  Lithuania and Poland.
            Thursday in a high-powered bid  biggest nuclear power plant, which is                                       Also on the agenda Thursday: an in-
            to ratchet down a war raging for  in the middle of fierce fighting that  One major topic at the talks in Lviv  crease  in  grain  exports.  Earlier  this
            nearly six months. But little im-   has raised fears of catastrophe.    was the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in  summer, the U.N. and Turkey bro-
            mediate progress was reported.                                          southern Ukraine. Moscow and Kyiv  kered an agreement clearing the way
                                                Erdogan  has  positioned  himself  as  have  accused  each  other  of  shelling  for Ukraine to export 22 million tons
            Turkish  President  Recep  Tayyip  Er-  a  go-between  in  efforts  to  stop  the  the complex.             of  corn  and  other  grain  stuck  in  its
            dogan said he would follow up with  fighting. While Turkey is a member of                                   Black Sea ports since the Russian in-
            Russian  President  Vladimir  Putin,  NATO, its wobbly economy is reliant  Condemning  the  Kremlin  for  what  vasion.
            given  that  most  of  the  matters  dis-  on Russia for trade, and it has tried  he  called  "nuclear  blackmail,"  Zel-
            cussed  would  require  the  Kremlin's  to steer a middle course between the  enskyy  has  demanded  that  Russian  The  blockage  has  worsened  world
            agreement.                          two combatants.                     troops leave the plant and that a team  food shortages, driven up prices and
                                                                                    from the U.N.'s International Atomic  heightened fears of famine, especially
            With  the  meetings  held  at  such  a  The Turkish president urged the in-  Energy Agency be allowed in.   in Africa. Yet even with the deal, only
            high level — it was the first visit to  ternational community after the talks  "The area needs to be demilitarized,  a trickle of Ukrainian grain has made
            Ukraine  by  Erdogan  since  the  war  not to abandon diplomatic efforts to  and we must tell it as it is: Any po-  it out — some 600,000 tons by Tur-
            began, and the second by U.N. Sec-  end  the  war  that  has  killed  tens  of  tential damage in Zaporizhzhia is sui-  key's estimate.
            retary-General  António  Guterres  —  thousands  and  forced  more  than  10  cide," Guterres said at a news confer-
            some  had  hoped  for  breakthroughs,  million Ukrainians from their homes.  ence.                          Zelenskyy  said  Thursday  that  he
            if not toward an overall peace, then at  He repeated that Turkey is willing to                              proposed  expanding  the  shipments.
            least on specific issues. But none was  act  as  "mediator  and  facilitator"  and  Erdogan  likewise  expressed  concern  Guterres, for his part, touted the op-
            apparent.                           added, "I remain convinced that the  over  the  fighting  around  the  plant,  eration's success but added, "There is
                                                war will end at the negotiating table."  saying, "We don't want to experience  a long way to go before this will be
            Meeting in the western city of Lviv,                                    another Chernobyl" — a reference to  translated into the daily life of people
            far  from  the  front  lines,  the  leaders  In March, Turkey hosted talks in Is-  the world's worst nuclear accident, in  at their local bakery and in their mar-
            discussed  such  things  as  expanding  tanbul  between  Russian  and  Ukrai-  Ukraine in 1986.             kets."

                            Turkey lowers interest rate even as inflation soars to 80%

            (AP)  —  Turkey's  central  flation.  That  contradicts  es-  January.  The  cuts  triggered  is "impacting us negatively."  started, recently defended his
            bank  on  Thursday  low-     tablished economic thinking,  a currency crisis and further  "People cannot afford to take  policy to lower interest rates,
            ered  its  key  interest  rate  with rate increases the tradi-  fueled rising consumer pric-  out insurances. It has become  insisting  that  it  had  helped
            despite  inflation  surging  tional tool to target inflation.  es, while Russia's invasion of  too costly," he said.  save 10 million jobs. He has
            to nearly 80% and making                                  Ukraine  and  soaring  energy  Erdogan,   who    visited  promised  to  lower  inflation,
            it  difficult  for  people  to  Central banks worldwide are  costs aggravated the situation.  Ukraine  on  Thursday  for  asking for the public to show
            buy  what  they  need,  fall-  raising interest rates as rising                        the  first  time  since  the  war  patience.
            ing  in  line  with  the  un-  food and energy prices drive  The  Turkish  lira  weakened
            orthodox  economic  views  inflation to decades-high lev-  by nearly 1% against the dol-
            of the country's president.  els. Even then, inflation fig-  lar  shortly  after  Thursday's
                                         ures in the U.S. of 8.5%, the  central bank decision.
            In  a  statement  following  a  United  Kingdom  of  10.1%
            monetary  policy  commit-    and the 19-country euro area  In  the  capital  Ankara,  shoe
            tee meeting, the bank said it  of 8.9% come nowhere close  shop owner Abdullah Erbec-
            decided to reduce the policy  to Turkey's eye-popping rate  er said the weakening curren-
            rate from 14% to 13%.        of nearly 80%, with skyrock-  cy has affected his business.
                                         eting food, housing and ener-  "What we used to import for
            President  Recep  Tayyip  Er-  gy prices hitting people hard.  10 lira — we now have to pay
            dogan has pressured the bank                              50  lira,"  he  said.  "I  haven't
            into  lowering  borrowing  Turkey's central bank made a  sold anything all morning."
            costs  in  a  bid  to  boost  eco-  series of interest rate cuts last
            nomic  growth,  investment  year  despite  high  inflation,  Murat  Kocak,  an  insurance
            and  exports,  insisting  that  dropping rates by 5 percent-  broker,  questioned  the  cen-
            interest  rate  hikes  cause  in-  age points before pausing in  tral bank's decision, saying it
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