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WORLD NEWS Friday 12 June 2020
Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson leaves 10 Downing Street
to attend the weekly session of PMQs in Parliament in London,
Wednesday, June 10, 2020.
Defendant Philip Manshaus sits in a court room in Asker and Baerum district court in Sandvika, Associated Press
Norway, as he waits for the verdict on the last day of his trial, Thursday, Jun 11, 2020.
Associated Press High level EU-UK talks
Norwegian man gets 21 years for set for Monday as new
slaying, mosque attack deadline looms
By JAN M. OLSEN brink of extinction," said Lindstroem, add- BRUSSELS (AP) — British loggerheads over several
Associated Press ing that Manshaus claimed he was acting Prime Minister Boris John- issues after four days of talks
COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — A white "in self-defense against the enemy." son will hold talks with top last week, including on reg-
nationalist Norwegian who killed his step- In court, Manshaus confessed to the acts European Union officials on ulations for businesses. Their
sister and then stormed an Oslo mosque but called them "emergency justice." In- Monday to try to push for- positions on fisheries also
and opened fire, hitting no one, was found vestigators found a photo of Adolf Hitler ward trade discussions af- remain distant, with the U.K.
guilty Thursday and sentenced to 21 years on his cell phone. ter post-Brexit negotiations adamantly opposed to EU
in prison, the longest jail term under Nor- The judge said the sentence was a "pre- ended last week with little demands for long-term ac-
wegian law. ventive detention," a special prison term in sign of progress and a new cess to British waters.
Philip Manshaus, who had said in court Norway for criminals considered danger- deadline looming. The U.K. left the political in-
that he regretted not having caused more ous to society. "The High-Level meeting stitutions of the EU on Jan.
damage, "has proven to be an extremely "The killing and the attack show what ex- between the EU and U.K. 31 but remains inside the
dangerous person," prosecutor Johan Oe- tremely violent and cynical actions Man- is now confirmed for 15 EU's tariff-free economic
verberg said as he demanded the maxi- shaus has the ability and willingness to car- June," European Commis- zone until the end of the
mum penalty. ry out," she said during the detailed read- sion spokesman Eric Mam- year. The transition period
On Aug. 10, 2019, Manshaus, 22, killed his ing of the verdict online. er tweeted Thursday. The can be extended by two
17-year-old stepsister, Johanne Zhangjia Lindstroem added that Manshaus was EU delegation will include years but a request to do
Ihle-Hansen, by shooting her four times deemed mentally sane at the time. Commission President Ursu- so has to be made by July
with a hunting rifle at their home in the In a final comment after the sentencing, la von der Leyen, European 1. Johnson has repeatedly
Oslo suburb of Baerum. Ihle-Hansen was Manshaus said "I don't confess my guilt, so Council President Charles said he won't ask for an ex-
adopted from China as a 2-year-old and I can't accept the judgment. That would Michel and European Par- tension.
her mother later married Manshaus' father. be contradictory." He and his defense liament President David The hope is that Monday's
Then he drove to a nearby mosque where lawyer Unni Fries said they would consider Sassoli. talks will push the negotia-
three men were preparing for Eid al-Adha whether to appeal. In London, Downing Street tions forward.
celebrations. Manshaus fired four shots The judge said Manshaus was inspired by confirmed the video con- If the EU and the British gov-
from a rifle at the mosque's glass door be- shootings in March 2019 in New Zealand, ference meeting would ernment don't reach an
fore he was overpowered by one of the where a gunman targeted two mosques, take place Monday after- agreement by the end of
men, Muhammad Rafiq. Manshaus wore killing 51 people, and in August 2019 in El noon, and that the sides the year, tariffs and quotas
a bulletproof vest and a helmet with a vid- Paso, Texas, where an assailant targeted "have agreed an inten- will return on trade between
eo camera in the attack and was armed Hispanics and left at least 22 dead. sified timetable" for the the U.K. and the 27-nation
with a hunting rifle and a shotgun. His plans and his reference to national so- trade negotiations in July. bloc, another economic
Judge Annika Lindstroem of the Oslo Dis- cialism also recall the views of Norwegian That would involve "a mix of shock — on top of the pan-
trict Court said Manshaus had plans to kill right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik, formal negotiating rounds demic — that most econo-
as many people as possible and set the who in 2011 killed 77 people in a bombing and smaller group meet- mists think would hurt Brit-
mosque on fire. and shooting rampage in Norway. Breivik, ings, both in London and ain more. Cars exported
He believed that "Europe is under attack who gave a Nazi salute in the courtroom, Brussels" if coronavirus re- from one side to the other,
from people of ethnic origin other than his is serving a 21-year prison sentence for strictions permit. for example, would face a
own" and that "the white race is on the carrying out a terror attack.q The two sides remained at 10% levy.q