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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 12 June 2020
            Protesters topple Jefferson Davis statue in Virginia capital

            Continued from Front         week  ordered  its  removal,  this  summer  undoes  pro-
                                         but  a  judge  on  Monday  tections  for  Confederate
            In  the  weeks  since  Floyd’s  blocked such action for at  monuments  and  lets  local
            death  under  a  white  Min-  least 10 days.              governments  decide  what
            neapolis  police  officer’s  The spokesman for the Vir-   to do with them.
            knee  set  off  protests  and  ginia division of the Sons of  Stoney  tweeted  Thursday
            sporadic  violence  across  Confederate  Veterans,  B.  that he will push to quickly
            the U.S. over the treatment  Frank Earnest, condemned  dismantle the other monu-
            of  black  people,  many  the  toppling  of  “public  ments. Both he and the go-
            Confederate  monuments  works  of  art”  and  likened  vernor asked protesters not
            have  been  damaged  or  losing  the  Confederate  to do it themselves.
            taken down, some toppled  statues  to  losing  a  family  “For the sake of public safe-
            by  demonstrators,  others  member.                       ty,  I  ask  the  community  to
            removed  by  local  authori-  “The  men  who  served  un-  allow us to legally contract
            ties.                        der  Robert  E.  Lee  were  to have the remaining ones
            Authorities in Alabama got  my       great-grandfathers  removed       professionally,
            rid  of  a  massive  obelisk  in  or  their  brothers  and  their  to  prevent  any  potential
            Birmingham  and  a  bronze  cousins. So it is my family,”  harm that could result from
            likeness  of  a  Confederate  he  said.  “What  if  a  crowd  attempts  to  remove  them
            naval  officer  in  Mobile.  In  of  any  other  group  went  without  professional  expe-
            Virginia, a 176-year-old sla-  and  found  the  symbols  of  rience,” Stoney said.     Gabriel Black Elk, who is Lakota, kneels on the neck of a fallen
            ve auction block was remo-   someone  they  didn’t  like  While  it  wasn’t  clear  what   statue  of  Christopher  Columbus  and  holds  an  American  flag
            ved in Fredericksburg, and  and decided to tear them  would  happen  to  the  top-     with  the  names  of  Native  Americans  killed  by  police,  at  the
                                                                                                   Minnesota state Capitol in St. Paul, Minn., Wednesday, June 10,
            the United Daughters of the  down?  Everybody  would  pled Davis statue, the may-      2020.
            Confederacy took down a  be appalled.”                    or  indicated  it  is  gone  for                                      Associated Press
            statue in Alexandria.        He  added:  “I  don’t  know  good.  “He never deserved
            The  movement  has  exten-   why  it’s  acceptable,  why  to be up on that pedestal,”  is  white,  suggested  repla-  away,  knocked  the  heads
            ded around the world, with  people  who  are  descen-     the mayor said, calling Da-  cing  the  statues  along  off the statues of four Con-
            protesters  decrying  mo-    ded from the Confederate  vis a “racist & traitor.”       Monument  Avenue  with  federates  and  pulled  one
            numents  to  slave  traders,  Army and the Confederate  At  the  monument  site  on  fountains, gardens or parks,  of the statues to the ground
            imperialists  and  explorers,  soldiers, it’s accepted in this  Thursday,  Stacy  Burrs  said:  saying:  “It’s  ridiculous  that  after the City Council sche-
            including  Christopher  Co-  country  that  you  can  do  “It  shouldn’t  have  taken  these monuments are such  duled a hearing on the mo-
            lumbus,  Cecil  Rhodes  and  anything to us you want.”    this  long  to  get  to  where  a focal point of the city.”   nument’s  fate  for  the  end
            Belgium’s King Leopold II.   Richmond  Mayor  Levar  it  is  now.”    “If  it  were  me,  “I  think  it  is  part  of  history.  of  July.  Mayor  John  Rowe
            The Davis monument was a  Stoney  had  recently  an-      the  whole  thing  would  just  But I think we can leave it  said police didn’t intervene
            few blocks away from a 12-   nounced  he  would  intro-   be  razed,”  said  Burrs,  a  in  history,”  she  said,  “and  because  that  could  have
            ton,  61-foot-high  equestri-  duce an ordinance in July  black man who served on  we need to move forward  escalated the situation.
            an statue of the most reve-  to remove the Davis monu-    a  mayoral  commission  a  and do something different  A  protester  was  hit  in  the
            red  Confederate  of  them  ment  and  statues  of  other  few years ago that recom-   with  our  streets  and  our  head and knocked uncon-
            all, Gen. Robert E. Lee, that  Confederates,   including  mended  taking  down  the  monuments.”  Also  Wed-        scious  as  the  monument
            the state of Virginia is trying  Gens.  Stonewall  Jackson  statue.                    nesday  night,  protesters  in  fell.  He  was  hospitalized
            to take down. Democratic  and J.E.B. Stuart. A new sta-   Longtime  Richmond  resi-    Portsmouth, Virginia, about  with what police said were
            Gov.  Ralph  Northam  last  te law that goes into effect  dent  Karen  Mizrach,  who  80  miles  (130  kilometers)  life-threatening injuries.q

              Watchdog: Agency misspent money meant for migrant care

              Associated Press                                                                    the  care  of  those  in  our  16-year-old boy who died
              PHOENIX (AP) — U.S. Cus-                                                            custody;   the   violations  of the flu in his Texas hold-
              toms  and  Border  Protec-                                                          identified are technical in  ing  cell  without  anyone
              tion violated the law when                                                          nature and prompt reme-      noticing for several hours.
              it  misspent  money  appro-                                                         dial action will be taken,”  In response to the uptick in
              priated  for  migrant  care                                                         the agency wrote.            arrivals,  Congress  allocat-
              on items like all-terrain ve-                                                       The spring and summer of  ed CBP an extra $708 mil-
              hicles, boats and its police                                                        2019 saw an extraordinary  lion  for  “establishing  and
              dog  program,  according                                                            jump in border crossings. In  operating  migrant  care
              to a federal investigation.                                                         May, the Border Patrol ap-   and  processing  facilities”
              The  U.S.  Government  Ac-                                                          prehended nearly 133,000  and $112 million for “con-
              countability  Office  said  in                                                      people  at  the  southern  sumable      and   medical
              a report released Thursday                                                          border. The numbers start-   care.” Some of the money
              that CBP misspent some of   In this Oct. 29, 2019, file photo, Customs and Border Protection   ed to decrease after that,  meant  for  medical  care
              the  $112  million  it  was  al-  officers gather at the border fence during a press conference   but by the end of the gov-  and consumables— things
              located for “consumables    in El Paso, Texas.                                      ernment’s  fiscal  year  on  such  as  hygiene  products
              and medical care” on an                                             Associated Press  Sept. 30, the agency had  and  baby  items—  was  in-
              emergency  basis  during  said the agency charged  recommend by the GAO.  apprehended                  851,508  stead spent on the canine
              a  large  increase  in  illegal  a small subset of expenses  We  emphasize  that,  and  people.  Reports  of  poor  program,  all-terrain  vehi-
              border crossings in 2019. In  in fiscal year 2019 to the in-  GAO’s  opinion  does  not  medical  care  and  abuse  cles,  dirt  bikes,  computer
              a statement to The Associ-  correct account.            suggest  otherwise,  all  of  were  rampant.  Several  upgrades,  janitorial  ser-
              ated Press, CBP said it fully  “We  are  working  to  item-  CBP’s obligations were for  children and adults died in  vices  and  boats,  among
              cooperated  with  GAO  ize all such expenses, and  lawful  objects  related  to  Border Patrol custody that  others,  according  to  the
              throughout  its  inquiry.  It  correct  our  accounts  as  agency  operations  and  fiscal  year,  including  a  report. q
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