Page 5 - MIN VOS 19 SEPT 2015
P. 5

                                                                                                            Saturday 19 September

Miami becomes

3rd U.S. city with

internet domain name

MIAMI (AP) -- Officials say Miami will become the third
U.S. city to have a dedicated Internet domain name.
Mayor Tomas Regalado and Commissioner Francis
Suarez announced the .miami domain during a news
conference Thursday. Starting Oct. 2, Miami will join
New York, with .nyc, and Las Vegas, with .vegas, in of-
fering its own domain name.
A news release says the .miami domain is operated by
Minds + Machines, a leading domain name registry. A
significant portion of the revenue generated will go to
the city.
The new .miami top-level domain was established as
a part of the historic expansion of the Internet nam-
ing system administered by the Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers. More than 7 million
domain names have now been registered across sev-
eral hundred new top-level domains.q

Facebook now                                               This May 20, 2015 file photo, Jenji Kohan arrives at Netflix’s “Orange Is The New Black” Q&A
selling video ads
targeted users will see                                    Screening at the Director Guild of America in Los Angeles. 

NEW YORK (AP) — Facebook is now selling video ads          									                                                     Associated Press
that the target audience is sure to see.
The world’s biggest online social network said Thurs-      Report: Health care apps
day that advertisers can now buy ads that will be seen
— from top to bottom — on a user’s screen. Of course,      available in U.S. top 165,000 
this is still no guarantee that the user will choose to
watch the entire video. But the option is likely to make   TOM MURPHY                     analyzed more than 26,000      by doctors, along with the
advertisers happy.                                         AP Business Writer                                            weight-loss app Lose It.
Facebook, which started showing mobile ads in 2012,        Smartphone users now           available in the United        Dr. Mike Sevilla said he
views video as the next frontier in advertising. The       have more than 165,000                                        started recommending
company says the new buying option will be available       apps available to help them    States through either Apple    apps to patients a few
for every type of ad, including text, photo and video.     stay healthy or monitor a                                     years ago after they
Facebook also formed a partnership with analytics          medical condition, but just    or Android app stores. Its     began asking for advice
company Moat to measure the effectiveness of video         three dozen account for                                       about them. He frequently
ads, including how many people watch them and for          nearly half of all downloads,  analysis, released Thursday,   recommends apps to
how long.q                                                 according to a new report.                                    help patients track their
                                                           Most apps focus on fitness     doesn’t count apps             exercise or diet. The Salem,
Chinese, U.S. ride-                                        or wellness by helping the                                    Ohio, family doctor also
hailing services                                           user do things like count      available through other        said the Mayo Clinic offers
form alliance                                              calories or track steps                                       good apps to help people
                                                           walked. Doctors and other      venues like health care        learn about conditions like
 BEIJING (AP) — Ride-hailing services Didi Kuaidi of Chi-  care providers also are                                       diabetes.
na and Lyft of the United States have agreed to link       taking a growing interest in   systems.                       Dr. Robert Wergin doesn’t
their apps in a move that steps up competitive pres-       using apps to help patients,                                  recommend apps to
sure on rival Uber.                                        but concerns about a           It found that the number of    patients yet, but he uses
Didi Kuaidi invested $100 million in San Francisco-based   lack of research and data                                     one he heard about at a
Lyft under the agreement announced Thursday.               protection are limiting wider  health-related apps for the    conference to help profile
The companies said customers from the United States        use of the  technology, the                                   cardiovascular risk.
and China will be able to use both companies’ apps         IMS Institute for Healthcare   iOS operating system used      The Milford, Nebraska-
when traveling to the other country. They said travel-     Informatics said.                                             based president of the
ers made more than 7.8 million trips between the two       Even so, health app use        by iPhones has more than       American Academy of
countries in 2014.                                         is shifting from being a                                      Family Physicians said he’s
The tie-up would support Lyft’s expansion in China,        novelty to more of a core      doubled in just two years to   still getting familiar with
where Uber already operates. Didi Kuaidi says it serves    part of care for many                                         the use of apps, and he’d
some 200 million people in 360 Chinese cities. The         people, said Murray Aitken,    about 90,000.                  like to see more evidence-
company says it accounts for 80 percent of China’s         the institute’s executive                                     based research that shows
private car service market and more than 90 percent        director.                      Most of the apps in its study  whether they can improve
of its taxi hailing service market. q                      “We’re clearly moving in                                      health before he starts
                                                           that direction,” he said.      are free. The most popular,    recommending them.
                                                           The institute, which sells                                    “But I think there’s great
                                                           software that ranks apps,      or those with more than 10     potential,” he said.q

                                                                                          million downloads, include

                                                                                          MyFitnessPal’s  Calorie

                                                                                          Counter and an exercise

                                                                                          tracker from Endomondo.

                                                                                          At the other end, 40

                                                                                          percent of apps available

                                                                                          in the U.S. market have less

                                                                                          than 5,000 downloads.

                                                                                          Some apps are designed for

                                                                                          specific medical conditions

                                                                                          like TouchChat, which aims

                                                                                          to help patients with autism,

                                                                                          Down syndrome or other

                                                                                          conditions communicate.

                                                                                          Calorie Counter also

                                                                                          is among those most

                                                                                          frequently recommended
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