Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210622
P. 30
A30 world news
Diamars 22 Juni 2021
German tourists investigated in Italy for fatal boat crash
25-year-old woman’s legs
was partially torn off, it said.
A search had been launched
for the woman after women’s
clothing was found on the
boat near the man’s body.
Police located the tourists
after people noticed their
docked motorboat was dam-
aged, the Italian daily said.
The Italians reportedly had
met with friends on shore
Saturday evening, then head-
ed out on the man’s boat and
were about mid-lake when
the vessel was struck by the
(AP) — Two German TV said investigators were provide assistance. clined to give further details motorboat. Corriere della
tourists from Munich are awaiting results on Monday because the probe is still on- Sera said investigators found
being investigated in Ita- of blood analyses to deter- The woman’s body was re- going. pieces of wood from the Ital-
ly for a boat collision on mine if the tourists had been covered from the lake Sunday ian man’s boat imbedded in
Lake Garda that killed an drinking before the crash. evening by Italian firefighter The Corriere della Sera the tourists’ boat.
Italian man and woman, The Carabinieri said both rescue divers and the man’s newspaper said the victims’
Italian Carabinieri para- Germans are free on their body was found in their small boat was badly gashed near Lake Garda, which has many
military police said. own recognizance while un- boat earlier in the day. the bow and that the man, shoreline resorts in northern
der investigation for alleged The Carabinieri office con- 37, had suffered a grave ab- Italy, is very popular with Eu-
Italian state RaiNews24 manslaughter and failure to ducting the investigation de- dominal wound. One of the ropean visitors.
Ambassadors recalled after latest Nicaragua arrest
(AP) — Mexico and Ar- shares with his wife, fellow
gentina recalled their am- journalist Verónica Chávez.
bassadors to Nicaragua
for consultations Monday, Mora is the fifth potential
a day after President Dan- presidential candidate ar-
iel Ortega’s government rested since late May. Ortega
arrested yet another presi- is running for a fourth con-
dential contender ahead secutive presidential term.
of the Nov. 7 elections. Other arrests have included
opposition leaders, promi-
Mexico and Argentina had nent businessmen and for-
broken with others in the re- mer government officials.
gion last week in not voting
in favor of an Organization Mora had registered as a pre-
of American States resolu- candidate for Democratic
tion condemning more than Renewal Party.
a dozen recent arrests in Ni-
caragua of key opposition fig- The government has accused
ures. most of those arrested with
accepting foreign funding
Both countries want to con- figures (including presiden- was previously arrested in and working for the over-
sult with their ambassadors tial pre-candidates), activists Late Sunday, Nicaraguan December 2018 and held for throw of the government.
about “the worrisome politi- and Nicaraguan business- police arrested journal- nearly six months before be-
cal-legal actions taken by the men,” their foreign minis- ist Miguel Mora for alleged ing released. Ortega has characterized a
Nicaraguan government in tries said in a joint statement. crimes against the state, simi- popular uprising in April
recent days that have put at They want to promote a dia- lar to the announced charges Mora led the news outlet 2018 that led to months of
risk the well-being and free- logue with Ortega’s govern- against others arrested dur- 100% Noticias until 2020. street protests as an attempt-
dom of various opposition ment. ing the past month. Mora Police searched the home he ed coup with foreign backing.
Violence in north Syria kills 10, mostly in rebel-held areas
(AP) — Syrian govern- tween government forces killed hundreds and sent 1 monitoring group. It added Insurgents in return shelled
ment forces and insurgent and insurgents on the edge million people fleeing toward that 13 people were wounded the government-held village
groups exchanged shell of the last rebel stronghold in the Turkish border. in Barah. of Joreen, killing a girl and
fire in northwestern Syria the northwestern province of wounding her father, said
on Monday that killed at Idlib. Opposition activists say gov- Idlib-based activist Taher al- Syria’s state news agency,
least 10 people, the vast ernment forces fired dozens Omar said the dead included SANA.
majority of them in reb- The region had been relative- of artillery shells on the vil- a local commander of the al- Syria’s 10-year conflict has
el-held areas, state media ly calm since a truce brokered lages of Ihsim and Barah on Qaida linked Hayat Tahrir killed half a million people
and opposition activists in March last year by Turkey the southern edge of Idlib al-Sham, as well as several and displaced half the coun-
said. and Russia halted a crushing killing nine people, accord- others fighters from another try’s pre-war population of
three-month Russian-backed ing to the Britain-based Syr- militant group. He added that 23 million. They include
The area has seen rising vio- government air and ground ian Observatory for Human three civilians were killed as 5 million who are refugees
lence in recent weeks be- campaign. The fighting had Rights, an opposition war well. outside the country.