Page 9 - MIN.MIKE DE MEZA MAY 28,2015
P. 9

WORLD NEWSThursday 28 May 2015

Cheap motorbikes bring opportunity and chaos to Haiti 

DAVID McFADDEN Motorbikes provide one of general hospital between without a word. is easy to understand in Hai-
the most efficient ways to April 2014 and February “A lot of these moto drivers ti. Cars and SUVs often cost
Associated Press navigate the unpredict- 2015. Emergency room ad- are crazy,” Morissette said twice the price of a new
able and rutted streets of ministrators say they rarely while her young son rested vehicle in the United States
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti the teeming capital. But saw victims of such acci- his head on her shoulder and, in any case, are out of
reach for most people.
(AP) — Joseph-Marc Carel According to the World
Bank, 59 percent of Haitians
knows the danger of ferry- live on less than $2.44 a day
and 24 percent make do
ing passengers on his small with less than half of that.
Even so, the Port-au-Prince
motorbike, sometimes area is a traffic nightmare,
with SUVs, rumbling trucks
two at a time, as tides of and colorfully painted bus-
pickups known as “tap
the buzzing vehicles cut taps” competing for space.
A trip from the airport to the
through the chaotic Hai- hillside community of Pet-
ionville just a few miles (kilo-
tian capital. He has a pros- meters) away can take two
hours by car.
thetic leg to prove it. On a motorcycle, the fear-
less can dart through long
Carel would like to find a lines of vehicles and make
it in a fraction of the time.
job that’s safer than driving Motorbikes were available
in Haiti before the earth-
a two-wheeled taxi in Port- quake but they mostly
were seen in rural towns,
au-Prince, but he knows commonly used to carry
all types of cargo, includ-
he’s unlikely to find one ing live chickens and pigs,
or towing items like rebar,
that pays anything close bamboo poles and even
wooden coffins from the
to the $50 a week he can back.
The motorcycles have
earn with his battered mo- been critical during Haiti’s
ongoing cholera outbreak,
torbike. often serving as the only
way to get aid to people in
“It doesn’t look good,” he remote corners.
And they now make up
said, gesturing at the shat- nearly 45 percent of Hai-
ti’s underdeveloped pub-
tered reflectors and dented lic transportation system,
according to official esti-
red gas tank as he revved mates. q

the sputtering engine, “but

it’s mine.”

Cheap motorbikes such as

the one that transformed Motorcycle taxis ride in the traffic clogged streets carrying passengers in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
The Chinese-made vehicles began to flourish after Haiti’s devastating earthquake of 2010, when
this 24-year-old into an en- foreign aid workers brought them in as part of their disaster-relief efforts.

trepreneur, and cost him (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)

his right leg in a 2011 acci-

dent, are seen by some as

an economic lifeline and with regulation largely non- dents before the quake. and a daughter counted
existent, the combination “This has become a big cash needed to buy medi-
by others as a scourge of of inexperienced drivers, public health problem in cine.
general lawlessness and Haiti and it’s getting worse,” The Haitian National Police
the streets. packed roadways has re- Augustin said. says its officers are trying
sulted in a big jump in ac- From her hospital bed in to crack down on unregis-
The Chinese-made vehi- cidents. Port-au-Prince, food ven- tered motorbike operators.
Dr. Bermann Augustin, an dor St. Helene Morissette But with as many as 500,000
cles began to flourish after orthopedic surgery resident bitterly describes the acci- motorbikes on the streets in
at the Hospital of the State dent that fractured her an- the greater Port-au-Prince
Haiti’s devastating earth- University of Haiti, found in kle. She was attempting to area, traffic division Inspec-
a recent study that motor- scurry across a road when tor Jean Yves Pierre ac-
quake of 2010, when for- bikes were involved in near- a speeding motorbike taxi knowledged that authori-
ly 80 percent of all road ac- slammed into her. While ties are struggling to keep
eign aid workers brought cidents that sent patients she screamed in agony, up.
to Port-au-Prince’s main the driver zipped away The appeal of a motorbike
them in as part of their di-

saster-relief efforts. Port-au-

Prince now is flooded with

the small-engine Jialing, Li-

fan or Jeely models, which

can be bought new for

about $800 or leased from


Puerto Rico lawmakers give final nod to sales tax increase 

DANICA COTO tax by April 1. a 14 percent value-added that the sales tax increase Rico’s economy.
Associated Press If approved, it would be the tax as the U.S. territory’s could have been lower “It will kill your own pocket
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico highest sales tax compared economic crisis worsened. had legislators approved it and our economy little by
(AP) — Legislators this week with any U.S. state. If Garcia signs the measure, earlier this year. little,” he said. “This new
narrowly approved an in- Officials said the proposed it will help Puerto Rico ac- “We would be in a much tax will keep leading to clo-
crease in the U.S. territory’s increase could help gener- cess the market and issue better position today,” he sures and lost jobs.”
sales tax to help generate ate $1.2 billion in revenue up to $2.95 billion in bonds said. “A lot of important Legislators are now expect-
more revenue and offset a as Puerto Rico struggles as planned, said economist revenue was lost during ed to debate a proposed
deep fiscal crisis. through its eighth year of Jose Villamil, a former U.N. that time.” he measure re- $9.8 billion budget that
Gov. Alejandro Garcia Pa- recession and faces a $72 consultant and CEO of an ceived the minimum 26 calls for $674 million in cuts.
dilla is expected to sign the billion public debt. Officials economic and planning votes needed in the island’s It also sets aside $1.5 bil-
bill that would increase the previously warned the gov- consulting firm. But gov- House of Representatives lion to help pay off Puerto
tax from 7 percent to 11.5 ernment could shut down ernment officials still need after the Senate narrowly Rico’s debt, an increase of
percent, as well as create soon if emergency mea- to take other steps to help approved it with amend- $400 million from the cur-
a new 4 percent tax on sures were not taken. boost the economy, includ- ments on Monday. rent fiscal budget. The gov-
professional services. The The approval ends a ing implementing a tax re- Resident Commissioner ernment has announced
sales tax increase would go months-long heated de- form, he said in a phone in- Pedro Pierluisi of the main that it plans to close nearly
into effect July 1 and the bate where legislators re- terview. “Clearly, the fiscal opposition party said the 100 schools and 20 public
new tax on Oct. 1, with a jected other proposals to situation will not be solved measure would have a agencies in a bid to save
transition to a value-added generate money including by this bill,” he said, adding negative impact on Puerto money and cut costs.q
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