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local Friday 14 OctOber 2022
Public and private sector met during workshop
‘Towards Integrity in Aruba’
ORANJESTAD – Last tion; the possibility of forti-
Wednesday, members fying the code of conduct
from the public and pri- in the public and private
vate sectors joined forces sectors; and also the de-
to fight corruption during sire to see more transpar-
a workshop titled ‘Towards ency combined with an
Integrity in Aruba’ in the exemplary conduct from
ballroom of La Cabana Re- our leaders and rulers in our
sort & Casino. community.
The workshop was pre- In the following months,
sented by Stichting Deug- more workshops will be or-
delijk Bestuur Aruba (Aruba ganized to expand in each
Good Governance Foun- fundamental area of the
dation) in collaboarion with NIS report (social, political,
Aruba Institute for Good cultural and economic).
Governance and Leader- With these steps, the desire
ship from the University of is to manage to concret-
Aruba, Saxion Hogeschool ize the collective recom-
and HopeAruba Move- mendations and achieve a
ment Foundation. specific plan of action that
can be carried by a wide
Mr. Armand Hessels from asm to see a workshop re- Aruba, which was pub- and fortified in Aruba on basis in our country.
the Stichting Deugdelijk lated to integrity become lished last april. the social, political, cultural
Bestuur Aruba inaugurated a reality. and economic fields. Some The organizers of the work-
the morning explaining the During the session, dr. Participants in the work- important points which shop are happy to see the
process that is going on, Willeke Slingerland from shop, who represented var- were brought forward were great interest from various
from a few years already, Saxion Hogeschool, as ious sectors of our commu- the need to create more stakeholders in our commu-
to finally reach a National main research for this proj- nity, had the opportunity to awareness and education nity that also chose to stand
Integrity System (NIS) As- ect, presented the conclu- share their thoughts regard- in our community on the up, use their voices and
sessment for Aruba, and sions and recommenda- ing practical ways in which topic of integrity and the take responsibility as active
also expressed his enthusi- tions of the NIS report for integrity can be stimulated consequences of corrup- citizens on our island.q
Minister of Economic Affairs visits Surinam to attend Caribbean
Development Roundtable
Organized by ECLAC
ORANJESTAD – Last Wednesday, Aruban minister of Economic Affairs, Geoffrey
Wever travelled to Suriname to attend the Caribbean Development Round-
table and the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee taking
place from 12-14 of October in Paramaribo, Suriname.
The organizer of this meeting is the Subregional He Headquarters of the Eco-
nomic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) which fo-
cuses on the Caribbean region.
The meeting of the Caribbean Development Roundtable is more like a dia-
logue on various topics regarding the Caribbean and the Caribbean Devel-
opment and Cooperation Committee is where the progress of the work and
the focus of ECLAC for the following year will be stipulated through resolutions.
The themes discussed will be, among others:
Global partnership for repositioning, recovery and resilience in the Caribbean;
Economic restructuring and diversification for deeper integration of the Carib-
bean with Latin America and in the global economy;
Towards the Establishment of the Caribbean Resilience Fund.
The interesting aspect of the Roundtable is that the countries come together
to dialogue on these topics and how they can achieve these together. After
the impact of Covid-19, it is important for the countries in our region to be pre-
pared, and for this reason, they will discuss the creation of a fund for the Carib-
bean, known as a resilience fund, to help member countries absorb external
economic hits.
As organizer of the event, ECLAC covers all travel and boarding expenses.q