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‘business as usual’
Diabierna 27 di Maart 2020 Email: Tel: 582-7800 Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin
Gobierno ta pidi Hulanda donacion • No tin solucion
pa Rubiano
di 400 miyon euro sin adres na
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• Empresarionan:
Ayudo di
gobierno no ta
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• Prolongacion di
ciere di scol te
cu 20 di april
Pagina 2 Pagina 24
Aruba to Me
March 27, 2020
T: 582-7800
Page 31/32
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
3.3 million seek U.S. jobless aid, nearly 5 times earlier high
By CHRISTOPHER RUGABER and airlines. Auto sales are
AP Economics Writer plummeting, and car ma-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Ne- kers have closed factories.
arly 3.3 million Americans Most such employers face
applied for unemployment loan payments and other
benefits last week — al- fixed costs, so they’re cut-
most five times the previous ting jobs to save money.
record set in 1982 — amid As job losses mount, some
a widespread economic economists say the nation’s
shutdown caused by the unemployment rate could
coronavirus. The surge in approach 13% by May. By
weekly applications was a comparison, the highest jo-
stunning reflection of the bless rate during the Great
damage the viral outbreak Recession, which ended in
is inflicting on the economy. 2009, was 10%.
Filings for unemployment “What seemed impossible
aid generally reflect the just two weeks ago is now
pace of layoffs. Layoffs are reality,” said Nancy Van-
sure to accelerate as the den Houten, an economist
U.S. economy sinks into a at Oxford Economics, a
recession. Revenue has col- consulting firm. In this March 17, 2020 file photo, people wait in line for help with unemployment benefits at the
lapsed at restaurants, ho- One-Stop Career Center in Las Vegas.
tels, movie theaters, gyms Continued on Page 25 Associated Press