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A26    U.S. NEWS
                      Friday 27 March 2020
            Autism diagnosis more common in the U.S. as racial gap closes

            By MIKE STOBBE                                                                                                      Now, the there is no differ-
            AP Medical Writer                                                                                                   ence  between  white  and
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Autism                                                                                          black  children  by  age  8,
            has  grown  slightly  more                                                                                          though black kids continue
            common in the U.S., but a                                                                                           to  get  diagnosed  at  older
            gap  in  diagnosis  of  white                                                                                       ages  than  white  children,
            and  black  kids  has  disap-                                                                                       the CDC report said.
            peared,  according  to  a                                                                                           That indicates there's still a
            government     report   re-                                                                                         problem, said Alison Singer,
            leased Thursday.                                                                                                    president of the Autism Sci-
            Closure  of  that  gap  —                                                                                           ence Foundation.
            thanks to increased screen-                                                                                         "The  earlier  children  are
            ing  —  is  the  main  reason                                                                                       identified,  the  sooner  they
            autism diagnoses are up a                                                                                           can start to receive servic-
            little, some experts said.                                                                                          es"  like  speech  and  occu-
            About 1 in 54 U.S. children                                                                                         pational  therapies,  Singer
            were  identified  as  having                                                                                        said.
            autism  in  2016,  according                                                                                        Also,  the  gap  between
            to the new report from the                                                                                          white  and  Hispanic  kids
            Centers  for  Disease  Con-                                                                                         hasn't       disappeared,
            trol  and  Prevention.  That's                                                                                      though it also is shrinking.
            up from 1 in 59 children in                                                                                         While  the  diagnosis  gap  is
            2014,  and  from  1  in  68  in   In  this  Monday,  Oct.  24,  2016  file  photo,  Megan  Krail  helps  a  4-year-old  boy  with  Autism   narrowing, it's not clear that
            both 2010 and 2012.          Spectrum Disorder practice trick-or-treating at The University of Texas at Dallas' Callier Center for   minority kids are getting the
            The  new  report  is  based   Communication Disorders preschool class in Dallas.                                    same  access  to  services
            on  a  tracking  system  in                                                                        Associated Press  and  treatment,  said  Mi-
            11  states  that  focuses  on  differing  estimates  of  how  havior.  Traditionally,  it  was  For  decades,  white  chil-  chael  Yudell,  a  Drexel Uni-
            8-year-olds,  because  most  common  autism  is.  But  ex-  diagnosed only in kids with  dren  were  diagnosed  with  versity public health profes-
            cases  are  diagnosed  by  perts say this CDC system is  severe  language  and  so-    autism far more often than  sor who is writing a book on
            that  age.  The  researchers  the most rigorous, and the  cial  impairments  and  un-  black kids. Non-whites were  the history of autism.
            check  health  and  school  results are considered to be  usual repetitious behaviors.  more likely to be diagnosed  "As  these  (autism  preva-
            records  to  see  which  chil-  the gold standard.        But the definition gradually  with something else, like at-  lence)  numbers  increase,
            dren  meet  criteria  for  au-  There are no blood or bio-  expanded,  and  autism  is  tention deficit hyperactivity  we  need  to  increase  the
            tism,  even  if  they  haven't  logical  tests  for  autism.  It's  now shorthand for a group  disorder  or  even  just  bad  resources,"  such  as  spe-
            been formally diagnosed.     identified  by  making  judg-  of  milder,  related  condi-  behavior, researchers have  cial education funding, he
            Researchers  have  made  ments  about  a  child's  be-    tions, too.                  said.                        said.q

            Dreaming of lottery riches? Virus could cut jackpots

            By SCOTT McFETRIDGE                                                                                                 discussions about potential
            Associated Press                                                                                                    changes  to  address  the
            DES  MOINES,  Iowa  (AP)  —                                                                                         slowdown  in  sales  during
            Hoping  to  escape  all  the                                                                                        the  current  health  crisis,"
            coronavirus-caused    eco-                                                                                          said  Gordon  Medenica,
            nomic  uncertainty  by  win-                                                                                        who  heads  the  Maryland
            ning  a  giant  lottery  jack-                                                                                      lottery and is director of the
            pot?                                                                                                                national game.
            Think again. Those jackpots                                                                                         Medenica  notes,  howev-
            are  going  to  shrink  as  the                                                                                     er,  that  Mega  Millions  has
            pandemic tamps down lot-                                                                                            a  minimum  increase  of  $5
            tery sales.                                                                                                         million  after  each  draw-
            The  group  that  oversees                                                                                          ing  so  is  in  better  position
            the  Powerball  game  an-                                                                                           to weather the decreased
            nounced Wednesday night                                                                                             sales.
            that it would cut minimum                                                                                           For most people, the coro-
            jackpots  in  half,  from  $40                                                                                      navirus causes mild or mod-
            million  to  $20  million,  after                                                                                   erate  symptoms,  such  as
            there is a winner of the cur-                                                                                       fever and cough that clear
            rent  big  prize.  The  jackpot                                                                                     up  in  two  to  three  weeks.
            also could grow more slow-                                                                                          For  some,  especially  older
            ly, with minimum increases                                                                                          adults  and  people  with
            of $2 million instead of the                                                                                        existing health problems, it
            normal  $10  million  after   In this Jan. 6, 2018 file photo, a Powerball lottery sign displays the lottery prizes at a convenience   can cause more severe ill-
            each  twice-weekly  draw-    store in Chicago.                                                     Associated Press  ness, including pneumonia,
            ing.                                                                                                                or death.
            "Powerball players in many  fected  normal  consumer  enterprises      around    the  The  other  national  lottery  The  move  by  Powerball
            U.S.   lottery   jurisdictions  behaviors,"  said  Gregory  world that are making ad-  game in the United States,  won't  affect  the  current
            are  under  shelter-in-place  Mineo,  the  director  of  the  justments,  we  are  making  Mega  Millions,  is  consider-  $160 million jackpot, which
            orders  or  recommenda-      Maine  lottery  and  chair-  proactive changes to con-    ing a similar move.          will  continue  to  rise  by  at
            tions  from  their  governors  man of the Powerball Prod-  tinue  to  offer  the  world's  "The  Mega  Millions  Con-  least $10 million until there is
            or  mayors,  which  have  af-  uct  Group.  "Just  like  other  premier lottery product."  sortium  has  begun  internal  a winner.q
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