Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200327
P. 28

                      Friday 27 March 2020

              China bars most
              foreigners to curb

              imported virus cases

              BEIJING  (AP)  —  China  ers  will  be  exempt,  and
              says  it  is  temporarily  bar-  foreign  citizens  coming
              ring  most  foreigners  from  to  China  for  “necessary
              entering the country as it  economic, trade, scientif-
              seeks to curb the number  ic or technological activi-
              of  imported  coronavirus  ties or out of emergency
              cases. The foreign ministry  humanitarian needs” can
              announced late Thursday  still apply for visas.
              that even foreign citizens  The  ministry  said  in  a
              with residence permits will  statement  that:  “The  sus-
              be prevented from enter-   pension  is  a  temporary
              ing  starting  on  Saturday.  measure  that  China  is
              All visa-free transit policies  compelled to take in light
              will  also  be  temporarily  of  the  outbreak  situation
              suspended.                 and the practices of oth-
              It  said  diplomatic  work-  er countries.”q
                                                                      In this photo provided by South Korea Presidential Blue House via Yonhap News Agency, South
              Greece: Man arrested                                    Korean  President  Moon  Jae-in  attends  G-20  virtual  summit  to  discuss  the  coronavirus  disease
                                                                      outbreak at the presidential Blue House in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, March 26, 2020.
              for transporting 12                                                                                                           Associated Press

              teenage migrants                                        The G20 video call: In virus

              THESSALONIKI,              them south towards Thes-     era, even summits are virtual
              Greece  (AP)  —  Greek  saloniki when he failed to
              authorities arrested a Syr-  stop for a police check.
              ian  man  after  finding  12  Greek  police  said  the   By TAMER FAKAHANY           2020,  it  was  to  be  Riyadh,  photographers'   cameras
              Egyptian  teenagers  hid-  Syrian  was  charged  with   Associated Press             Saudi Arabia.                snapping,  the  only  indica-
              den  in  his  van  following  illegally  transporting  mi-  LONDON (AP) — The face-  Chaired  by  Saudi  King  tion the virtual summit had
              a car chase through the  grants,  dangerous  driv-      to-face   tension   among  Salman,  who  is  presiding  started was a lone ticker on
              northern  Greek  city  of  ing,  theft  and  failing  to   foes was gone. So was the  over the G20 this year, the  Saudi TV.
              Thessaloniki  early  Thurs-  stop for a police check.   in-person     camaraderie  meeting's  purpose  was  to  What  else  does  the  virtual
              day, police said.          He  was  also  fined  150    among allies.                tackle  the  pandemic  and  summitry  cause?  It  makes
              Police  said  they  arrested  euros  (about  $160)  for   Gone were the impromptu  its  economic  implications  transparency  even  more
              the 22-year-old who had  violating  Greece’s  new       and  urgent  "bilats"  —  bi-  as  people  lose  their  in-  of an issue. There were no
              allegedly  picked  up  the  lockdown  orders  as  part   lateral  meetings  between  comes  amid  closures,  cur-  media briefings where jour-
              teenagers, all boys aged  of  measures  imposed  to     leaders  to  iron  out  a  stick-  fews and lockdowns.    nalists  could  ask  probing
              between 15 and 17, from  prevent the spread of the      ing point. Gone was the im-  In  opening  remarks,  the  questions of leaders or their
              the  Greek-Albanian  bor-  coronavirus.q                age of one leader leaning  Saudi  king  said,  "This  hu-  deputies.  There  were  no
              der and had been driving                                over another seated coun-    man crisis requires a global  aides walking the sidelines,
                                                                      terpart,  whispering  into  an  response. The world counts  available to the news me-
              Gunmen kill 2 Pakistani troops,                         ear in a conspiratorial fash-  on  us  to  come  together  dia to clarify, add context
                                                                      ion  before,  perhaps,  they  and cooperate in order to  and  answer  probing ques-
              wound 4 near Iran border                                shared  a  laugh.  Gone,  for  face this challenge."      tions.
                                                                      now,  were  the  lavish  din-  But coming together never  For  Saudi  Arabia,  this  was
              QUETTA,  Pakistan  (AP)  vincial  interior  minister  Zi-  ners  and  toasts  honed  to  seemed  more  of  a  meta-  not  what  it  expected  or
              —    Gunmen      gunmen  aullah Longove.                the  host  nation's  cultural  phor than it did at this par-  wished.  When  its  crown
              opened  fire  on  Pakistani  The  troops  were  patrol-  traditions.                 ticular "gathering."         prince,  Mohammed  bin
              security  forces  patrolling  ling  the  region  where   Like  much  else  in  the  time  Extraordinary   images  Salman, attended the G20
              a  remote  border  region  smugglers  have  a  strong   of  coronavirus,  governing  emerged  on  social  media  summit in Argentina at the
              near Iran on Thursday, kill-  presence.  Pakistan  has   as a global leader attend-  of  conference  call  gal-   end of 2018, it was largely
              ing  two  troops,  a  provin-  also  stepped  up  security   ing high-level summitry has  lery  shots  —  the  kind  that  as a pariah. Video showed
              cial minister said.        along  the  Iran  border  in   been unceremoniously up-   legions  around  the  world,  him standing alone, apart,
              Four  other  troops  were  recent  weeks  to  check     ended.                       pushed  into  working  from  after  global  revulsion  at
              also  wounded  in  the  at-  on movement of people      Thursday's  virtual  meeting  home,  have  become  ac-    the slaying of journalist Ja-
              tack in the town of Turbat  in  order  to  contain  the   of the Group of 20 nations,  customed  to  seeing  in  re-  mal Khashoggi at the king-
              in  impoverished  Baluch-  spread  of  the  new  coro-  with  more  than  a  dozen  cent days.                    dom's  consulate  in  Istan-
              istan  province,  said  pro-  navirus. q                heads  of  state  participat-  Instead  of  unshaven  or  bul. The blame from many
                                                                      ing, was less a global sum-  dressed  down  colleagues,  quarters  was  resting  firmly
                                                                      mit  and  more  of  a  high-  there  were  U.S.  President  at his door.
                                                                      powered  conference  call.  Donald     Trump,   Japan's  Then came some salvation:
                                                                      It  lasted  about  90  minutes  Prime  Minister  Shinzo  Abe,  Russia's  President  Vladimir
                                                                      — the same as a standard  India's     Narendra    Modi,  Putin  steadfastly  made  his
                                                                      soccer  match  —  instead  French  President  Emman-      way  to  bin  Salman,  and
                                                                      of the usual, more languid  uel Macron and Canada's  they  exchanged  a  robust
                                                                      two days.                    Justin Trudeau, among oth-   high-five with a wide smile.
                                                                      Hangzhou,  Hamburg,  Bue-    ers, interacting in pixels with  For  better  or  for  worse,
                                                                      nos  Aires  and  Osaka  had  the Saudi monarch.           these  are  the  type  of  per-
                                                                      been the hosts for the pre-  Instead   of   wall-to-wall  sonal moments that define
                                                                      vious years' gatherings. For  live  video  coverage  and  high-level summits. q
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