Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200327
P. 32
a32 local
Friday 27 March 2020
Message from a Continued from Page 31
friend in Rhode Island
RHODE ISLAND, US — Every generation looks at
the social distancing phase from another per-
spective. We received this tidbit from an Aruba
Today friend who is in his 20’s living in Rhode Is-
land. He shares with us his experience during this
corona time.
"You think it's a joke until it starts affecting your
life directly. Started in China and weeks later
you find out four people in your hometown are
infected. I did not panic. I was living my normal
life until everything started closing and people
began losing their jobs. Forced to stay at home Aruba to us is a memory make for my family. We are so glad we were introduced to Aruba over 20
is not that bad right? But when you have debts years ago.
Gina Gunn
and rent to pay it gives you anxiety. My expe-
rience going for groceries was overwhelming Aruba to me ...... means friendships!
because the supermarkets were packed with Since the first time I came to Aru-
people. Also, everyone looks suspicious. As you ba 20 years ago... I fell in Love with
know the virus is invisible for some days. The best it. Of course I love the Resort Para-
way is to focus on your grocery list and try to do dise Beach that I own at and I love
it as fast as you can. Also some shelves were al- Eagle Beach which is one of the Top
ready empty. Go in the toilet section and guess 10 Beaches in the World! I especially
enjoy the friendships I have made
what, no toilet paper anywhere! Luckily I had a through the years! With friends that
lot at home so that's fine. First week staying at come every year, around the same
home goes through fast but then you run out of time and we all look forward to see-
things to do and you start feeling a bit annoyed. ing each other. Sometimes we go to
We thought why don't we play monopoly like old dinner or we catch up with each oth-
times and get some rum of course. So we went to er at different places in Aruba. We
Walmart and there was not even a spot to park. always hang out at the beach and
talk about our lives. I have met so
I personally avoided touching anything with my many people from the United States
bare hands because I believe they might be in- there and from all over the world. It is
fected. Just to be safe I used some hand gloves. a nice comfort zone coming to Aruba
Also everyone was thinking about going out and for me.
enjoying the sun because the spring is here but a I am praying that all my friends that
virus changed all of our plans. Now still at home I have met in Aruba are safe during
this Coronavirus pandemic time and
discovering new hobbies and spending more we get to see each other again in
time in the kitchen. We bought a lot of ice cream Aruba real soon. God Bless all my
so quarantine is not that bad when you have friends.
good company and you make the best of it." q Melisa Morgan
As part of Wind Creek Hospitality’s commitment to the community
Renaissance Aruba donates all its fruits and vegetables
ORANJESTAD — Follow- “It feels good to be able to
ing the difficult decision to help in some small way,”
close Renaissance Aruba said Paul Gielen, General
Resort & Casino, the resort Manager at Renaissance
along with our executives Aruba Resort & Casino.
and staff have decided to “While we can’t serve our
donate all fruits and veg- guests, we have this mas-
etable to our local senior sive supply of food and it
living communities. just makes sense.”
On Thursday, March 26th, We along with rest of the
over 200 cases of produce world are learning how to
including carrots, pota- navigate these uncharted
toes, greens, apples, and waters, but with our roots
melons will be distributed in hospitality and service,
to a representative from we feel a sense of purpose
Cas Cuido y Alegria pa nos and ongoing connection
Grandi nan, Stichting Thuis- (even with social distanc-
zorg Aruba and Ambiente ing) to our community.
Feliz. The fruits and veg- Our hope is that these re-
etables once intended for sources provide the nec-
resort guests will be used to essary nutrition, relief and
create hundreds of meals maybe even a little com-
for Aruba’s most vulnerable fort to during these difficult
citizens. times. q