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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 24 November 2020

                              Suspect arrested in fatal stabbings at California church

            (AP)  —  A  suspect  has  post.                           an  overnight  winter  shelter  The temperature in San Jose  in  last  night’s  horrific  stab-
            been  arrested  in  connec-                               to up to 50 men and women  was  in  the  low  50s  when  bing at Grace Baptist Church
            tion  with  the  fatal  stab-  The   stabbings   happened  during  cold,  rainy  weather  the  attack  happened  Sunday  in Downtown -- we have lost
            bings  of  two  people  and  Sunday  night  at  Grace  Bap-  and  it  makes  showers  avail-  shortly  before  8  p.m.,  but  two  community  members,”
            the  wounding  of  three  tist  Church,  where  no  ser-  able  daily  for  drop-in  visits  dropped  into  the  high  30s  San  Jose  Mayor  Sam  Licca-
            others at a church in Cali-  vices  were  taking  place,  and  to those who may need them,  overnight. The motive of the  rdo said on social media. “We
            fornia's Silicon Valley that  officials said a man died there  according  to  the  nonprofit’s  attack  was  under  investiga-  pray for the recovery of oth-
            was being used as a home-    and a woman died at a hos-   website.                     tion, police said. Grace Bap-  ers  seriously  injured  in  that
            less  shelter,  police  said  pital.  Three  other  men  who                           tist Church did not immedi-  attack.”
            Monday.                      were  wounded  were  hospi-  “Unhoused individuals were  ately respond to a telephone  The  victims  were  not  iden-
                                         talized  Monday  in  serious  brought  into  the  church  to  message  Monday  seeking  tified  and  police  said  the
            “We  have  one  suspect  in  but stable condition.        get them out of the cold,” the  comment.                  names of those who died will
            custody  for  last  night's  ho-                          San  Jose  police  department                             be released by the Santa Clara
            micide,” the San Jose Police  The church, through its non-  tweeted.                   “Our hearts are torn for the  County Coroner’s Office af-
            Department said in a Twitter  profit Grace Solutions, offers                           victims and their loved ones  ter their families are notified.

                           Georgia is finalizing details of recount requested by Trump

            (AP)  —  After  the  Trump                                                                                          “We  can’t  really  see  a  legal
            campaign requested a re-                                                                                            path  that  makes  any  sense
            count  of  the  presidential                                                                                        because  if  you  open  up  in-
            ballots  in  Georgia,  state                                                                                        vestigations on a generalized
            election  officials  were                                                                                           grievance  without  any  evi-
            working to finalize the de-                                                                                         dence, that leaves it open for
            tails of how and when that                                                                                          somebody else in the future
            will  be  done,  a  top  elec-                                                                                      to do the exact same thing,”
            tions official said Monday.                                                                                         Sterling said.
                                                                                                                                Also Monday, the state elec-
            The election results certified                                                                                      tion  board  held  a  special
            last week by Secretary of State                                                                                     called meeting and approved
            Brad  Raffensperger  showed                                                                                         an  extension  of  two  emer-
            Democrat Joe Biden beating                                                                                          gency rules meant to accom-
            Republican  President  Don-                                                                                         modate  the  large  number
            ald  Trump  by  12,670  votes                                                                                       of  absentee  ballots  expected
            out  of  about  5  million  cast,                                                                                   because of the ongoing coro-
            or about 0.25%. Under state                                                                                         navirus  pandemic.  One  rule
            law, a candidate can request a                                                                                      authorizes  absentee  ballot
            recount  when  the  margin  is                                                                                      drop  boxes  in  each  county.
            less than 0.5%.                                                                                                     The  other  allows  counties
                                                                                                                                to  begin  opening  and  scan-
            The Trump campaign on Sat-                                                                                          ning  absentee  ballots  about
            urday  sent  a  formal  request                                                                                     two  weeks  before  the  elec-
            for  a  recount  to  the  secre-  every vote in that contest to  screen  voting  machines  and  envelope.  County  election  tion,  and  the  board  added  a
            tary of state’s office. Gabriel  be recounted by hand.    25  marked  by  hand  —  and  office workers are required to  requirement for them to be-
            Sterling,  who  oversaw  the                              count those ballots by hand,  ensure the signature matches  gin that processing one week
            implementation of the state’s  County   election   work-  Sterling said. Then they run  the one on the absentee bal-  before Election Day.
            new voting system, said dur-  ers completed that hand tal-  those ballots through a scan-  lot application and the one in
            ing a video news conference  ly  last  week.  Because  some  ner  to  make  sure  the  tallies  the voter registration system,  The  election  board  had
            Monday that the secretary of  previously uncounted ballots  match. Once they determine  Raffensperger has said. Once  planned  to  discuss  another
            state’s  office  planned  to  talk  were  discovered  during  the  each scanner is counting ac-  the  signatures  are  verified,  possible  emergency  rule  on
            to  county  election  officials  audit, several counties had to  curately,  every  single  ballot  to  protect  ballot  secrecy  en-  verification of residency dur-
            before  deciding  on  the  spe-  recertify their totals. Then the  will be rescanned, he said.  shrined  in  Georgia  law,  the  ing the voter registration pro-
            cific starting and ending time  secretary of state certified the  Sterling  also  addressed  a  re-  ballots  are  separated  from  cess.  But  secretary  of  state’s
            for the recount.             results and Gov. Brian Kemp  quest  the  state  Republican  the  envelopes  and  can’t  be  office  general  counsel  Ryan
            This  will  be  the  third  time  certified the state’s slate of 16  Party  made  Sunday  urging  matched  back  to  individual  Germany  told  the  board
            the  votes  in  the  presiden-  presidential electors.    the secretary of state to order  voters.                  members  that  it  turns  out
            tial  race  have  been  counted                           an audit of the absentee bal-  Sterling said the secretary of  state  law  already  addresses
            in  Georgia.  After  the  initial  A  state  election  board  rule  lots cast in the 2020 election,  state’s office is still reviewing  the issue, and the secretary of
            count  following  Election  mandates that the recount re-  including  verification  of  the  whether  any  sort  of  investi-  state’s office decided instead
            Day,  Raffensperger  selected  quested  by  the  Trump  cam-  signature match process.  gation is appropriate, but he  to send county election offi-
            the  presidential  race  for  an  paign  be  done  by  machine.                        said  there  hasn’t  been  any  cials  instructions  reminding
            audit  required  by  state  law.  County election workers will  When  Georgia  voters  return  specific claim that the signa-  them  of  their  authority  and
            Because of the tight margin,  create  test  decks  of  100  bal-  an absentee ballot, they have  ture  match  process  was  not  responsibilities  under  that
            he  said,  the  audit  required  lots — 75 marked by touch-  to sign an oath on the outer  done properly.           law.

                            Police: 1 killed, 6 hurt in shooting at Brooklyn apartments

             (AP) — A young woman has died  ly  after  9  p.m.  Sunday  in  the  East  Stuyvesant neighborhood, and police  from police. They were expected to
             and six other people were wound-    New  York  neighborhood  and  left  a  said it's believed to be related to the  survive, police said.
             ed in a shooting at an apartment  17-year-old boy wounded in the leg,  first shooting. A 20-year-old woman  No arrests were immediately report-
             building  in  Brooklyn  that  fol-  New York Police Department Depu-    was  taken  to  a  hospital,  where  she  ed. Police said they were looking for
             lowed an earlier shooting near a  ty Chief Michael Kemper said during  was pronounced dead, police said.    more than one suspect in the apart-
             Sweet  16  birthday  party,  police  a news conference. It wasn't known                                     ment shooting.
             said.                               what prompted that shooting.        Others shot at the apartment building
                                                 The  second  shooting  took  place  ranged in age from 14 to 19 years old,  Police have not yet released a descrip-
             The  first  shooting  happened  short-  about  11:15  p.m.  in  the  Bedford-  according to preliminary information  tion of the shooters in either incident.
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