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P. 42
SPORTSSaturday 13 June 2015
American In this image provided by Churchill Downs, longtime veterinarian Dr. William McGee, 98, who has nia to prepare for his next
Pharoah treated several Triple Crown winners, feeds a carrot 2015 Triple Crowner American Pharoah at phase of competition.
Churchill Downs, Friday, June 12, 2015, in Louisville, Ky. Though the trainer said the
Continued from horse will definitely com-
previous page Associated Press pete in the Breeders’ Cup
Classic at Keeneland in
American Pharoah is still people as he did. I look for track before his connec- the paddock area, and he Lexington this fall, his sum-
basking in the afterglow of the best from him.” tions receive gold and sil- wore a Triple Crown blan- mer schedule is undecid-
his achievement. The public will get its ver trophies for last month’s ket before being led back ed.
After getting his public bath chance to congratulate Kentucky Derby victory. to his stall. “The goal is to bring him
before a group of camera- horse racing’s 12th Triple His name has already been A resident at Baffert’s barn back healthy,” said Baffert,
clicking spectators, he Crown winner Saturday added in gold letters to a since late April, American joking that he wants to put
posed for pictures with fans night as American Pharoah ring of fame with previous Pharoah will leave Louisville the champion “in bubble
young and old and rel- parades around the famed Triple Crown champions in June 18 to return to Califor- wrap” to protect him.
ished the gentle pats and “I don’t want to get ahead
kisses on his cheek. of myself. I just want to see
The horse’s laid-back de- how he responds.”
meanor through all the If Friday’s brief jog around
oohs and ahhs certainly Churchill Downs offered
impressed Lexington veteri- any clues, American
narian William McGee, 98, Pharoah seemed to be
who recalls seeing or treat- refreshed from the 1½-
ing at least six Triple Crown mile Belmont Stakes that
champions in his career. he won by 5½ lengths. He
American Pharoah calmly seemed to glide while go-
walked over to McGee’s ing around the outside of
wheelchair and cozied the main track in the op-
up to him for a pat on the posite direction of many
head that confirmed Mc- horses and looked as if he
Gee’s belief in how special could’ve gone farther if
he is. asked.
“His temperament is out- That will come in time for
standing,” McGee said. the champion, who just
“Most horses just won’t needed to stretch his legs
stand for the closeness of again.q