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                                                                                                                                                                    Saturday 13 June 2015

Chicago, Tampa Bay all even                                                                                                           before this series began,     Goaltending also hasn’t
again in Stanley Cup Final                                                                                                            but Tampa Bay has recom-      been a deciding factor in
                                                                                                                                      mitted to the improved de-    this series, even with ample
                                                                                                                                      fensive game that allowed     reason to think it might be.
                                                                                                                                      it to get out of the Eastern  The Lightning don’t know
                                                                                                                                      Conference playoff brack-     yet whether Andrei Vasi-
                                                                                                                                      et in 20 grueling games.      levskiy will get another start
                                                                                                                                      Neither of these speedy       in net after the 20-year-
                                                                                                                                      teams is flying down the      old Russian rookie played
                                                                                                                                      ice, instead focusing on re-  Game 4 in place of Ben
                                                                                                                                      sponsible hockey.             Bishop, who has an undis-
                                                                                                                                      “We got caught up think-      closed injury. Vasilevskiy
                                                                                                                                      ing it would be run-and-      won Game 2 in relief, and
                                                                                                                                      gun,” Blackhawks forward      he played well Wednesday
                                                                                                                                      Brad Richards said. “And      in his first playoff start, giv-
                                                                                                                                      if we do that, we just feed   ing Tampa Bay little reason
                                                                                                                                      them. We’ve got to be         to worry about the poten-
                                                                                                                                      more patient than them.”      tially precarious position.q

Chicago Blackhawks’ Jonathan Toews, left, and Tampa Bay Lightning’s J.T. Brown chase after a
loose puck during the second period in Game 4 of the NHL hockey Stanley Cup Final Wednesday,
June 10, 2015, in Chicago.

                                                                                                                    Associated Press

GREG BEACHAM                    the game ... I just don’t see    the Lightning captain still
AP Hockey Writer                it happening,” Lightning         doesn’t have a goal in the
TAMPA, Florida (AP) — Four      associated coach Rick            series.
games into the Stanley          Bowness said. “There are         “When you have teams of
Cup Final, all that’s clear is  moments in each of the           this caliber, it’s bound to
just how little separates the   four games that we were in       be a tight series,” Stamkos
Chicago Blackhawks and          control of it, and there are     said. “We’re disappointed
the Tampa Bay Lightning.        moments, like the second         about the squandered
These two NHL conference        period last night, that they     chance, (but) if you’d have
champions have two vic-         were in control of it.”          given us a best 2 out of 3 at
tories, nine goals and 24       Tampa Bay could very well        home at the beginning of
penalty minutes apiece,         have won all four games          the year to win the Stanley
while Chicago has outshot       but the Blackhawks could         Cup, any team in their right
Tampa Bay 107-104.              say the same thing. Still        mind would take that op-
Neither team has led by         Game 4 will still be stinging    portunity.”
more than one goal at           the Lightning and the one        The series is so even be-
any point in the Final’s first  they will look back on with      cause these teams’ similari-
four games, which have all      regret if they don’t man-        ties have largely canceled
been decided by one goal        age to win the Cup.              each other out, from the
apiece for the first time       Tampa Bay held the Black-        flying forwards up front to
since 1968 and just the third   hawks to just two shots in       the uncertain goalie situa-
time in NHL history.            the first period and didn’t      tions in back.
The Lightning return home       let up significantly in the fi-  “It’s a game of bounces.
for Game 5 on Saturday at       nal two periods, dominat-        You just try to work hard
Amalie Arena knowing they       ing the puck. Yet the Black-     and try to get those bounc-
missed early opportunities      hawks got goals of pure          es and keep the momen-
to get Chicago in serious       persistence from Jonathan        tum,” Saad said. “But luck’s
trouble in this series — and    Toews and Brandon Saad,          definitely a part of it. It’s a
they know the fate of other     while the Lightning lament-      tough trophy to win and a
opponents who failed to         ed numerous missed scor-         tough series to be a part
put the Blackhawks away.        ing chances.                     of.”
“For either one of us to think  Steven Stamkos twice             The Lightning still have the
we’re going to go out there     came close to tying Game         impressive team speed that
and control 60 minutes of       4 in the final 90 seconds but    seemed to be a key factor
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