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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 12 June 2024
            Create museum memories

            ORANJESTAD  —  Museums  in San Nicolas and narrates  check  out  their  Facebook
            are an integral part of con-  Aruba's  industrial  history,  page  Museum  of  Industry
            serving  and  honoring  cul-  which  began  in  the  19th  Aruba.
            tures,  and  Aruba  is  no  ex-  century.  The  Water  Tower
            ception.  Our  Island  has  a  was built in 1939 and con-  Archaeological Museum
            wide  selection  of  various  sists  of  three  sections:  the     of Aruba
            museums for our locals and  substructure, the high-rising  The  Archaeological  Mu-
            visitors to see. Take this op-  vertical shaft, and the tank  seum  of  Aruba  is  located
            portunity to learn about our  at the top. The Water Tow-  at Schelpstraat 42 in down-
            island  and  experience  a  er  was  purchased  by  the  town Oranjestad. The reno-
            different  day  beyond  the  Monuments Fund in 2003 so  vated  historic  Ecury  com-
            beach.  Let  us  introduce  to  it can be restored and pre-  plex  in  the  area  has  been
            you these museums.           served  as  one  of  Aruba's  transformed  from  a  family  20th  century  on  a  plot  of  At  the  new  location,  the
                                         monuments.  The  Museum  home to a modern museum  approximately 1.700 m2.              National   Archaeological
             Museum of Industry Aruba    of Industry is part of Aruba  that preserves Aruba’s Am-                               Museum Aruba disposes of
            The Museum of Industry is lo-  Museum  Foundation  (Fun-  erindian  cultural  heritage.  In 1997, the Aruban Govern-  approximately  500  m2  for
            cated in San Nicolas—bet-    dacion  Museo  Aruban),  This  21st  century  museum  ment bought the complex  its  permanent  exhibit.  This
            ter known as the art capital  which  is  a  foundation  set  is  especially  designed  to  for  the  National  Archaeo-  exhibit conveys information
            of  Aruba.  This  museum  ex-  to maintain, preserve, and  preserve  valuable  artifacts  logical  Museum  project.  on the origin and culture of
            hibits the industrial history of  protect the Aruban cultural  dating back to the Pre-Ce-  In  2004,  a  financial  agree-  the  first  inhabitants  of  the
            gold,  aloe,  phosphate,  oil  sector, history, and nature.  ramic period of 2500 BC.   ment  was  signed  with  the  island  through  archaeo-
            and tourism through elabo-   The  museum  of  Industry  is                             European     Development  logical  objects  and  mod-
            rated  displays  and  multi-  open daily from 9 am till 6  In  the  late  1980’s,  AMA  Fund  and  in  2006,  restora-  ern  exhibition  techniques.
            media installations.         pm.                          identified  its  need  for  an  tion and construction work  The new permanent exhibit
            The  Museum  of  Industry  is                             adequate  housing  for  its  began  on  the  monumen-     gives  the  visitor  an  insight
            situated in the Water Tower  For   more     information,  collection  and  activities.  tal buildings and the soon-  into  the  cultures  that  in-
                                                                      After  studying  various  op-  to-be  exhibition  space.  In  habited  the  island  in  Pre-
                                                                      tions,  a  project  proposal  December 2007, the key to  Historical  and  Early  Histori-
                                                                      was  drawn  up,  including  the complex was delivered  cal times. The museum also
                                                                      the acquisition and restora-  and the museum’s employ-    hosts attractive public pro-
                                                                      tion of historical buildings in  ees  moved  to  the  new  lo-  grams,  including  lectures,
                                                                      downtown Oranjestad.         cation. The final design for  educational projects, tem-
                                                                                                   the exhibit was completed  porary  exhibits  and  work-
                                                                      These  historical  buildings  in  November  2007  and  shops.
                                                                      were  formerly  the  proper-  the  permanent  exhibit,  fi-
                                                                      ty  of  the  Ecury  family.  The  nanced  by  the  Aruban  The  museum  is  open  daily
                                                                      “Ecury Complex”, is a clus-  Government and the Union  from  9:30  am  till  4:30  pm.
                                                                      ter  of  single  and  two-story  of  Cultural  Organizations  For more information check
                                                                      historic  buildings,  mainly  (UNOCA),  opened  in  July  out  the  Facebook  page
                                                                      Dutch  colonial  architec-   2009.                        Museo  Arqueologico  Na-
                                                                      ture from the late 19th and                               cional Aruba.q

            Why You Should Not Miss Aruba’s Free City Center Street Car Tour

            ORANJESTAD - Aruba’s City Center  not  enjoy  a  ride  on  this  beautiful  the beautiful Aruba’s City Center–  it is free for all!q
            Street Car - or as we call it in Dutch;  and  naturally  air-conditioned  ve-
            “Tram van Oranjestad’ - is a single  hicle? The tour consists of a total of
            track  tram  line  in  Oranjestad,  the  9  stops  approximately  200  meters
            capital city of Aruba. It was inaugu-  apart from each other; all stops are
            rated on 22 December 2012, being  clearly marked. The tram will bring
            the first and so far the only passen-  you  close  to  different  museums,
            ger  rail  service  on  Aruba  and  the  historical  plazas,  monuments,  the
            rest of the Dutch Caribbean. There  Protestant  church,  Aruba’s  high-
            are two trolleys, a single-deck one  end mall, retail shops, and a vari-
            with 42 seats and a double-decker  ety of local and international cui-
            with 64 seats. The line was inspired  sine restaurants. The “I love Aruba”
            by  the  popular  battery-powered  trademark also belongs to that list.
            streetcar operation at the Grove in  The third stop on the route is close
            Los  Angeles,  USA.  Aruba’s  street-  to a 5-minute walk to the famous
            cars are powered by hydrogen fuel  Renaissance  Marina  showcasing
            cells, which are charged by the is-  luxurious  yachts  and  Aruba’s  blue
            land’s year-round trade winds.      waters.

            Caya  Betico  Croes,  mostly  re-   The  “Tram  van  Oranjestad”  starts
            ferred to as our “main street” has  from a balloon loop near the Port
            been  developed  into  a  pollution-  of  Call  and  serves  the  downtown
            free  pedestrian  mall.  The  double-  area and ends at Plaza Nicky. The
            decker  offers  you  a  360  degree  first  ride  starts  at  10:00  am  sharp
            view of the down town area with  with intervals of 25minutes. The last
            a picture perfect scenery of the is-  trolley departs from the cruise port
            land’s clear blue skies. Who would  at  5:00pm.  Don’t  miss  this  tour  of
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