Page 24 - MIN ON - JULY 13,2015
P. 24
Na e graduacion di OAA
Celebrando e
dedicacion di adultonan
pa mas conocemento
IN PROTECTION OF FREE ENTERPRISE. The Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association, AHATA, published a
press release in June, regarding its position on all-inclusives. We don’t need a law restricting the opening of new
all-inclusives, AHATA said, what we need is a stimulus package to be put in place to assist the properties offering
the so called European Plan -- just room and optional F&B -- become more sustainable, so that they are not all
tempted to convert themselves into all-inclusives. But the Minister of Tourism opined, let’s just put down a law, and
that should suffice. So, that’s how it stood last week, at a sharp divide, the hoteliers rejecting any form of market
control, and the minister insisting on it. Fearful of voters’ upset, and upset himself at the hoteliers’ desire to let
the market decide where it wants to go, and where it wants to stay, and how much it wants to pay for whatever it
is buying, the Minister and the hoteliers arrived at a standoff. In layman terms, all-inclusives make more money
for their corporate owners, less money for the island government and less money for local providers of service,
who are the voters. European Plan hotels make less money for their corporate owners, more money for the island
government and more money for local providers of services, i.e. voters. I am however sad to acknowledge that
all-inclusives are popular with guests, who relish eating and drinking gluttonously, hence their booking preference.
The wished-for stimulus package will create an awareness campaign to remind guests of the great advantages of
staying at a European Plan hotel, and having the freedom to explore the island every day, eat at different spots, and
roam free-spiritedly, paying as they go along, unregimented, trading the wrist band, for more fun choices. Yes, we
need an awareness campaign to stimulate that, because all you see on TV are adz for all inclusives made to look so
awesome. As if it’s THE only way to go.
DEAD LAW CONJURED BACK TO LIFE. On a recent Immigration, Health Department and Police inspection ORANJESTAD (AAN): dos pa cuater biaha pa siman.
at a popular restaurant, 8pm, peak dinner-time, the officials demanded to see the businesses’ Vrouwelijk Bediende Un Renaissance Convention “No ta facil pa traha y despues
Verguning, as well as the permit for music. Women Servers Permit, really?? Sounds discriminatory and bigoted. Center tabata testigo di un bin scol pa 2 anochi, 3 anochi
Why do local, Aruban women, require a special permit to work as restaurant servers? I decided to ask around. Many ceremonia yen di alegria pa of 4 anochi den siman pa seis
people had no clue a law like that existed, they never heard of it. Attorney Monique Ecury called it abusive. Accord- adultonan cu a tuma e paso pa luna, un of dos aña, lagado bo
ing to her the law is ancient, and can be enforced with the same ease as Overspel, the law forbidding adultery. Some un miho futuro. Un total di 144 yiunan y casa na cas. Ademas
old portions of our legal system require an overhaul, she said, and until then, should not be enforced, but if they are, adulto determina a ricibi nan mester traha huiswerk y
it is abuse of authority. A Policeman friend suggested the law was there to make sure female servers are not working diploma despues di a completa studia den weekend. Nos di
as prostitutes. With that particular paperwork they are given permission to serve customers but are restricted to the exitosamente cursonan di OAA beroepsonderwijs ta
areas above the belt, because serving customers below the belt requires yet another kind of permission. Attorney Openbare Avondleergangen sumamente orguyoso di nos
Maura Brown was diligent and gave me a scanned copy of article 53.1 of the Vergunningsverordening/permit Or- Aruba Beroepsonderwijs, graduadonan.”
dinance that prohibits “women and children below 18 years” to serve (bedienen) in certain businesses, unless the OAA, of miho conoci como Havertong ademas a enfatisa e
Government approves such in writing. All hotels and restaurants, she explains, normally get these “vrouwelijke Scol di Anochi di Ofishi. necesidad pa mas hende muhe
bedienden” permits, issued with the initial hotel/restaurant permit. According to her, the law was last updated in participa den e programanan.
2002. Then one of my friends offered a recent tweet suggesting the officials are also looking for inwonenede house- OAA no ta Enseñansa Pa Di e 144 graduadonan, 24
keepers, live-in maids, who are employed by certain unscrupulous bosses, working for almost nothing, then farmed Empleo, pero ta un Scol di porshento tabata hende muhe.
out to work some more, for extra very little income, in outside businesses, in violation of their permit. Apparently, Ofishi riba su mes, cu pa 60 Y p’e, e cifra ey ainda ta
that is a notorious rip off. Back to the top: We applaud the authorities for undertaking inspection. Kudos to you. But aña ta percurando pa duna mucho abou. E cursonan di
why invade at peak dinner time? You ruin guests’ experience and scare them too. oportunidad na hopi Arubiano OAA mester ta mas dirigi na
pa mehora nan abilidad y hende muhe, den su opinion
TRANSITIONS. Karin Swiers, ATA Branding Specialist landed a great promotion, going back home to Marriott conocemento den un cantidad ya cu e probabilidad ta grandi
International in a regional marketing capacity, to apply her dedication, enthusiasm, and passion to that chain’s di areanan profesional, como cu un ser femenino educa ta
Caribbean and Central American resorts. She will be reunited with Keirsin Tjon Pian Gi, in the same department. tal dunando nan e posibilidad percura pa su yiunan tambe
Sanju Luidens Daryanani, her former boss at ATA says one thing is for sure, Karin is Aruba, it is in her heart pa crece economicamente y haya bon educacion.
and soul, and no matter what work she does on a regional level, Sanju is sure Aruba will remain Karin’s #1! On a profesionalmente.
similar note, Tamara Waldron relocated from the easy-going marketing and communications department at Aruba Scol di Anochi di Ofishi
Ports Authority to the Marketing Department of Aruba Bank, joining Stephanie Camacho to run a super-busy E aña aki un total di 144 ademas ta dirigi dos programa
and creative hub of activities. Annalisa Gesterkamp who has been working in the NYC since her graduation in persona a gradua for di e 15 di MAVO, cu ta e asina
the Netherlands, started recently as Branded Producer at Hearst Publications. She will be doing branded videos cursonan cu OAA ta brinda, yama Middag MAVO y
for the different magazines such as Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmo, Seventeen, and Esquire, which live on digital for di carpinteria basico te na Avond MAVO, cu ta permiti
platforms. Her current promotion she says, delivers better money, an improved job description, and a much cooler mantencion tecnico y te hasta adultonan logra nan diploma
office building in Manhattan. Patrick Melchior, now heads the DMMO, the Destination Management and Mar- diseño di moda. pa sigui pa un educacion mas
keting Organization of the Aruba Tourism Authority, responsible for ‘product’ Aruba, transforming it from bla to halto. Es mas, pa varios adulto
wow, and delivering to customers on our advertising promises, reigning over Cruise, Product Development, Trade Minister di Enseñansa hoben, e programanan aki di
Relations, Events & Sponsorships. Ana Maria Ramirez, gave me a business card, she now owns Bally-Hoo, a Michelle Hooyboer Winklaar MAVO ta permiti nan traha y
branding and merchandising company, helping customers reach their branding potential, with Compra as one of a habri e celebracion. E tambe sigui nan educacion.
her clients. Chef/Proprietor Peter Dorer reports that the new Truffles partnership between Chef Paul Zijlstra and Minister a felicita e grupo
F&B professional Marco v/d Linden did not work out. They found the bank unresponsive to their pleas and closed determina di graduadonan E miho graduadonan di e
shop before I had the opportunity to try the restaurant out. pa nan perseverancia y a graduadonan di OAA 2015
homenagea OAA pa duna nan ta Jo-Ann Jurica y Edward
OLIVER RIDING RETURNS TIERRA DEL SOL. The recent ELEQT event at Tierra del Sol introduced a e oportunidad aki. Joseph. Ambos a completa e
number of single malt whiskeys with difficult-to-pronounce names, in Gaelic. Nevertheless they were delicious Curso Basico di Tecnica di
when served over ice by the Romar Trading crew of master-mixers and paired with Chef Jim Rooseman’s hors Director di OAA Claudia Auto. Y mientras cu kizas nan
d’oeuvres. The party under the stars was titled A Man’s World, and it was expertly coordinated by Mirla Pass- Whitfield tambe honra e a haya atencion special pa
chier, Aruba’s ELEQT life-style specialist. I made a new friend at the party, Julian Tucker, Director of Rooms at graduadonan, tur kendenan nan logro, esnan cu a horta e
the Hyatt Regency and I finally bumped into golf pro Oliver Riding, he’s back on the island after a few years in durante e curso di 60 aña a show e anochi di graduacion
Acapulco, Mexico, where besides work he also experienced a life-changing event in the form of Tropical Storm participa den e programanan. tabata esnan cu a gradua di
Manuel, in 2013. The storm claimed 21 lives when the levy protection their neighborhood broke, and water rose EL a bisa cu e institucion tin e curso di costureria, ya cu
from zero to massive flooding, within a few seconds. Oliver, his wife Mylene Marques and assorted neighbors 60 aña ta trahando pa percura nan por a modela nan propio
and friends were left stranded on an upper level of a building, and eventually were rescued, one by one, by kayak pa oportunidad di educacion creacionnan.
and seadoo, in uncontrollable rain. Two weeks later, they went back home to discover all was lost, covered with pa personanan cu tin un trabou
mud and muck. Oliver’s natural leadership came in handy in crisis, he also made some new lifelong friends, in den dia. Y cu e ta algo dificil E ceremonia di e aña aki
moments of total distress. Oliver is back at Tierra del sol as the Troon Golf representative. The company provides pa studiantenan combina e tabata special mirando cu el a
management on luxury golf courses around the world, and Oliver will be working on restoring the golf course to dos actividadnan aki. “E ta coincidi cu e di 60 aniversario
its former glory days. Everyone working at Tierra del Sol from Executive Chef Jim Rooseman to Jorge Estrada, tuma hopi disciplina pa haci di OAA. Ta trata di e programa
restaurant manager, and Cisco Quant in finance and management, all swear the vibe is excellent, and the mood ambos exitosamente.” educativo mas bieu di Aruba y
optimistic. Apparently, after a challenging restructuring Tierra del Sol is upbeat again. And Sunday brunch is ex- Reginald Havertong, Director tin plan pa expande e curiculo
tremely popular, Jorge adds. Adhunto di OAA a reitera e cu mas cu e 15 programanan
dificultad pa traha den dia y existente.
CHE BAR RISES LIKE A PHOENIX. Reopening after the fire that consumed it, Che Bar boasts a larger kitchen atende scol di anochi, sea ta pa
which will facilitate a wider menu selection. Stand by for the introduction of the Boludo Burger, which features a
juicy meat patty with a whole chorizo on top, drenched in chimichurri sauce. As Argentine as it gets! The cute res-
taurant at Paseo Herencia will also be offering Argentine style pasta dishes, so stay tuned as many more items will
be revealed when they get back into the groove. Most importantly, their very famous empanadas are now BAKED,
as opposed to fried, just as delicious, but healthier!