Page 38 - MIN SOC 13jan,2016
P. 38


LOCALWednesday 13 January 2016

  LocalArtist                                                                                                                were any other projects
                                                                                                                             on the way and what we
Continued from page 15                                                                                                       could expect from him.
                                                                                                                             Laughing he replied: “I
“At the moment I’m expe-       says is that his career is still  nated for “Talented Youth     we could sell some stuff to-  have too much things go-
riencing different possibili-  not a “for sure thing” which      2015” in the category         gether and the result was a   ing on, so I had to drop a
ties to print and present my   is a scary aspect of the job.     of ‘Entrepreneurship &        success. That’s when I told   few. A lot of people have
photography in a very dif-     But he believes in doing          Culture’ which was re-        my friends that we should     approached me and
ferent way, because usu-       what you love every day           ally great. And Korteweg      do this again but on a big-   asked me to be a part of
ally photography is avail-     and he is very motivated          which Cado has also           ger scale.                    something. So right now I’m
able in a very simple way.     for it.                           been a part of is receiv-     We received help from Un-     thinking about what is best
Right now I’m printing on      Aruba is definitely open-         ing a ‘prestige award’.       oca and they helped us in     for me as well, instead of
wood, and getting great        ing up more to art as well        Korteweg exists since May/    every cultural event that     being everywhere.” Cado
reactions and it’s differ-     as local artists, especially in   June and consists out of 4    we organized. We believe      is currently working part
ent.” In the past Cado was     events like Korteweg which        guys who came together,       in presenting with a good     time at Cosecha helping
part of a team that de-        is promoting this more and        Cado, Ashlin, Frankie and     atmosphere, not just put-     with the social media and
signed a brand of clothing     more and also Cosecha.            Mario” he explains.           ting things on a table, but   improving their art promo-
called “Ducks & Robots”        “There are artists that defi-     “Ash has his brand of bags    a whole experience for lo-    tion.
that was very well known       nitely live off of their art. I   that he makes called “Tan-    cals as well as tourists.     To conclude he says: “The
on the island. When asked      want to inspire entrepre-         gerine”, Frankie makes nat-   We asked Cado if there        best part of my job right
what inspired him to take      neurship, you can live as         ural drinks like Taki Aruba                                 now is doing what I love. I
this direction of art, he ex-  an artist but you can also        and Mario is an all-around                                  work with all types of peo-
plained that while working     make use of your art to           handy-man that can make                                     ple, if something needs
with Ducks & Robots he         make something and sell           just about anything. The                                    help creatively and I get
would take pictures of the     it”                               group initiated this idea                                   called I’m there. My job
merchandise, and would         -KORTEWEG                         since at the time there                                     varies a lot, I can make use
always scout locations to      Recently... “I was nomi-          were some activities going                                  of my artistic side by mak-
do the photoshoots. So his                                       on in Main Street and ap-                                   ing use of pallets, interior
inspiration always came                                          proached the Minister of                                    design, photography and
from this. “Everyone always                                      Culture about their idea in                                 more.
told me I had to do what                                         displaying art works in Main                                To check out some of his
I love, but I wasn’t really                                      Street to attract more peo-                                 work you can go to his
sure about it and always                                         ple. “I asked the Minister                                  website:   www.cadosbla.
did it as a hobby. Up until                                      to give me an opportunity                                   com or check him out on
a few years back that I re-                                      to present this idea and to                                 Instagram: cado297 q
ally started focusing solely                                     see how it goes. He gave
on photography, I can say                                        me the green light and told
that I went deep into it and                                     me to pick a location and
made it into more than just                                      so I chose Korteweg. I ar-
a hobby. After my Beach                                          rived with wooden pallets,
Tennis career here, I decid-                                     asked some artists to come
ed to just continue photo-                                       together and to see how
graphing.” A challenge he
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