Page 15 - CMB
P. 15

                      Diasabra 9 aPriL 2022

              You who live in the shelter of the Most High,  “Mi a lucha e bon lucha, mi a                    “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
                  who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,   termina e careda, mi a warda e fe;                                                                                                 Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
              will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress;  2 Timoteo 34                                 E ta hibami na awa trankil,
                  my God, in whom I trust.”                                                                   Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
              Psalm 91, 1-2                                  “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada. Den   Salmo: 23
                                                             cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega. E ta hibami na
              With a grateful heart we announce the Home-going of   awa trankil, pa mi bolbe haña forsa.”         Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
              our beloved  husband, father, brother and friend:                                                 Salmo 23

                                                             Cu dolor na nos curason y alabes agradeci  pa tur e
                                                             recuerdonan bunita laga atras.

                                                             Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:

                                                                                                                       Robert “Roy” Croes
                                                                                                                         27 mei 1950 - 1 april 2022
                                                                 Sabina Cristina Gei-Croes                         Fundador di SV Unistars (Pos Chikito)
                         Reuben L. Craigg                              * 27 oktober 1968 –† 2 april 2022
                          17/09/1956 – 01/04/2022
                      Lid in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau       Su mayornan: † Felix y † Romana Croes- Geerman   Na nomber di su:
              Groepsleider & Hopman Baden Powell groep 1, Scouting                                            Esposa:       Ilka Croes-Wever
                                 Aruba                       Su esposo: Florentino Gei
                          Ex-Directeur TeleAruba             Su unico yiu stima: Guion Gei                    Yiunan:       Zenon Croes y Jurima Bryson
                                                                                                                            Shanon Croes y Noemi Geerman
              Left to mourn are his:                                                                                        Shamila Croes y Eugene Dirksz
              Wife:         Etty Craigg-Lourens              Manera un yiu: Mellisa y Jeffrey de Cuba-Gei y famia
              Daughters:    Rebekah Craigg
                            Vikah Craigg                     Rumannan:  Elsa y Emiterio Croes y yiunan        Nieto(a)nan:    Soleil, Xavi, Zivah y Enzo
              Sisters:      Judith Hazel-Craigg & Family             Bernardo Croes
                            Elizabeth Craigg                            † Wim Croes                           Rumannan:
              Brothers:     Clinton McCleod                          Anna Susanna Croes y yiunan              †Tommy Croes y †Chida Croes-Henriquez
                            Danville Wyllie                                  † Francisco Croes y yiunan       Alexia Geerman-Croes y †Boei Geerman
              Brother of the heart:   Alwin Lacle & Family           Greta Croes y yiu
              Aunts:        Marian Andrews                           Maximino Croes                           Rita Werleman-Croes y Lau Werleman
                            Victoria Andrews                         † Raymundo Croes                         Yordano “Shontan” Croes
                            Olivia Muhammed-Andrews                                                           †Bea Croes
                            Madeline Reed-Andrews            Swa y cuñanan: Innocencio y Bernadeta Gei-Gei y famia  †Theo Croes
              Uncle:        Reginald Andrews                         Carolina Gei y famia                     Antji Croes
              Sisters-in-Law:    Olimpia Stefania-Lourens            Alberto y Glenda Gei-Semeleer y famia    Renata Vargas-Croes y Lucho Vargas
                            Crisalta Lourens                         Teofilo y Anita Gei-Umans y famia
                            Mildred Mercelina-Lourens                Nicolás y Helena Gei-Arends y famia      Dolfi Croes y Mayra Croes-Tromp
                            Glenda Lourens                           Fabio Gei                                Cyntia Croes y †Robby Croes
                            Ruthline Lourens                         Maria Gei y famia
                            Miraida de Winter-Lourens                                                         Swa y cuñanan:
              Brothers-in-Law:   Irvin Hazel                                                                  †Rudy Wever y Yolanda Wever-Falconi
                            Hubert Lourens                   Sobrino(a)nan y sobresobrino(a)nan;              Freddy Wever y Olivia Wever-Lampe
              Nephews:      Irve Hazel & family              Tanta y omonan,                                  †Luwi Wever y Mena Wever- Figaroa
                            Randy Hazel & family             Primo(a)nan y actoprimo(a)nan,
                            RayMichael Hazel                                                                  †Ando Wever
                                                             Ihanan: Roosje Dirks y famia                     †Vilma Wever
              Cousins: too numerous to mention.                           Ghislaine Croes                     Glenda Schob-Wever y Edgeworth Schob
              Baden Powell: All Leaders, Explorers, Verkenners, Welpen                                        Etta Wever
              & Bevers current and former                    Comer y compernan: Christina Koolman             †Mailkel Wever
              Scouting Aruba: All members                                                       Silvio Tromp
              And especially: All his female friends, too numerous to
              mention                                        Amigo(a)nan, bon bisiñanan y conocirnan di cas,   Su ihanan stima:  Robert y Robin Wever
                                                             amistadnan di EUMAR Lock.
              Special Thanks to: Dr. Marcel Ho-Kang-You, Lola                                                 Tur su (sobre) sobrino(a)nan stima.
              Geerman, Onaya Tromp-Pourrier, Dr. Yuri Casseres,   Ex- coleganan: Bon Bini Bazaar, Veterinaire Dienst, SPD
              Wilhelmina Kankerfonds, The Whole team at Oncologie  y DVG.                                     Demas famia: Croes, Wever, Bryson, Geerman,
                                                                                                              Dirksz, Mercera, Werleman, Henriquez Tromp,
              Condolences can be given on Friday April 8th from 19:00   Famia: Croes, Gei, Geerman, Figaroa, Figueira,
              pm to 21:00 pm, at Aurora Funeral Home in Oranjestad.  Machintosh, Haseth, Dabian, Flanegin, Willems,   Vargas, Schob, Falconi, Figaroa, Lampe, Maduro,
                                                                                                              Rafini, Koolman.
              We invite all family Craigg, Lourens, Andrews, Hazel,   Semeleer, Umans, Arends, Hazel, Lacle, Victoria,
              McCleod & Wyllie, ex-colleagues from Setar, ex-  Franken, Kelly, Koolman, Tromp, Dake, Mauricia, Acosta,   Primo y primanan, ex-coleganan di WEB Aruba
              colleagues from TeleAruba and fellow scouts, to partake   Paskel, Rivero, Bouwman.              N.V. y demas amistades di Pos Chikito.
              in the funeral. The funeral will be held at Wesley
              Methodist Church at LongFellowstraat 3, Oranjestad   Nos disculpa si den nos tristeza nos por a lubida un of   Ta invita pa e acto di entiero cu lo tuma lugar
              (located behind plaza Simon Bolivar), on Saturday April   otro famia of conocir.
              9th at 11:00 am, preceded by condolences starting at 10:00                                      diasabra 9 di april 2022 for di 1 or pa 3.30 or di
              am. After the service he will be laid to rest at the central   “ Bin cu paña colorido reflehando e alegria di e defunto”.  atardi na Pray Funeral Home na San Nicolaas.
              cemetery in Sabana Basora.                                                                      Despues nos lo sali pa Santana central di Sabana
                                                             Acto di despedida lo tuma lugar Diasabra 09 april 2022 di   Basora.
              The Family will not be receiving private condolences at   9’or pa 11’or di mainta na Aurora Funeral Home. Acto di
              home prior to or after the funeral.            cremashon lo tuma lugar den seno di famia y amistad  Despensa nos si den nos tristeza nos por a lubida un

              We appreciate your consideration in this.      Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero NO ta ricibi bishita   of otro persona
              If in our grief we’ve neglected to mention someone, we   di condolencia na cas.
              offer our sincerest apologies.
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