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P. 20
Diasabra, 9 di April 2022|25
Left to mourn are his:
You who live in the shelter of the Most High, Wife: Etty Craigg-Lourens
Rebekah Craigg, Vikah Craigg
who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, Sisters: Judith Hazel-Craigg & Family, Elizabeth Craigg
will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my Brothers: Clinton McCleod, Danville Wyllie
fortress; Brother of the heart: Alwin Lacle & Family
my God, in whom I trust.” Aunts: Marian Andrews, Victoria Andrews, Olivia Muhammed-Andrews
Psalm 91, 1-2 Uncle: Madeline Reed-Andrews
Reginald Andrews
Sisters-in-Law: Olimpia Stefania-Lourens, Crisalta Lourens, Mildred Mercelina-Lourens
Glenda Lourens, Ruthline Lourens, Miraida de Winter-Lourens
With a grateful heart we announce the Home-
going of our beloved Brothers-in-Law: Irvin Hazel, Hubert Lourens
husband, father, brother and friend: Nephews: Irve Hazel & family, Randy Hazel & family, RayMichael Hazel
too numerous to mention.
Baden Powell: All Leaders, Explorers, Verkenners, Welpen & Bevers current and former
Scouting Aruba: All members
And especially: All his female friends, too numerous to mention
Special Thanks to: Dr. Marcel Ho-Kang-You, Lola Geerman, Onaya Tromp-Pourrier, Dr. Yuri
Casseres, Wilhelmina Kankerfonds, The Whole team at Oncologie
Condolences can be given on Friday April 8th from 19:00 pm to 21:00 pm, at Aurora Funeral Home in
We invite all family Craigg, Lourens, Andrews, Hazel, McCleod & Wyllie, ex-colleagues from Setar,
ex-colleagues from TeleAruba and fellow scouts, to partake in the funeral. The funeral will be held at
Reuben L. Craigg Wesley Methodist Church at LongFellowstraat 3, Oranjestad (located behind plaza Simon Bolivar), on
Saturday April 9th at 11:00 am, preceded by condolences starting at 10:00 am.
17/09/1956 – 01/04/2022 The Family will not be receiving private condolences at home prior to or after the funeral.
Lid in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau We appreciate your consideration in this.
Groepsleider & Hopman Baden Powell If in our grief we’ve neglected to mention someone, we offer our sincerest apologies.
groep 1, Scouting Aruba
Ex-Directeur TeleAruba
Señor ta mi wardador pues mi no tin falta di nada. Na nomber di su:
Den cunucu di yerbe berde e ta pone mi sosega Esposa:
pa mi por bolbe haya forsa. Rita de Cuba-Rodriguez
Yiunan: Raywalt de Cuba y Marjolyn Maduro, Daury Rodriguez y Celine Geerman,
Jeskhar de Cuba y Lindsey Giel, Davian de Cuba y Nakeisha Jacobs.
Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon, pero
conforme cu dios su boluntad, nos ta anuncia Mayornan: Maximo y Candida de Cuba quepd
fayecimento di: Nietonan: Delilah Marie, Kalani Logan, Ariella Alana, Daynah, Massimo
Rumannan: Olivia Faro- de Cuba, Sheila y Walter Arendsz y yiunan
Joy y Ismay de Cuba y yiunan, Karel de Cuba y yiunan, Greta y Winston Maduro
quepd y yiunan, Ana Clara de Cuba y yiunan.
Tanta nan: Sra. Mani v/d Linden, Sra. Ika de Cuba, Swa- y Cuñanan:
Bernarda y yiunan, Constanza y yiunan, Orlando y yiunan, Indira y yiunan
Lourdes y yiunan, Denise y Rudy Perrot.
Famia: De Cuba, Rodriguez, Lubo, Prince,Perez, Maduro, Faro, Arendsz, Habibe,
Tromp, Henriquez, van der Kamp, Matthew, Kadir, Nucete, van Nimwegen,
Canninga, Rooseman, Bareño, Lopez, Lacle, Martinez, Croes, Van der Bliek,
Gomez, Rincon, Geerman, Schwengle, Ras, Werleman,Solognier, Wever, Perzia,
Willems, Piña, Brete, Kroon, Gallarza, Steven, Berbel, Loaiza, Palma, Allende,
Colega musiconan: Wiwi Piña, Ronny Brete, Eddy Kroon, Freddy Gallarza
Kenneth Samson
Amigo: Steven Jack
Grupo di misa Cristo ta Amor
Ta invita tur amigo, bisiña, colega y conoci pa asisti na e condolencia cual lo
Walter Simon de Cuba tuma
lugar dialuna, 11 di april 2022 di 7pm pa 9pm na Royal Funeral Home.
*19 december 1951- †31 maart 2022 Nos kier a pidi nos disculpa si nos por a lubida un of otro famia den nos