Page 18 - AHATA
P. 18

Thursday 21 March 2024 LOCAL

            Best spots to view the sunset

            (Oranjestad)—Today      we  Manchebo  Beach  or  at
            celebrate Valentine ’s Day,  Eagle Beach, which stretch
            and what can be more ro-     along  the  entire  western
            mantic than surprising your  coast of the island starting
            partner with a date watch-   from  behind  Bucuti  &  Tara
            ing the sunset. Aruba’s sun-  Beach  Resort  up  to  the
            set leave many speechless,  Amsterdam  Manor  round-
            and  luckily,  the  best  spots  about. The sunset on these
            to  view  the  sunset  are  en-  beaches is truly breathtak-
            tirely  accessible  and  easy  ing; the sky and ocean look
            to  find.  Here  are  some  of  so  big  and  spacious,  and
            the best places to view the  paired  with  the  orange/
            sunset on the island.        pink hue of the sunset, the
                                         white  sandy  beaches  and  orange,  pink  and  purple  bari Rock Formation. It’s no  use the stairs in the back.
               California Light House    the  soft  sounds  of  waves  hue.                        Yosemite,  but  it  does  offer
            Of course, being one of the  crashing—it  can  only  be                                a  fun  little  exercise  to  get  Editor’s note: This spot may
            highest point easily acces-  described  as  an  experi-          Hooiberg Hill         to  the  top.  But  if  you  pre-  be  my  personal  favorite,  if
            sible  to  locals  and  tourists,  ence!*                 These  last  two  options  are  fer not to get your hands a  you couldn’t already tellq
            the  California  Light  House                             for more active couples. If  little  dirty,  you  can  always
            hill not only offers a tremen-      Arashi Beach          you and your partner like to
            dous view of the sunset, but  Another beach that has to  hike, the Hooiberg Hill may
            also  a breath taking scen-  be  considered  as  another  be a great place for you to
            ery of most of the island. In  great spot to view the sun-  get  your  daily  workout  in
            the distance you can spot  set. Arashi Beach is the last  and enjoy a beautiful view
            all  the  hotels,  the  west-  beach  you  will  find  along  of the sunset and the island
            ern  shoreline  and  the  wild  the western coast line, just  as a little reward. Climb on
            waves  that  crash  on  the  before  you  drive  up  the  top the 587-step stairs and
            northern side of the island.   hill  to  the  California  Light  reach the top to enjoy this
                                         House.  A  favorite  for  surf-  incredible scenery.
             Manchebo & Eagle Beach      ers and body boarders, the
            Speaking  of  the  western  Arashi sky stretches out for   Casibari Rock Formation
            shoreline,  the  best  spots  miles, lending a spectacu-  If you’re a rock climber, you
            for  viewing  the  sunset  on  lar  canvas  for  the  sun  to  might  enjoy  watching  the
            the beach has to be either  create  a  masterpiece  of  sunset  on  top  of  the  Casi-

            Lessons from our elders:
            Plants and fruits for medicinal use

            (Oranjestad)—Though       western  cording to elders, the skin of a pine-  can help treat rheumatic diseases,  powder babies.
            medicine  is  now  widely  used  for  apple is great to use to refresh your  like arthritis.
            common illnesses and to keep our  body.  Clean  the  skin  thoroughly                                              Eggplant/Aubergine
            bodies healthy and happy, it is still  and make tea or warapa* with it.  However,  breastfeeding  women  Eggplants, or aubergines, are easy
            very common in every household  It is said that this tea can also be  who  cannot  produce  much  milk  to find in supermarkets around the
            in Aruba (and around the world) to  drank  after  an  operation  on  the  are  advised  not  to  consume  too  world  and  can  be  grown  all  year
            have  staple  home  remedies  that  ovaries or uterus. This gets rid of ir-  pineapple,  and  people  with  acid  round on the island. Related to po-
            is passed on through generations.  ritation and inflammation.           reflux  are  recommended  to  not  tato  and  tomato,  eggplants  are
            Here are some tips that our elders                                      consume any pineapple at all.       good to calm nerves. It can also be
            have  passed  on  to  us  over  the  When the fruit is unripe and green,                                    used  to  lower  blood  pressure,  by
            years.                              this  can  be  used  to  stimulate               Arrowroot              steeping its leaves in boiled water
                                                menstruation  flow  in  women.  This  Arrowroot  is  native  to  tropical  and drinking it. You can also make
                        Pineapple               also  stimulates  the  passing  kidney  America and can be sold as a pow-  eggplant juice to help purify your
            Pineapple has more uses than top-   stones. When ripe, the fruit can be  der or whole. It is said that you can  blood. However, do make sure to
            ping it on your Christmas ham. Ac-  used for poisoning in the gut and  take arrowroot powder and make  drink slowly; let it mix with your spit
                                                                                    a “shalup” (porridge) for stomach  and then swallow.
                                                                                    pain or when you’re feeling weak.
                                                                                    You can make it with milk too, but  Eggplant  kataplan*  can  also  be
                                                                                    it is advised to best use just water.  used to treat skin tumors, abscesses
                                                                                    You can also add prunes for a bit  and  hemorrhoids.  Eggplant  kata-
                                                                                    of  sweetness.  Arrowroot  shalup  is  plan can also be used externally to
                                                                                    also  good  to  treat  an  unhealthy  treat arthritis.  q
                                                                                    gut or for diarrhea.
                                                                                                                           *warapa:  term  referring  to
                                                                                    To make arrowroot shalup, boil a bit   a  water  and  sugar  solution,
                                                                                    of water and add one tablespoon        a.k.a simple syrup.
                                                                                    of arrowroot powder and stir con-      *kataplan:      porridge-like
                                                                                    tinuously  until  you  reach  porridge   mixture  used  externally  for
                                                                                    consistency. If you make a shalup      wounds or parts of the body
                                                                                    with milk, add a pinch of salt. Raw    that are painful or swollen.
                                                                                    arrowroot powder can be used to
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