Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
local Tuesday 24 december 2024
Po-Ke Ono Azure launches exclusive breakfast menu
Available every morning at
Po-Ke Ono Azure, the new
breakfast lineup is ideal for
early risers and those look-
ing for a unique start to
their day.
About Po-Ke Ono Azure
Since its inception, Po-Ke
Ono has quickly become a
culinary landmark in Aruba,
known for its signature fu-
sion of Hawaiian and Asian
flavors. With two locations
across the island, Po-Ke
Ono continues to innovate
and delight, with Po-Ke
Ono Azure offering exclu-
Asian Omelet. Designed to ingredients that highlight sive breakfast options at
bring unique flavors to Aru- the vibrant, Asian-inspired the iconic Eagle Beach.q
ba’s breakfast scene, the flavors we’re known for.”
menu also includes fresh
coffee, mimosas, and tropi-
cal juices, perfect for pair-
ing with the restaurant’s
relaxed beachside atmo-
Po-Ke Ono Azure is proud to announce the
launch of its exclusive breakfast menu, invit- “Our goal was to create a
ing guests to experience mornings infused breakfast experience that
with Asian-inspired flavors, fresh ingredients, captures the essence of
and a touch of tropical paradise. Po-Ke Ono and brings a
fresh twist to mornings here
Located at the scenic Azure Residences at Azure,” said Executive
at Eagle Beach, Po-Ke Ono now offers an Chef Urvin Croes, founder
exceptional morning menu with options of Po-Ke Ono. “Each dish is
like the Thai Breakfast Bowl, Acai Bowl, and crafted with care, featuring
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Renaissance
Wind Creek Aruba Resort!
The Aruba Tourism Authority re- spectively honored with a certifi- Emerald Ambassador (35>years home.
cently had the great pleasure of cate for their years of visits, loyalty, consecutively visiting Aruba)
recognizing Emerald Ambassadors and love for the island of Aruba. The top reasons for returning to
of Aruba. The honorees were re- The honorees were: Aruba provided by the honorees
The honorary certification is pre- Emerald Ambassadors were:
sented on behalf of the Minister Mr. Lawrence& Mrs. Joanne Gos- • Friendly people every-
of Tourism as a token of apprecia- selin from Southwick, Massachu- where we go
tion and to say “Masha Danki” to setts United States. • Very interesting History and
guests who have visited Aruba 10, Culture
20, or 35 years or more consecu- Ms. Keyttin Silva representing the • Excellent dining
tively. Aruba Tourism Authority, and staff • Excellent shopping selec-
members of Renaissance Wind tions on Fashion and Jewelry
The three levels of honor are as fol- Creek Aruba Resort bestowed the
lows: certificate upon the honorees, On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Au-
Distinguished Visitor (10>years con- presented them with gifts, and thority, we would like to express our
secutively visiting Aruba) thanked them for choosing Aruba sincere gratitude and appreciation
Goodwill Ambassador (20>years as their favorite vacation desti- to the honorees for their continued
consecutively visiting Aruba) nation, as their home away from visits to the “One Happy Island”.q