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a8    local
                Tuesday 24 december 2024

             Experience the modern twist of tradition at L’Avenue Belgian Bistro Aruba!

                                                              holds a unique position in the
                                                              island’s  culinary  scene;  be-
                                                              ing the only Belgian-owned,
                                                              Belgian  restaurant  on  the
                                                              island.  This  winning  hand  is
                                                              not obtained by many, and
                                                              L’Avenue’s  delicious  menu
                                                              and  wide  selection  of  Bel-
                                                              gian  beer,  and  European
                                                              and  New  World  wine  em-
                                                              phasizes  the  bistro’s  unique
                                                              vision  to  bring  Europe  into
                                                              the palm of your hands!

                                                              Once  part  of  the  famous     and rich broth.                 More information
                                                              Taste of Belgium restaurant,                                    L’Avenue  is  situated  at  The
                                                              L’Avenue offers a new point     As if that wasn’t enough, en-   Cove  Mall  in  Palm  Beach
                                                              of view and brings a fresh life   joy  your  meal  under  warm,   and is open every day from
                                                              to what was once beloved        starry  lights  accompanied     11am to 10pm for lunch and
                                                              by  both  locals  and  tour-    by live music performances      dinner.  To  book  a  reserva-
                                                              ists.  Crafted  by  Chef  Juan   every  day,  seated  either  in   tion or ask for more informa-
                                                              Ludeña and his team, enjoy      a  relaxing  and  cool  interior   tion,  please  contact  their
                                                              a  superb  variety  of  classic   area  of  the  restaurant,  or   phone line at +297 6996400,
                                                              Belgian  and  French  dishes    outside against a backdrop      send  an  e-mail  info@lave-
                                                              served with a touch of inno-    of  the  bright,  colorful  lights,  or  visit  their
                                                              vation for lunch and dinner,    of the Palm Beach strip!        website  at  lavenuearuba.
                                                              including stews, steak-house                                    com q
                                                              quality  meat  and  their  fa-
                                                              mous  Moules-frites,  served
              (Oranjestad)—Nuzzled up in a cozy nook of       with  a  variety  of  delicious
              The Cove Mall in the sun-kissed paradise of
              Palm Beach, L’Avenue takes you on a jour-
              ney to experience the true flavors of Belgium.
              Offering a selection of traditional Belgian and
              French cuisine, this bistro brings the old into
              the  new  against  a  backdrop  of  laid-back

              The new kid on the block, L’Avenue currently

                                                Aruba to me

                                                ORANJESTAD — You are back and  companies  to  use  said  materials,  where memories are woven into the
                                                we  would  like  to  portrait  you!  By  as  well  as  names,  likeness,  etc.  fabric  of  our  lives.  Walking  along
                                                inviting you to send us your favorite  for  promotional  purposes  without  Eagle Beach with its soft powdery
                                                vacation picture while enjoying our  compensation.                      sand, and waves lapping the shore,
                                                Happy Island.                       Last  but  not  least:  check  out  our  we find a peace that never fades.
                                                                                    website, Instagram and Facebook
                                                Complete the sentence: Aruba to  page! Thank you for supporting our  Each  sunset  paints  the  sky  with
                                                me is ……. Send your picture with  free newspaper, we strive to make  vibrant  hues,  reminding  us  of  the
                                                that text (including your name and  you  a  happy  reader  every  day  tranquility  and  beauty  that  this
                                                where  you  are  from)  to:  news@  again.                              island  so  effortlessly  offers.  Over
                                        and  we  will  For  today  we  received  a  lovely  the years Aruba has been a place
                                                publish  your  vacation  memory.  message        from    Karen    and  where our family gathers and has
                                                Isn’t  that  a  special  way  to  keep  Donald  Feldman  from  Lynnfield,  become a cherished corner of the
                                                your  best  moments  alive?  Please  Massachusetts, USA.                world that holds the past, present
                                                do note: By submitting photos, text                                     and future of our family memories. “
                                                or  any  other  materials,  you  give  They wrote to us saying:  “For the  Thank  you  for  sending  us  this
                                                permission  to  The  Aruba  Today  past  40  years  Aruba  has  been  wonderful  message  sharing  what
                                                Newspaper,  Caribbean  Speed  more than a vacation destination.  Aruba  means  to  you  with  us  and

                                                Printers  and  any  of  its  affiliated  It’s been a second home, a haven  our readers!q
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