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a14    people & arts
                  Tuesday 17 OcTOber 2023
            Natasha from 'Natasha's Kitchen' makes waves in the food world

            By MARK KENNEDY                                                                        point,  they  relied  on  food  breakfast,  snacks,  salads,
            AP Entertainment Writer                                                                banks, a fact not lost on her  soups, mains, sides and des-
            NEW YORK (AP) — It started                                                             these days. "I was telling my  serts. A battalion of over 300
            with a simple salad. Natasha                                                           husband, 'God has a sense  testers have kicked the tires
            Kravchuk  began  building                                                              of humor to give this refugee  on each dish.
            a  cooking  mini-empire  by                                                            a cookbook,'" she says.      The book includes Kravchuk's
            combining cucumber, toma-                                                              She didn't start cooking until  mother's Ukrainian pancakes,
            to and avocado. When a TV                                                              later in life and started blog-  which call for yeasted bat-
            anchor shared the recipe on                                                            ging in 2009. "When I got mar-  ter. She says they puff up like
            Facebook in 2015, the dish                                                             ried, I wanted to recreate the  donuts when they hit the hot
            went viral.                                                                            same foods we grew up lov-   oil, and have a subtle sour-
            "I think that was the recipe                                                           ing and enjoy. So I started  dough-like flavor.
            that kind of gave us the first                                                         learning how to cook. I start-  "They  just  need  a  little  bit
            lift," says Kravchuk, whose on-                                                        ed going to the library, get-  of time to pop up. But the
            line  hub  Natasha's  Kitchen                                                          ting stacks of books, asking  beauty of those is you can
            has grown to some 13 million                                                           my mom, my mother-in-law  make them and enjoy them
            followers across social me-                                                            for recipes and friends."    for several days, whereas the
            dia. "I think that's trademark                                                         Susan  Roxborough,  Krav-    typical pancakes with bak-
            for  what  you  can  find  on                                                          chuk's  editor  at  Clarkson  ing soda or baking powder,
            Natasha's Kitchen."                                                                    Potter,  loved  Kravchuk's  they're really only good the
            Kravchuk's philosophy is in-                                                           personal story and her book  first day," she says.
            deed mixed into that salad                                                             proposal  —  especially  the  Another favorite is a chicken
            — flavorful food that doesn't                                                          teriyaki salmon, with brown  pot pie, which Kravchuk says
            take a long time, uses regular                                                         sugar, hoisin, soy sauce, gar-  is a top 10 favorite on her site.
            ingredients and doesn't hurt                                                           lic and ginger. She found the  "It's such a comforting meal.
            the pocketbook.                                                                        author  down-to-earth  and  There is just no comparison
            "It's  turning  humble  and                                                            relatable.                   to store-bought," she adds.
            just  simple  ingredients  into                                                        "It was easy to imagine her  "It really isn't complicated. I
            something really delicious,"   This cover image released by Clarkson Potter shows "Natasha's   as your next-door neighbor  think people realize that the
                                         Kitchen: 100+ Easy Family-Favorite Recipes You'll Make Again
            she  says.  "That  just  has  al-  and Again: A Cookbook" by Natasha Kravchuk.         or  maybe  a  fellow  parent  first time they make it, that it's
            ways  carried  through  with                                          Associated Press   at a bake sale at your kid's  just such a comforting thing
            me. I don't think you need                                                             school," Roxborough says.    to make. And it reheats well,
            saffron to make something  of those things already.' The  Asia.  There's  a  heavy  lean  Roxborough and her daugh-  too."
            taste incredible, you know?"  steps are simple and they are  on   traditional   Ukrainian  ter made Kravchuk's pierogi  Kravchuk spotted two items
            This  fall,  Kravchuk  has  put  recipes that work," she says.  recipes passed down from  together — a fun time bond-  to put together during warm
            her expertise into her debut  The book is classic, chicken-  Kravchuk's mother, like clas-  ing,  as  well  as  delicious  —  weather — bacon and corn
            cookbook, "Natasha's Kitch-  soup cooking — and, indeed,  sic borscht and pierogies.   and says she's become ob-    — and came up with a dish
            en: 100+ Easy Family-Favorite  there's a recipe for that on  "We cook a little bit of every-  sessed  with  the  recipe  for  that will cause every parent
            Recipes  You'll  Make  Again  page 115. There's even a dish  thing now, but I think people  Tres  Leches  Cupcakes.  "It's  to  slap  their  forehead  be-
            and Again," which includes  — Zuppa Toscana — inspired  trust  our  taste  in  food  and  dangerously good," she says.  cause they didn't already do
            dishes such as Salmon Pic-   by an Olive Garden offering.  and they can relate to the  The  cookbook,  which  last  it by now. One of her nieces
            cata  and  Turkey  Meatball  "I make it better," she says,  values  that  we  have,"  she  week debuted at No. 2 on  named it "Ba-Corn" and that
            Soup, and Crispy Bacon Ja-   laughing. There are Ameri-   says.Ukrainian-born Kravchuk  The New York Times' Advice,  simply  can't  be  improved
            lapeno Poppers.              can classics like baked mac  and her family fled religious  How-To & Miscellaneous list,  upon.
            "It's approachable. You can  and cheese and blueberry  persecution in the 1980s and  contains a dozen or so read-   Kravchuk  didn't  follow  the
            look at the list of ingredients  muffins, and gentle nods to  eventually found their way  er favorites, but most of the  food world's traditional route
            and be like, 'OK, I have most  Mexico,  Italy,  France  and  to Meridian, Idaho. At one  recipes  are  new,  split  into  for a rising chef.q

            Live Review: Madonna’s Celebration Tour kicks off in London after health scare

                                                                      By SIAN WATSON               ger and I assure you, I’ll be  and footage drawing on four
                                                                      Associated Press             back with you as soon as I  decades of hits. On the set
                                                                      LONDON (AP) — Madonna  can.”                              list  were  iconic  songs  from
                                                                      kicked off her career-span-  On  stage,  Madonna,  65,  “Like a Prayer” to “Holiday”
                                                                      ning  Celebration  Tour  at  said  she’d  had  a  “crazy  to  “Vogue”  to  “La  Isla  Bo-
                                                                      London’s O2 Arena on Sat-    year”  that  neither  she  nor  nita.”  She  also  included
                                                                      urday night, marking her first  her  doctors  thought  she’d  more  niche  tracks  such  as
                                                                      performance since suffering  make it through. She said her  “Die Another Day” from the
                                                                      what her manager called a  children spurred her on and  2002 Bond movie of the same
                                                                      “serious bacterial infection”  that she had to “survive for  name.
                                                                      that led to hospitalization in  them.” The opening night of  During an acoustic moment
                                                                      an intensive care unit for sev-  the tour also marked the 27th  in the show, Madonna spoke
                                                                      eral days back in June.      birthday of daughter Lourdes  out about the ongoing war
                                                                      “I’m on the road to recovery  Leon,  who  appeared  on  in the Middle East.
                                                                      and incredibly grateful for all  stage with her mother.   “Even  though  our  hearts
                                                                      the blessings in my life,” the  After a brief technical hitch,  are broken, our spirits can-
                                                                      pop superstar wrote on Ins-  the opening night of the tour  not  be  broken,”  she  said,
                                                                      tagram this summer, shortly  was indeed a celebration.  adding that she hopes for a
            Madonna appears at the 30th annual GLAAD Media Awards in
            New York on May 4, 2019, in New York.                     after  news  of  the  ICU  stay  Madonna  played  songs  “collective consciousness to
                                                     Associated Press   broke. “My focus now is on  from across her vast career,  change the world and bring
                                                                      my health and getting stron-  including studio recordings  peace.”q
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