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                                                                                                       sports Tuesday 17 OcTOber 2023

            Chelsea Gray's status for Game 4 of WNBA Finals still unclear after foot injury

            By DOUG FEINBERG                                                                                                    issues, the team hasn't been
            AP Basketball Writer                                                                                                able to do that.
            NEW YORK (AP) — Chelsea                                                                                             The Aces have had to rely
            Gray's status for Game 4 of                                                                                         heavily on their four stars —
            the  WNBA  Finals  is  still  un-                                                                                   Gray, Wilson, Jackie Young
            clear.                                                                                                              and Kelsey Plum — this sea-
            The Las Vegas Aces guard                                                                                            son.  The  four  have  com-
            was  injured  in  Game  3  on                                                                                       bined to average 75 of the
            Sunday  midway  through                                                                                             team's 88 points a game in
            the  fourth  quarter.  The                                                                                          the playoffs.
            Aces canceled an optional                                                                                           Gray's injury is the latest in a
            shootaround  Monday  less                                                                                           long line of distractions that
            than an hour before it was                                                                                          the  defending  champion
            supposed to begin.                                                                                                  Aces  have  had  to  over-
            Gray left in the fourth quar-                                                                                       come  this  season.  Before
            ter of Las Vegas' 87-73 loss                                                                                        the  WNBA's  27th  season
            to  New  York  with  what                                                                                           began,  the  league  inves-
            coach Becky Hammon said                                                                                             tigated the team after for-
            was probably a foot injury.                                                                                         mer  Aces  player  Dearica
            She had to be helped back                                                                                           Hamby said she had been
            to the locker room and ap-                                                                                          bullied and manipulated for
            peared  to  be  in  a  lot  of                                                                                      being pregnant.
            pain.                                                                                                               The WNBA suspended Ham-
            Gray, who is averaging 15.6   New York Liberty's Sabrina Ionescu, right, defends Las Vegas Aces' Chelsea Gray during the sec-  mon  for  two  games  and
            points and 6.8 assists in the   ond half in Game 3 of a WNBA basketball final playoff series, Sunday, Oct. 15, 2023, in New York.   also  rescinded  the  Aces'
            playoffs this year, has been                                                                       Associated Press  first-round  pick  in  the  2025
            durable  throughout  her  scored  11  points  before  based on Gray's status.          —  going  down  with  an  in-  draft for a different issue —
            time  with  Las  Vegas  since  getting  hurt.  She  was  bat-  "When   someone   goes  jury.  We're  all  praying  for  a  violation  of  league  rules
            joining  the  team  as  a  free  tling Breanna Stewart in the  down,  someone  else  will  her  to  be  OK  and  hoping  regarding   impermissible
            agent in 2021, missing only  post  when  she  appeared  step  up,"  Brondello  said.  it  was  nothing  too  serious.  player benefits.
            one game.                    to  get  injured.  Gray  came  "Our mindset is more about  But  we're  not  looking  for-  Unhappy with the league's
            If Gray can't play in Game 4  up hobbling, but remained  what we need to do to get  ward on that. We just have  findings, Hamby then filed a
            on Wednesday night, Ham-     in the game as play contin-  ready  for  Wednesday.  If  to  focus  on  ourselves,  un-  gender discrimination com-
            mon  has  faith  in  her  other  ued. She missed a 3-pointer  Chelsea plays or she doesn't  derstanding they're a great  plaint last month against the
            guards.                      on  the  ensuing  possession.  play, our preparation won't  team with or without her."  WNBA  and  the  Aces  with
            "We (could) do it by com-    A few seconds later, Ham-    change."                     The Aces depth was one of  the  Nevada  Equal  Rights
            mittee,"  Hammon  said  af-  mon took a timeout to get  The Aces had only 13 assists  the  teams  major  questions  Commission and the Equal
            ter the game. "I don't think  the guard out of the game.  Sunday to 28 by the Liberty,  coming  into  the  season.  Employment    Opportunity
            there's any one person that's  "I  didn't  see  what  hap-  who are looking to become  Coming off the champion-     Commission.
            going to step up and fill her  pened.  I  hope  she's  OK,"  the first team to rally from an  ship  last  year,  Las  Vegas  "A lot of adversity and pret-
            shoes.  Everybody  steps  up  Stewart said.               0-2 deficit in the Finals.   hoped to increase its depth,  ty much my girls have held
            and does a little bit more."  Liberty  coach  Sandy  Bron-  "First,  prayers  to  her,"  New  but because of an injury to  their tongues, been profes-
            The Aces lead the best-of-   dello said New York wouldn't  York guard Sabrina Ionescu  Candace  Parker  that  has  sional  the  whole  time  and
            five series 2-1.             change  anything  about  said of Gray. "As an athlete,  sidelined her since late July  went about their business,"
            The 2022 WNBA Finals MVP  getting  ready  for  Game  4  that's your worst nightmare  and  Riquna  Williams'  legal  Hammon said.q

            Kim Ng, MLB’s 1st female GM, is leaving

            the Miami Marlins

            MIAMI  (AP)  —  Kim  Ng  is  mutual option.               that  it  was  the  product  of
            leaving  the  Miami  Mar-    "Last week, Bruce and I dis-  years of determination and
            lins  after  three  seasons  as  cussed his plan to reshape  an honor.
            general  manager,  Marlins  the  Baseball  Operations  "When  I  got  into  this  busi-
            chairman  and  principal  department.  In  our  discus-   ness,  it  seemed  unlikely  a
            owner  Bruce  Sherman  an-   sions, it became apparent  woman would lead a ma-
            nounced Monday.              that  we  were  not  com-    jor  league  team,"  she  said
            Ng, 54, became the majors'  pletely  aligned  on  what  then, "but I am dogged in
            highest-ranking  woman  in  that  should  look  like,"  Ng  the pursuit of my goals. My
            baseball  operations  and  told  the  Athletic  on  Mon-  goal is now to bring cham-
            the  first  female  GM  in  the  day.  "I  felt  it  best  to  step  pionship  baseball  to  Mi-  Miami Marlins General Manager Kim Ng speaks with the news
            four major North American  away. I wish to express my  ami."                           media, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2023, in Miami.
            professional  sports  leagues  sincere  gratitude  and  ap-  The  Marlins  were  a  dor-                                        Associated Press
            in a groundbreaking hire in  preciation  to  the  Marlins  mant franchise before they
            November 2020.               family  and  its  fans  for  my  made  the  postseason  dur-  Miami reached the playoffs  National  League  Division
            The  Marlins  exercised  their  time  in  South  Florida.  This  ing  the  pandemic-short-  that  year  for  the  first  time  Series,  but  Miami  showed
            team  option  for  her  to  re-  year  was  a  great  step  for-  ened  2020  season,  which  since  2003  and  swept  the  flashes  of  promise  and
            turn  for  the  2024  season,  ward for the organization."  was Year 3 in the rebuilding  Chicago Cubs in their Wild  brought in Ng at the end of
            Sherman  said  in  a  state-  When the Marlins first hired  effort of former CEO Derek  Card  Series.  Atlanta  then  that  season  to  help  surge
            ment, but Ng declined her  her,  Ng  said  at  the  time  Jeter, who brought in Ng.    swept  the  Marlins  in  the  the club forward.q
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