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A32    sports
                 Diahuebs 10 Februari 2022

                      Heavy SEC flavor at Super Bowl with LSU, Georgia leading way

                                                                                                   the  NFL,  it’s  much  easier.  the  divisional  round  and
                                                                      “The really consistent narra-  You know it made an impact  AFC championship game on
                                                                      tive is the SEC has a ton of  on me, helped me a lot, and  the  road.  He  said  the  SEC
                                                                      NFL football players that get  it’s shown as my rookie year  experience  of  playing  “ob-
                                                                      really that practice of playing  went by.”                noxiously loud games in the
                                                                      against  other  guys  that  have                          Swamp” helps a lot, even for
                                                                      NFL talent throughout their  Bengals   tight   end   C.J.  a  kicker  like  himself  who’s
                                                                      conference so many weeks of  Uzomah  played  at  Auburn,  taught  to  block  out  all  the
                                                                      the season — which can’t do  and he knew Burrow would  noise.
                                                                      anything  but  really  improve  be  an  NFL  hit  simply  by
                                                                      your  game  when  you  start  watching  how  the  quarter-  He remembers his ears ring-
                                                                      facing  that  kind  of  level  of  back played in the SEC.  ing after attending a game be-
                                                                      talent,” Whitworth said.                                  tween  Alabama  and  Missis-
                                                                                                   “Watching him in college just  sippi State because of all the
                                                                      Nine of the SEC’s 14 mem-    torch every single defense in  cowbells. One of the loudest
                                                                      bers  are  represented  in  this  the SEC, like, when his name  games came in Death Valley
                                                                      game  with  reigning  national  was  announced,  I  was  like  when Florida visited LSU at
                                                                      champ  Georgia  leading  the  that’s a franchise quarterback  night during that champion-
            (AP) - Odell Beckham Jr.  fellow  Tigers  in  the  Super  way  with  six  Bulldogs,  two  right there,” Uzomah said.  ship season with Burrow and
            cheered  Joe  Burrow  and  Bowl on Sunday, which will  on  the  practice  squad.  LSU                               Chase — and approximately
            Ja’Marr  Chase  two  short  have  a  very  distinct  South-  and Florida have five apiece,  The high level of talent in the  107,000  fans.  Kyle  Field  at
            years  ago,  enjoying  ev-   eastern  Conference  flavor  while Alabama has four.      SEC isn’t the only thing that  Texas  A&M  also  came  to
            ery minute as the duo led  that  goes  well  beyond  Bur-                              prepares players for the NFL.  mind.
            their  alma  mater  LSU  to  row  and  Matthew  Stafford  Texas  A&M  has  four,  two  Uzomah said he would never
            the  national  champion-     and their favorite targets.  on the practice squad. Rams  say  what  Burrow  did  about  “Those  games  really  helped
            ship.                                                     linebacker  Von  Miller  just  having heard louder stadiums  a  lot,”  McPherson  said.  “I
                                         The  Rams  have  11  and  the  missed  out  on  the  SEC  ex-  in college when going on the  texted Shayne Graham (who
            He  also  knew  he’d  be  see-  Bengals  12  players  from  perience with his Aggies of-  road  in  the  NFL.  Burrow  coached McPherson at Flor-
            ing both of them again in the  SEC  programs,  with  seven  ficially moving to the SEC in  said he heard louder crowds  ida) after the game, and I’m
            NFL,  though  not  even  the  more combined on the prac-  2012, after Miller’s first sea-  at Baton Rouge.          like,  ’Arrowhead’s  loud,  but
            Rams wide receiver could’ve  tice squads. So prepare for a  son in the NFL.                                         it’s not near as loud as some
            predicted the first showdown  few  more  reminders  of  the                            “Being  completely  honest,  of the stadiums I’ve played in
            would be in the Super Bowl.  mighty SEC’s talent no mat-  Chase was one of 65 players  you do,” Uzomah said. “The  in college have gotten.”
                                         ter how many folks are sick of  drafted  from  the  SEC  last  stadiums are bigger, there are
            “They’re born winners, so I  hearing about the conference  April,  a  record  that  confer-  more people that are in there.  The  Rams  are  playing  on
            always  knew  that  we  would  that has won 12 of the last 16  ence  seems  to  top  almost  Jordan-Hare has like 87,000,  their own field even if Cin-
            see  them  again,”  Beckham  national championships.      yearly.  He  knows  his  rookie  the max is like 89,000 when  cinnati  technically  is  the
            said. “I mean  never could it                             season was helped by Cincin-  we played Alabama my senior  home  team  Sunday  at  SoFi
            be  any  better  than  this.  ...  I  Los  Angeles  left  tackle  An-  nati reuniting him with Bur-  year.  For  sure  that  helps  in  Stadium,  with  a  capacity  of
            got into a little trouble at the  drew Whitworth, says there’s  row as the fifth overall pick.  terms  of  just  knowing  what  70,240.  Only  one  thing  will
            national  championship  so  I  no doubt how much a boost  The  New  Orleans  native  is  to  expect  from  an  away  sta-  matter once the ball kicks off,
            was banned from LSU, jok-    playing  in  the  SEC  gives  a  little  prejudiced  about  the  dium from a hostile environ-  and that’s winning.
            ingly.  But  so  they  got  their  players  once  they’re  in  the  SEC.               ment.”
            ring and all that, and it’s like  NFL. Playing at LSU in the                                                        “Hopefully  we  can  pull  it
            now it’s our turn to get ours.”  SEC certainly helped him be  “I’d  say  it’s  the  best  confer-  Cincinnati  rookie  kicker  off,” Beckham said, knowing
                                         successful in the NFL for 16  ence  in  college  ...,”  Chase  Evan  McPherson  made  the  that SEC players tends to get
            Beckham faces off against his  seasons.                   said.  “So  when  you  get  to  winning  field  goals  in  both  that chance in the pros.

                      Commanders launch probe of harassment claim against Snyder

            (AP)  -  The  Washing-       presiding over a culture that  repeated  their  call  for  the  es  full  cooperation  with  the  criticized as offensive to Na-
            ton  Commanders  have  was toxic to women, he had  NFL  to  release  the  findings  investigation,”  the  statement  tive Americans, in 2020 amid
            launched  an  independent  not  been  personally  accused  of the previous probe led by  said.                      protests  of  systemic  racism
            investigation  into  alle-   of  sexual  harassment  until  attorney Beth Wilkinson.                                that  followed  the  killing  of
            gations  that  owner  Dan  last week, when former em-                                  Johnston  worked  for  the  George Floyd. It was known
            Snyder sexually harassed a  ployee  Tiffani  Johnston  told  “The  idea  that  Dan  Snyder  team, then known as the Red-  as  the  Washington  Football
            team employee more than  Congress that Snyder groped  has  hired  a  team  to  investi-  skins, in the 2000s as a cheer-  Team  the  past  two  seasons.
            a decade ago.                her thigh during a team din-  gate his own actions is utterly  leader  and  marketing  man-  Snyder  announced  the  new
                                         ner  and  pushed  her  toward  absurd.  This  is  a  desperate  ager.  The  team  dropped  its  team name last week.
            Debra  Wong  Yang,  a  former  his limousine with his hand  public relations stunt, clearly  name,  which  had  long  been
            U.S.  attorney  and  Califor-  on her lower back.         designed  to  absolve  him  of
            nia state judge, will lead the                            wrongdoing,”  the  attorneys
            probe, the Commanders an-    Snyder  denied  the  allega-  said.
            nounced Wednesday.           tions, calling them “outright
                                         lies,” and his attorney, Jordan  The  team  said  it  has  hired
            The  NFL  fined  the  Com-   Siev,  said  Johnston  “refused  consulting firm Pallas Global
            manders  $10  million  and  to be interviewed” during the  Group  LLC  to  oversee  the
            Snyder  temporarily  turned  previous investigation of the  probe, and that the company
            over day-to-day operation of  team. The NFL said it would  has  retained  Yang  to  lead  it.
            the  team  to  his  wife,  Tanya,  look into Johnston’s claims.  The  findings  of  the  inves-
            after an investigation into al-                           tigation  will  be  released  to
            legations  of  rampant  sexual  Attorneys  Lisa  Banks  and  the public, the Commanders
            harassment  and  workplace  Debra  Katz,  who  represent  said.
            misconduct  by  former  team  Johnston  and  more  than
            executives.                  40  former  team  employ-    “The  team  is  committed  to
                                         ees,  called  the  investigation  a thorough and independent
            Although many former team  a  “sham”  and  said  Johnston  investigation  of  Ms.  John-
            employees accused Snyder of  would  not  participate.  They  ston’s allegations, and pledg-
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