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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 10 Februari 2022

                                British envoy in Moscow to try to ease Ukraine crisis

            (AP) — Britain’s top dip-    ister  Sergey  Lavrov  during  escalation, but also acknowl-
            lomat  flew  Wednesday  to  the two-day visit.            edged  that  it  will  take  time
            Moscow, seeking to defuse                                 to find a diplomatic solution
            tensions  raised  by  Rus-   Truss urged Moscow to abide  to  the  biggest  security  crisis
            sia’s military buildup near  by  its  international  agree-  between Russia and the West
            Ukraine and warning that  ments  that  commit  it  to  re-  since the Cold War.
            an  invasion  would  bring  specting  Ukraine’s  indepen-
            “massive     consequences  dence and sovereignty.         He  later  flew  to  Berlin  to
            for all involved.”                                        meet  with  German  Chan-
                                         Russian  Foreign  Ministry  cellor  Olaf  Scholz  and  Pol-
            “Russia  has  a  choice  here.  spokesman Maria Zakharova  ish President Andrzej Duda,
            We strongly encourage them  again rejected warnings from  and they urged de-escalation
            to  engage,  de-escalate  and  Washington  and  its  allies  of  by Russia and that it engage
            choose  the  path  of  diplo-  a  possible  Russian  invasion,  in a meaningful dialogue on
            macy,” Foreign Secretary Liz  calling them “absurd.”      European security.
            Truss said ahead of departing
            on the first visit to Moscow  “We have no aggressive plans,  On Wednesday, Spanish For-
            by  the  U.K.’s  top  envoy  in  but I have a feeling that the  eign  Minister  José  Manuel  criticized  the  U.S.  and  its
            more than four years.        U.S.  does,”  she  said,  adding  Albares  visited  Kyiv  to  meet  allies  for  turning  the  Nord  The U.S. has begun to move
                                         that Washington’s statements  with his Ukrainian counter-  Stream 2 “into an instrument  the  2nd  Cavalry  Regiment
            Russia  has  massed  over  reminded her of the rhetoric  part,  Dmytro  Kuleba.  After-  of  pressure  on  Moscow”  from  Vilseck,  Germany,  to
            100,000     troops     near  before the U.S. war in Iraq.  ward,  Albares  reiterated  that  and  called  recent  statements  Romania,  which  borders
            Ukraine’s  border  and  has                               dialogue  and  de-escalation  about it “a political circus.”  Ukraine.  U.S.  officials  have
            launched military maneuvers  Several  dozen  Ukrainians  should  be  the  priorities.                               said  they  would  send  about
            in the region, but says it has  rallied outside the U.S. Em-  Kuleba  urged  more  sanc-  Japan  has  decided  to  divert  1,000 NATO troops.
            no plans to invade its neigh-  bassy  in  Kyiv,  urging  Wash-  tions against Russia and said  some of its gas reserves to Eu-
            bor. It wants guarantees from  ington to use its international  “there is a chance to resolve  rope  amid  growing  concern  The  first  troops  arrived
            the West that NATO not al-   clout to prevent a Russian of-  the crisis through diplomatic  over  possible  disruptions  of  in  Romania  in  the  past  24
            low  Ukraine  and  other  for-  fensive.                  means.”                      supplies due to the crisis, said  hours,  said  the  regiment’s
            mer Soviet nations as mem-                                                             Japanese  Economy,  Trade  commander, Col. Joe Ewers.
            bers,  that  the  alliance  halt  Western  leaders  in  recent  Scholz is expected in Kyiv and  and Industry Minister Koichi
            weapon  deployments  there,  weeks have engaged in mul-   Moscow  on  Feb.  14-15.  He  Hagiuda.  The  decision  was  “We  are  always  prepared  to
            and that it roll back its forces  tiple  rounds  of  high-stakes  met Monday with U.S. Pres-  made  at  the  request  of  the  meet  any  mission  as  is  re-
            from  Eastern  Europe.  The  diplomacy  in  hopes  of  de-  ident Joe Biden, who vowed  United States and European  quired,”  he  said  in  Vilseck.
            U.S. and NATO flatly reject  escalating the crisis.       that the Nord Stream 2 Rus-  Union.                       “But  the  focus  will  be  on
            these demands.                                            sia-to-Germany  gas  pipeline                             training and we will initially
                                         French President Emmanuel  will be blocked in the event  U.S.  and  European  officials  partner with multiple Roma-
            Western  nations  say  they  Macron held over five hours  of an invasion. Such a move  have been coordinating with  nian elements within the re-
            will  impose  their  toughest-  of talks Monday with Presi-  against  the  pipeline,  which  global  natural  gas  suppliers  gion there.”
            ever  sanctions  on  Russian  dent Vladimir Putin in Mos-  has  been  completed  but  is  to cushion the impact in case
            businesses and individuals if  cow  before  meeting  with  not yet operating, would hurt  Russia  cuts  off  natural  gas  About  1,700  U.S.  soldiers
            Moscow invades Ukraine.      Ukrainian President Volody-  Russia economically but also  supplies.                   from the 82nd Airborne Di-
                                         myr  Zelenskyy  in  Kyiv  the  cause  energy  supply  prob-                            vision  are  going  to  Poland,
            “Russia  should  be  in  no  next day.                    lems for Germany.            NATO  also  has  stepped  up  where Britain also pledged to
            doubt  about  the  strength  of                                                        the deployment of troops to  send  350  more  troops.  The
            our  response,”  said  Truss,  Macron  said  that  Putin  told  Russia’s  Deputy  Foreign  bolster  the  alliance’s  eastern  U.K.  already  has  sent  anti-
            who will meet Foreign Min-   him he would not initiate an  Minister  Sergei  Ryabkov  flank.                        tank weapons to Ukraine.

                         Slovakia lawmakers approve defense military treaty with US

            (AP) — Slovakia’s parlia-    the  150-seat  legislature  in  a  Kuchyna  and  Sliac  —  for  ger, who said it will “signifi-  Thousands  rallied  against
            ment  on  Wednesday  ap-     vote split between lawmakers  10 years while Slovakia — a  cantly enhance our security.”  the agreement on Tuesday in
            proved a defense military  from  the  four-party  ruling  NATO  member  —  will  re-   But the agreement is fiercely  front of the parliament build-
            treaty  with  the  United  coalition and the opposition.  ceive  $100  million  from  the  opposed  by  the  opposition,  ing  when  lawmakers  were
            States.                                                   U.S. to modernize them.      which claims it would com-   debating it.
                                         The  treaty  allows  the  U.S.                            promise  the  country’s  sov-
            The  Defense  Cooperation  military  to  use  two  Slovak  The deal was signed by U.S.  ereignty,  make  possible  a  The  protest  united  the  Slo-
            Agreement  passed  79-60  in  air  force  bases  —  Malacky-  Secretary  of  State  Antony  permanent  presence  of  U.S.  vak opposition, including the
                                                                      Blinken  and  Slovakia’s  de-  troops  on  Slovak  territory  far-right  People’s  Party  Our
                                                                      fense minister, Jaroslav Nad,  and  even  enable  a  possible  Slovakia and the leftist Smer-
                                                                      on  Feb.  3  in  Washington.  It  deployment of nuclear weap-  Social Democracy of former
                                                                      still  needs  to  be  ratified  by  ons in Slovakia.      populist   Prime   Minister
                                                                      President  Zuzana  Caputova,                              Robert Fico.
                                                                      who supports it.             The Slovak and U.S. govern-
                                                                                                   ments  have  rejected  those  The U.S. has such an agree-
                                                                      The  vote  took  place  amid  charges.                    ment  with  23  other  NATO
                                                                      fears  that  Russia  will  in-                            members,  including,  Po-
                                                                      vade  Ukraine.  Moscow  has  “Nothing  in  today’s  agree-  land  and Hungary,  two  oth-
                                                                      massed  more  than  100,000  ment creates permanent U.S.  er  countries  that  neighbor
                                                                      troops  near  Ukraine’s  bor-  bases  or  troop  presence  in  Ukraine on the eastern flank
                                                                      ders,  but  insists  it  has  no  Slovakia,  and  the  agreement  of the alliance.
                                                                      plans to attack. Slovakia bor-  fully respects Slovakia’s sov-
                                                                      ders Ukraine.                ereignty  and  laws,”  Blinken  Any  particular  deployment
                                                                                                   said during Thursday’s sign-  of U.S. forces still needs ap-
                                                                      The  treaty  has  been  sup-  ing  ceremony  at  the  U.S.  proval by the Slovak govern-
                                                                      ported by the government of  State Department.            ment and parliament.
                                                                      Prime  Minister  Eduard  He-
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