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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 27 July 2020
            Female priests now outnumber male ones in Church of Sweden

            By DAVID KEYTON                                                                                                     likely  to  be  occupied  by
            Associated Press                                                                                                    women as well.
            STOCKHOLM  (AP)  —  The                                                                                             "I do think it is something we
            Church  of  Sweden  has                                                                                             should  take  as  a  warning,
            more  female  than  male                                                                                            always,  when  we  see  that
            priests  for  the  first  time,                                                                                     there is an imbalance," the
            according  to  numbers  re-                                                                                         Rev. Cristina Grenholm, the
            leased  this  month,  a  sign                                                                                       head  of  theology  for  the
            of  huge  strides  for  gender                                                                                      Church  of  Sweden,  said,
            equality since women were                                                                                           calling  the  gender  imbal-
            first allowed to be ordained                                                                                        ance  among  worshippers
            in 1960.                                                                                                            "striking."
            The  Lutheran  institution,                                                                                         "I  do  think  that  men  have
            which  was  the  official                                                                                           something  to  discover  in
            Swedish  state  church  un-                                                                                         the   church,"   Grenholm
            til  2000,  now  counts  1,533                                                                                      said.
            women  serving  as  priests                                                                                         Anna  Inghammer,  42,  a
            and  1,527  men.  Its  arch-                                                                                        mother  of  three  studying
            bishop and several bishops                                                                                          theology  and  a  candi-
            are also women.                                                                                                     date  for  the  priesthood,
            "It's a mirror of the society,                                                                                      said  the  balance  of  men
            in a way," the Rev. Elisabeth                                                                                       and  women  in  the  church
            Oberg  Hansen  said  after   Rev. Elisabeth Oberg Hansen of the Church of Sweden reviews the service planned by her student   made sense to her, but she
            giving  a  sermon  in  a  small   Rikard Kjellman ahead of his first sermon in Stockholm, Thursday, July 23, 2020.   thinks more work is needed
            church in Stockholm. "It's as                                                                      Associated Press   to bring equality in other ar-
            it should be."               erage of 67.4 for the Euro-  in  the  priesthood  of  the  can  say  is  'I  don't  know.  I  eas.
            Oberg  Hansen  became  a  pean Union as a whole.          Church of Norway.            don't know,'" Brunne said in  "Jesus,  in  his  time,  was
            priest  more  than  30  years  "It's a good thing, but I don't  Church  of  Sweden  Bishop  a  telephone  interview.  "It's  standing  up  for  justice  for
            ago,  and  she  clearly  re-  think so much about it now-  Eva Brunne, who retired af-  the  same  thing  if  you  look  people of all classes and all
            calls the discrimination she  adays," Oberg Hansen said  ter  a  decade  leading  the  at universities in Sweden —  genders,  so  I  think  it's  time
            faced when the first parish  of  the  gender  issue  in  her  Stockholm diocese, helped  more  women  than  men.  for  women  to  even  more
            she was assigned to didn't  work.                         push  for  the  acceptance  That  means  more  female  take  a  step  forward,"  Ing-
            accept her.                  Sweden's  path  towards  of women but stressed she  lawyers,  female  doctors,  hammer said.
            But  times  have  changed.  gender  parity  is  shared  does  not  think  the  priest-  etcetera."                  "Of  course,  representation
            The  European  Institute  for  across  Scandinavia,  with  hood  should  become  an  Sweden's church has some  is  good,  representation  of
            Gender  Equality  last  year  roughly  equal  numbers  of  overwhelmingly     female  5.8  million  members,  rep-  women,  but  also  ethnicity
            ranked Sweden at the top  men  and  women  serving  profession.                        resenting  some  57.7%  of  and  class...and  that's  also
            of its annual equality index,  in  the  clergy  ranks  of  the  "I've been asked during my  the  country's  population.  something that we need to
            giving the country a score  Church  of  Denmark  and  10 years as a bishop, 'Where  But many pews are empty  work on that," she said. "The
            of 83.6 compared to an av-   women     well-represented  are  all  the  men?'  and  all  I  these  days,  and  are  more  church is for everyone."q

            U.S. diplomat says America keeps pushing to end Qatar crisis

            By JON GAMBRELL              other  nations  in  the  GCC,  Hook  said  he  planned  to
            Associated Press             have  sought  dialogue  be-  travel  Monday  to  Kuwait
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-  tween  the  nations  since,  City  to  meet  with  officials
            ates  (AP)  —  The  U.S.  con-  with  Kuwait's  emir  Sheikh  there.
            tinues  to  push  for  an  end  Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah  "I've seen some steps back-
            of  the  four-nation  boycott  leading those efforts.     ward  over  the  last  couple
            of  Qatar,  even  after  the  Sheikh Sabah was hospital-  of years," Hook said. "We've
            hospitalization  of  Kuwait's  ized  in  Kuwait  City  on  July  reached  points  where  I
            ruling emir who led talks to  18,  underwent  surgery  the  think  both  sides  were  opti-
            resolve  the  yearslong  dis-  next day and later traveled  mistic  and  we've  reached
            pute,  a  U.S.  diplomat  said  via a U.S. Air Force C-17 fly-  points  where  both  sides
            Sunday.                      ing  hospital  to  Rochester,  were pessimistic.
            U.S.  Special  Representa-   Minnesota,  home  of  the  "I think our role and the role
            tive for Iran Brian Hook ac-  flagship  campus  of  the  of Kuwait is to do what we
            knowledged the challenge  Mayo Clinic. Kuwait has yet  can  to  foster  dialogue,  to
            ahead on ending the crisis  to say what ails the 91-year-  help them make progress."   In  this  Nov.  29,  2018  file  photo,  Brian  Hook,  U.S.  special
            that's  torn  apart  the  Gulf  old ruler.                The  four  countries  cut  ties   representative for Iran, speaks at the Iranian Materiel Display at
            Cooperation  Council,  with  "My expectation is that the  to  Qatar  on  June  5,  2017,   Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling in Washington.
            Bahrain,  Saudi  Arabia  and  role  that  Kuwait  has  been  just after a summit in Saudi                                       Associated Press
            the  United  Arab  Emirates  playing will continue," Hook  Arabia in which Gulf lead-
            part  of  the  boycott  that's  told  journalists  on  a  con-  ers met with President Don-  relationship  with  Iran,  with  Hook,  who  is  leading  U.S.
            targeted  fellow  member  ference  call  after  meeting  ald Trump. They say the cri-  which  it  shares  a  massive  efforts    to  extend  an  arms
            Qatar  since  June  2017.  Qatari  officials  in  Doha.  sis  stems  from  Qatar's  sup-  offshore gas field that pro-  embargo  on  Iran,  said  the
            Egypt  as  well  joined  the  "The  emir  is  at  the  Mayo  port for extremist groups in  vides the peninsular nation  topic  came  up  during  his
            boycott, which saw nations  Clinic. As I said, the United  the region, charges denied  its wealth.                  talks  Sunday  with  Qatari
            close  their  airspace  and  States  very  much  hopes  by Doha.                       Qatar  restored  full  diplo-  Foreign Minister Sheikh Mo-
            borders to Qatar.            and prays for his improved  The  four  nations  have  also  matic ties to Iran amid the  hammed bin Abdulrahman
            Kuwait and Oman, the two  health."                        pointed  to  Qatar's  close  dispute.                     Al Thani.q
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