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A26    U.S. NEWS
                       Monday 27 July 2020
            Mnuchin: Virus aid package soon, $1,200 checks by August

            By LISA MASCARO                                                                                                     to be suddenly cut off from
            AP  Congressional  Corre-                                                                                           the  aid  starting  Saturday,
            spondent                                                                                                            they  were  bracing  to  pre-
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —                                                                                          vent  social  and  economic
            Treasury  Secretary  Steven                                                                                         fallout.
            Mnuchin said Saturday that                                                                                          The  White  House  floated
            Republicans were set to roll                                                                                        plans to cut the additional
            out the next COVID-19 aid                                                                                           aid  back  to  $100  a  week,
            package Monday and as-                                                                                              while  Senate  Republicans
            sured  there  was  backing                                                                                          preferred $200, with gener-
            from the White House after                                                                                          al agreement about phas-
            he  and  President  Donald                                                                                          ing out the flat boost in fa-
            Trump's top aide met to sal-                                                                                        vor of one that ensures no
            vage the $1 trillion proposal                                                                                       more  than  70%  of  an  em-
            that  had  floundered  just                                                                                         ployee's previous pay.
            days before.                                                                                                        Mnuchin  also  said  the
            Mnuchin  told  reporters  at                                                                                        $1,200  direct  payments
            the  Capitol  that  extend-                                                                                         would  be  based  on  the
            ing  an  expiring  unemploy-                                                                                        same  formula  from  the
            ment benefit — but reduc-                                                                                           earlier  aid  bill.  Individuals
            ing it substantially — was a                                                                                        making  $75,000  or  less,  for
            top  priority  for  Trump.  The                                                                                     example,  received  the  full
            secretary  called  the  $600                                                                                        amount  and  those  mak-
            weekly aid  "ridiculous" and   Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin speaks with reporters about the coronavirus relief package   ing  more  than  $75,000  re-
            a disincentive for people to   negotiations, at the White House, Thursday, July 23, 2020, in Washington.   Associated Press  ceived less than $1,200 de-
            go  back  to  work.  He  also                                                                                       pending  on  their  income.
            promised  a  fresh  round  which  remained  only  a  ing over its size, scope and  has  been  very  clear.  He  Individuals  earning  above
            of  $1,200  stimulus  checks  starting  point  in  negotia-  details. It was expected to  wants  to  make  sure  that  $100,000 did not qualify for
            would be coming in August.  tions  with  House  and  Sen-  bring  $105  billion  to  help  the American people have  the payment.
            "We're  prepared  to  move  ate  leaders  in  the  other  schools reopen, new mon-     what  they  need  during  "We'll  get  the  majority  of
            quickly,"  Mnuchin  said  af-  party.  He  said  he  recently  ey for virus testing and ben-  this  unprecedented  time,"  them  out  in  August  and
            ter he and Mark Meadows,  called House Speaker Nan-       efits  for  businesses,  includ-  Meadows  said,  "to  make  those  will  help  people,"
            the president's acting chief  cy Pelosi and Senate Minor-  ing  a  fresh  round  of  loans,  sure not only the money is  Mnuchin said.
            of staff, spent several hours  ity  Leader  Chuck  Schumer  tax breaks and a sweeping  there but the programs."     The  administration  officials
            with GOP staff at the Capi-  ahead  of  shuttle  nego-    liability  shield  from  COVID-  The  expiration  of  the  $600  said  the  overall  package
            tol.  He  said  the  president  tiations  next  week  on  the  related lawsuits.       weekly   jobless   benefits  remained at $1 trillion, ap-
            would  "absolutely"  support  broader deal.               As  Republicans  struggled,  boost  had  been  propel-    parently  on  par  with  Sen-
            the  emerging  Republican  The  White  House  and  Sen-   the  White  House  team  ling the Republicans to act.  ate  Majority  Leader  Mitch
            package.                     ate Republicans were rac-    downplayed     the   differ-  Democrats  already  ap-     McConnell's original draft.
            Mnuchin's optimistic assess-  ing  to  regroup  after  plans  ences with  the GOP  sena-  proved  their  sweeping  $3  Democrats  had  warned
            ment came before Demo-       to  introduce  a  $1  trillion  tors as overblown and said  trillion plan  from Pelosi two  time  was  running  out,  say-
            crats  weighed  in  publicly  virus  rescue  bill  collapsed  Trump was focused on pro-  months  ago.  But  with  mil-  ing  Republicans  were  in
            on  the  updated  proposal,  Thursday amid GOP infight-   viding relief. "The president  lions  of  Americans  about  disarray.q

            ProPublica posts NYPD records, bypassing judge’s blockade

                                                                      Failla's  temporary  restrain-  see unproven or false com-  harm," ProPublica Editor-in-
                                                                      ing order because it is not  plaints  could  sully  officers'  Chief  Stephen  Engelberg
                                                                      a  party  to  a  union  lawsuit  reputations  and  compro-  said.  "The  database  gives
                                                                      challenging  the  release  of  mise their safety.         the  people  of  New  York
                                                                      such records.                A state judge who first han-  City  a  glimpse  at  how  al-
                                                                      Deputy    Managing     Edi-  dled the case had issued a  legations  involving  police
                                                                      tor  Eric  Umansky  said  Pro-  narrower  restraining  order  misconduct  have  been
                                                                      Publica  requested  the  in-  that  temporarily  blocked  handled,  and  allows  jour-
                                                                      formation  from  the  city's  the public disclosure of re-  nalists and ordinary citizens
                                                                      police  watchdog  agency,  cords  concerning  unsub-      alike  to  look  more  deeply
                                                                      the  Civilian  Complaint  Re-  stantiated  and  non-final-  at the records of particular
                                                                      view Board, soon after last  ized  allegations  or  settle-  officers."
                                                                      month's repeal of state law  ment agreements.             Failla's  ruling  Wednesday
                                                                      that for decades had pre-    ProPublica said it excluded  blocks  the  CCRB,  the  po-
                                                                      vented  the  disclosure  of  allegations  that  investiga-  lice department and other
            Black Lives Matter protesters are arrested by NYPD officers on   disciplinary records.  tors  deemed  unfounded  entities  from  disclosing  dis-
            the Brooklyn Bridge, Wednesday, July 15, 2020, in New York.  Unions  representing  police  from  the  material  it  pub-  ciplinary  records  until  at
                                                     Associated Press   officers  and  other  public  lished. In all, the searchable  least  Aug.  18,  when  she'll
                                                                      safety workers sued the city  database  contains  12,056  hear  arguments  in  the
            NEW YORK (AP) — Days af-     formation  for  thousands  of  on  July  15  to  block  Mayor  complaints  against  3,996  case. In issuing the tempo-
            ter a federal judge paused  officers.                     Bill  de  Blasio  from  making  active NYPD officers.     rary restraining order, Failla
            the  public  release  of  New  ProPublica  posted  the  da-  good on a pledge to start  "We  understand  the  argu-  also  barred  the  New  York
            York City police disciplinary  tabase  Sunday,  explaining  posting  misconduct  com-  ments  against  releasing  chapter  of  the  American
            records,  a  news  website  in a note to readers that it  plaints  on  a  government  this  data.  But  we  believe  Civil  Liberties  Union  from
            has  published  a  database  isn't  obligated  to  comply  website.  The  unions  argue  the  public  good  it  could  publicly releasing records it
            containing  complaint  in-   with  Judge  Katherine  Polk  that allowing the public to  do outweighs the potential  had already obtained.q
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