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A28    u.s. news
                 Diamars 10 augustus 2021

                                Canada reopens its border for vaccinated US visitors

                                                                      der waits. Travelers also must  forward  to  “just  mentally  ern New York crossings, the
                                                                      fill out a detailed application  making  sure  everything’s  Peace  Bridge  in  Buffalo  and
                                                                      on the arriveCAN app before  OK.                          the    Lewiston-Queenston
                                                                      crossing.                                                 Bridge in Lewiston.
                                                                                                   “It’s just been a part of my life
                                                                      On  the  first  morning  that  because  my  grandma  had  a  The U.S.-Canada border has
                                                                      U.S.  citizens  were  allowed  cottage since I was 10, so just  been  closed  to  nonessential
                                                                      to  cross  into  Canada  again,  kind of a feeling like return-  travel  since  March  2020  to
                                                                      it  was  slow  going  in  the  ing to normal,” she said.  try to slow the spread of the
                                                                      tiny  border  town  of  Derby                             coronavirus.
                                                                      Line,  Vermont,  where  long  The  pharmacy  clinic  was
                                                                      stretches passed without any  charging  $140  for  same-day  The U.S. has said it will ex-
                                                                      cars  headed  into  downtown  tests and $125 for delivery of  tend its closure to all Canadi-
                                                                      Stanstead, Quebec.           results in 24 to 48 hours.   ans making nonessential trips
                                                                                                                                until at least Aug. 21, which
                                                                      In  Buffalo,  New  York,  Lisa  “At  this  point,  we’ll  just  do  also  applies  to  the  Mexican
                                                                      and  Jim  Docherty  got  CO-  whatever we have to do,” Lisa  border.  But  the  Biden  ad-
            (AP)  —  Canada  lifted  its                              VID-19  tests  at  a  pharmacy  Docherty said before heading  ministration  is  beginning  to
            prohibition on Americans  U.S.  citizens  and  legal  resi-  for  their  first  visit  to  their  in for a nasal swab.  make  plans  for  a  phased  re-
            crossing  the  border  to  dents  must  be  both  fully  Ridgeway,  Ontario,  cottage                               opening.  The  main  require-
            shop,  vacation  or  visit  on  vaccinated  and  test  negative  since  the  summer  of  2019.  By  early  afternoon,  passen-  ment  would  be  that  nearly
            Monday while the United  for  COVID-19  within  three  The  Hilton,  South  Carolina  ger  cars  were  waiting  more  all foreign visitors to the U.S.
            States is maintaining sim-   days to get across one of the  couple, originally from Buf-  than  an  hour  at  the  Rain-  will  have  to  be  vaccinated
            ilar  restrictions  for  Ca-  world’s  longest  and  busiest  falo, has had the cottage more  bow Bridge to enter Niagara  against the coronavirus.
            nadians,  part  of  a  bumpy  land  borders,  and  Canadian  than 40 years.            Falls, Ontario, from Niagara
            return  to  normalcy  from  officials warn they won’t sac-                             Falls, New York. There were  But Canadians aren’t waiting
            COVID-19 travel bans.        rifice  safety  for  shorter  bor-  Lisa Doherty said she looked  no delays at two other west-  for reciprocal rules.

                                Aircraft help fight California wildfire as smoke clears

            (AP)  -  Thick  smoke  that  liminary  because  assessment  caused 2020 fires across seven  change  have  made  wildfires  fighters  prevented  further
            held  down  winds  and  teams can’t get into many ar-     counties that were fought to-  harder to fight in the Ameri-  growth  of  the  River  Fire,
            temperatures  in  the  zone  eas, officials said.         gether and that state officials  can West. Scientists have said  which broke out Wednesday
            of the largest single wild-                               consider  California’s  largest  climate change has made the  near the community of Col-
            fire  in  California  history  The  Dixie  Fire,  named  for  wildfire overall.        region  much  warmer  and  fax and destroyed 68 homes.
            cleared Monday from sce-     the  road  where  it  started                             drier in the past 30 years and
            nic  forestlands,  allowing  nearly four weeks ago, grew  The  fire’s  cause  was  under  will  continue  to  make  the  Smoke from wildfires burn-
            firefighting aircraft to re-  to an area of 765 square miles  investigation.  Pacific  Gas  &  weather  more  extreme  and  ing in the U.S. West contin-
            join  the  battle  to  contain  (1,980 square kilometers) by  Electric has said it may have  wildfires  more  frequent  and  ues to flow into parts of Col-
            the massive Dixie Fire.      Sunday evening and was just  been sparked when a tree fell  destructive.               orado  and  Utah,  where  the
                                         21% contained, according to  on one of its power lines. A                              air quality in many areas was
            The newly clear skies will al-  the California Department of  federal judge ordered PG&E  Northwest of the Dixie Fire  rated as unhealthy. Denver’s
            low more than two dozen he-  Forestry and Fire Protection.  on  Friday  to  give  details  by  in the Shasta-Trinity Nation-  air quality improved on Sun-
            licopters and two air tankers  It had scorched an area more  Aug. 16 about the equipment  al Forest, hundreds of homes  day, but the smoke has made
            that  have  been  grounded  to  than  twice  the  size  of  New  and vegetation where the fire  remained  threatened  by  two  the air there and in Salt Lake
            fly again and make it safer for  York City.               started.                     fires that continued to grow.  City among the worst in the
            ground crews to maneuver.                                                              About  a  quarter  of  the  Mc-  world.
                                         Four  firefighters  were  taken  Gov.  Gavin  Newsom  sur-  Farland  Fire  was  contained.
            “With  this  kind  of  weather,  to the hospital Friday after be-  veyed the damage in Green-  New evacuation orders were  California’s fire season is on
            fire activity will pick up. But  ing struck by a fallen branch.  ville  over  the  weekend,  issued Monday for residents  track  to  surpass  last  year’s
            the good thing is we can get  More  than  30  people  were  writing on Twitter that “our  near  the  Monument  Fire,  season, which was the worst
            aircraft up,” said fire spokes-  initially  reported  missing,  hearts ache for this town.”  which  was  only  about  3%  in recent recorded state his-
            man Ryan Bain.               but  by  Monday  the  Plumas                              contained.                   tory.
                                         County Sheriff’s Office had  Heat  waves  and  histor-
            Winds  were  not  expected  to  accounted for all of them.  ic  drought  tied  to  climate  South of the Dixie Fire, fire-
            reach  the  ferocious  speeds
            that helped the blaze explode  With  smoke  clearing  out
            in  size  last  week.  But  they  above  eastern  portions  of
            were still a concern for fire-  the fire, crews that had been
            fighters  working  in  unprec-  directly  attacking  the  front
            edented  conditions  to  pro-  lines would be forced to re-
            tect thousands of threatened  treat  and  build  containment
            homes.                       lines  farther  back,  said  Dan
                                         McKeague, a fire information
            Fueled  by  powerful  gusts  officer from the U.S. Forest
            and bone-dry vegetation, the  Service.
            fire incinerated much of the
            small  community  of  Green-  The  blaze  became  the  larg-
            ville  last  Wednesday  and  est single fire in California’s
            Thursday. At least 627 homes  recorded  history,  surpassing
            and  other  structures  had  last  year’s  Creek  Fire  in  the
            been  destroyed  by  Monday  the state’s central valley agri-
            and another 14,000 buildings  cultural region.
            were  still  threatened  in  the
            northern Sierra Nevada.      The Dixie Fire is about half
                                         the size of the August Com-
            Damage  reports  are  pre-   plex,  a  series  of  lightning-
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