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                                                                                         world news Diamars 10 augustus 2021

                          'Code red': UN scientists warn of worsening global warming

            Earth is getting so hot that  grees  Celsius  (3.6  degrees  mid-century,  said  report  co-  ably going to be painful, but  tury, Kopp said.
            temperatures  in  about  a  Fahrenheit)  over  pre-indus-  author Bob Kopp of Rutgers  it’s better not to give up.”
            decade will probably blow  trial  times  —  the  less  strin-  University.                                          A “major advance” in the un-
            past  a  level  of  warming  gent  Paris  goal  —  with  far                           In  the  report’s  worst-case  derstanding  of  how  fast  the
            that  world  leaders  have  worse  heat  waves,  droughts  Scientists  have  issued  this  scenario,  the  world  could  world  warms  with  each  ton
            sought to prevent, accord-   and  flood-inducing  down-   message for more than three  be  around  3.3  degrees  Cel-  of  carbon  dioxide  emitted
            ing  to  a  report  released  pours  unless  there  are  deep  decades, but the world hasn’t  sius (5.9 degrees Fahrenheit)  allowed  scientists  to  be  far
            Monday  that  the  United  emissions  cuts,  the  report  listened, said United Nations  hotter  than  now  by  the  end  more precise in the scenarios
            Nations called a “code red  said.                         Environment  Program  Ex-    of the century. But that sce-  in  this  report,  Mason-Del-
            for humanity.”                                            ecutive  Director  Inger  An-  nario  looks  increasingly  un-  motte said.
                                         “This report tells us that re-  dersen.                   likely,  said  report  co-author
            “It’s just guaranteed that it’s  cent  changes  in  the  climate                       and  climate  scientist  Zeke  In  a  new  move,  scientists
            going to get worse,” said re-  are  widespread,  rapid  and  For the first time, the report  Hausfather,  climate  change  emphasized how cutting air-
            port co-author Linda Mearns,  intensifying,  unprecedented  offers an interactive atlas for  director of the Breakthrough  borne  levels  of  methane  —
            a  senior  climate  scientist  at  in  thousands  of  years,”  said  people to see what has hap-  Institute.        a  powerful  but  short-lived
            the  U.S.  National  Center  IPCC Vice Chair Ko Barrett,  pened  and  may  happen  to                               gas that has soared to record
            for  Atmospheric  Research.  senior climate adviser for the  where they live.          “We are a lot less likely to get  levels  —  could  help  curb
            “Nowhere  to  run,  nowhere  U.S.  National  Oceanic  and                              lucky  and  end  up  with  less  short-term  warming.  Lots
            to hide.”                    Atmospheric Administration.  Nearly  all  of  the  warming  warming  than  we  thought,”  of  methane  the  atmosphere
                                                                      that  has  happened  on  Earth  Hausfather said. “At the same  comes  from  leaks  of  natural
            But scientists also eased back  With  crucial  international  can be blamed on emissions  time, the odds of ending up  gas,  a  major  power  source.
            a bit on the likelihood of the  climate  negotiations  coming  of  heat-trapping  gases  such  in  a  much  worse  place  than  Livestock also produces large
            absolute worst climate catas-  up in Scotland in November,  as carbon dioxide and meth-  we expected if we do reduce  amounts  of  the  gas,  a  good
            trophes.                     world leaders said the report  ane.  At  most,  natural  forces  our  emissions  are  notably  chunk of it in cattle burps.
                                         is causing them to try harder  or  simple  randomness  can  lower.”
            The  authoritative  Intergov-  to cut carbon pollution. U.S.  explain one- or two-tenths of                         More  than  100  countries
            ernmental Panel on Climate  Secretary  of  State  Anthony  a degree of warming, the re-  The  report  also  said  ultra-  have  made  informal  pledges
            Change     (IPCC)    report,  Blinken called it “a stark re-  port said.               catastrophic   disasters   —  to  achieve  “net  zero”  hu-
            which  calls  climate  change  minder.”                   The report described five dif-  commonly  called  “tipping  man-caused  carbon  dioxide
            clearly  human-caused  and                                ferent future scenarios based  points,” like ice sheet collaps-  emissions  sometime  around
            “unequivocal”  and  “an  es-  The   3,000-plus-page   re-  on  how  much  the  world  es and the abrupt slowdown  mid-century,  which  will  be
            tablished  fact,”  makes  more  port from 234 scientists said  reduces  carbon  emissions.  of ocean currents — are “low  a key part of the negotiations
            precise and warmer forecasts  warming is already accelerat-  They  are:  a  future  with  in-  likelihood”  but  cannot  be  in Scotland. The report said
            for  the  21st  century  than  it  ing  sea  level  rise  and  wors-  credibly large and quick pol-  ruled out. The much talked-  those  commitments  are  es-
            did last time it was issued in  ening  extremes  such  as  heat  lution cuts; another with in-  about  shutdown  of  Atlantic  sential.
            2013.                        waves,  droughts,  floods  and  tense  pollution  cuts  but  not  ocean currents, which would
                                         storms. Tropical cyclones are  quite  as  massive;  a  scenario  trigger   massive   weather  “It is still possible to forestall
            Each  of  five  scenarios  for  getting  stronger  and  wetter,  with moderate emission cuts;  shifts, is something that’s un-  many  of  the  most  dire  im-
            the  future,  based  on  how  while Arctic sea ice is dwin-  a fourth scenario where cur-  likely to happen in this cen-  pacts,” Barrett said.
            much  carbon  emissions  are  dling  in  the  summer  and  rent plans to make small pol-
            cut,  passes  the  more  strin-  permafrost is thawing. All of  lution  reductions  continue;
            gent of two thresholds set in  these  trends  will  get  worse,  and a fifth possible future in-
            the 2015 Paris climate agree-  the report said.           volving  continued  increases
            ment.  World  leaders  agreed                             in carbon pollution.
            then to try to limit warming  For example, the kind of heat
            to  1.5  degrees  Celsius  (2.7  wave  that  used  to  happen  In  five  previous  reports,  the
            degrees  Fahrenheit)  above  only once every 50 years now  world was on that final hot-
            levels in the late 19th century  happens  once  a  decade,  and  test  path,  often  nicknamed
            because  problems  mount  if  the  world  warms  another  “business as usual.” But this
            quickly after that. The world  degree  Celsius  (1.8  degrees  time,  the  world  is  some-
            has  already  warmed  nearly  Fahrenheit),  it  will  happen  where between the moderate
            1.1  degrees  Celsius  (2  de-  twice  every  seven  years,  the  path and the small pollution
            grees Fahrenheit) since then.  report said.               reductions  scenario  because
                                                                      of  progress  to  curb  climate
            Under  each  scenario,  the  As  the  planet  warms,  places  change, said report co-author
            report  said,  the  world  will  will  get  hit  more  not  just  Claudia Tebaldi, a scientist at
            cross  the  1.5-degree-Celsius  by  extreme  weather  but  by  the  U.S.  Pacific  Northwest
            warming mark in the 2030s,  multiple  climate  disasters  at  National Lab.
            earlier than some past predic-  once, the report said. That’s
            tions.  Warming  has  ramped  like what’s now happening in  While  calling  the  report  “a
            up  in  recent  years,  data  the Western U.S., where heat  code red for humanity,” U.N.
            shows.                       waves,  drought  and  wild-  Secretary-General  Antonio
                                         fires compound the damage,  Guterres kept a sliver of hope
            “Our  report  shows  that  we  Mearns said. Extreme heat is  that world leaders could still
            need to be prepared for going  also  driving  massive  fires  in  somehow prevent 1.5 degrees
            into that level of warming in  Greece and Turkey.         of warming, which he said is
            the coming decades. But we                                “perilously close.”
            can  avoid  further  levels  of  Some  harm  from  climate
            warming by acting on green-  change  —  dwindling  ice  Alok  Sharma,  the  president
            house  gas  emissions,”  said  sheets,  rising  sea  levels  and  of the upcoming climate ne-
            report  co-chair  Valerie  Mas-  changes in the oceans as they  gotiations in Scotland, urged
            son-Delmotte, a climate sci-  lose  oxygen  and  become  leaders  to  do  more  so  they
            entist at  France’s  Laboratory  more  acidic  —  is  “irrevers-  can “credibly say that we have
            of Climate and Environment  ible  for  centuries  to  millen-  kept 1.5 degrees alive.”
            Sciences at the University of  nia,” the report said.
            Paris-Saclay.                                             “Anything we can do to limit,
                                         The  world  is  “locked  in”  to  to slow down, is going to pay
            In three scenarios, the world  15 to 30 centimeters (6 to 12  off,” Tebaldi said. “And if we
            will  also  likely  exceed  2  de-  inches)  of  sea  level  rise  by  cannot  get  to  1.5,  it’s  prob-
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