Page 16 - HOH AUG 7 2021
P. 16
A26 u.s. news
Diasabra 7 augustus 2021
US hiring surges in July, but the variant is the wild card
to stay home. Since then, the vaccinations mandatory in million openings in May —
U.S. has recovered nearly 17 a move that could help beat faster than applicants can fill
million jobs, meaning it is back the virus and protect the them.
still almost 6 million short. economy.
Some businesses blame gen-
“If the pace of hiring over the A failure to contain the surge erous federal unemployment
last three months continues, could lead to more closings benefits — including an ex-
all jobs lost due to the pan- and cancellations of various tra $300 a week tacked on to
demic would be regained in events and prompt schools regular state jobless aid — for
seven months,” Leslie Pres- to roll back plans to reopen, discouraging Americans from
ton, senior economist at TD making it difficult for many seeking work. In response,
Economics, wrote in a re- parents to go back to work. many states have dropped the
search report. “However, the federal assistance even before
pace is likely to cool a bit and ADVERTISEMENT it is scheduled to expire Sept.
the risk of the delta variant 6.
looms.” “The next 10 to 14 days are
(AP) — U.S employers variant is pushing infections going to be critical to try to Walmart is offering up to $5
added 943,000 jobs in July up. get it under control,” said La- more per hour to many ware-
and drove the unemploy- The unexpectedly strong bor Secretary Marty Walsh. house employees as it tries to
ment rate down to 5.4% in Still, the July numbers numbers come at a critical “We need to get more people retain workers in the tight la-
another sign the economy looked good. They exceeded moment for President Joe vaccinated. Where there are bor market.
is bouncing back with sur- economists’ forecast of more Biden’s agenda, with the Sen- mask mandates in place, we
prising vigor from COV- than 860,000 new jobs. En- ate set to take up a $1 trillion need to follow that.” Layne’s Chicken Fingers,
ID-19. But there is grow- couraged by their prospects, infrastructure bill this week- an eight-restaurant chain in
ing fear the fast-spreading 261,000 Americans returned end before moving on to a He added: “It’s really impor- Frisco, Texas, is raising wag-
delta variant will set back to the job market in July. And more than $3 trillion expan- tant that we take this seri- es, paying bonuses, offering
the recovery. the unemployment rate fell sion of the social safety net ously so we don’t get into a health insurance and promis-
from 5.9% in June. pushed by the Democrats. situation where we have to ing young workers the chance
The worry is that the resur- go into shutting down parts for advancement. Two of the
gent virus could discourage Moreover, the report found Biden said the jobs report of our country.” four managers of its compa-
people from going out and that as customers come back validates his efforts to stabi- ny-owned outlets are 19, and
spending and trigger another and businesses scramble to lize the economy and slow Farooqi said she is optimistic another just turned 20.
round of shutdowns or other find workers, they are raising the spread of the virus, and the job rebound can continue
restrictions. wages: Average hourly earn- he encouraged lawmakers to despite the variant, but she is “We’re finding they can han-
ings were up 4% last month pass the rest of his agenda. holding off on her forecast dle it -- with a lot of over-
“That is a definite downside from a year earlier. for August because “there are sight,” said CEO Garrett
risk,” said Rubeela Farooqi, “The bottom line is this: a lot of unknowns right now.” Reed.
chief U.S. economist at High The Labor Department also What we’re doing is work-
Frequency Economics. “The revised its jobs numbers ing,” Biden said, adding, The rollout of vaccines en- The Animal Humane Society
risk is from a more cautious for May and June, adding “We’ve got a lot of hard work couraged businesses to re- near Minneapolis is running
consumer, if they don’t want 119,000 jobs. left to be done.” open and consumers to re- flat-out trying to find homes
to engage in outside activi- turn to shops, restaurants for animals. It has raised wag-
ties. ... You’re also hearing ADVERTISEMENT The U.S. is seeing an aver- and bars. Many Americans es to $15 an hour for staffers
about big companies that are age of more than 98,000 new are also in surprisingly strong who take care of the cats and
delaying a return to work. The stock market rose mod- COVID-19 cases per day, financial shape because the dogs and help visitors pick
That might be something estly on the news. The Dow up from fewer than 12,000 lockdowns allowed them to out pets.
that slows things down.’’ Jones Industrial Average a day in late June — though save money and bank relief
climbed 0.4% and the S&P still well below the peak of checks from the government. Eileen Lay, the organization’s
The Labor Department col- 500 0.2%, both reaching all- 250,000 reached in January. chief financial and operating
lected its data for the report time highs. The vast majority of new As a result, the economy has officer, knows what she’s up
in mid-July before the Cen- cases are among people who bounced back with unexpect- against.
ters for Disease Control and The economy lost over 22 have not gotten vaccinated. ed speed. The International
Prevention last week reversed million jobs in March and Monetary Fund expects U.S. “My 16-year-old just got a
course and recommended April 2020 in a practically Over the past week, a grow- economic output to grow 7% $15-an-hour job at Target,”
that even vaccinated people overnight recession as the ing number of state and local this year, its fastest pace since she said. “And he doesn’t
resume wearing masks in- coronavirus forced business- governments and major em- 1984. And employers are ad- have to clean poop.’’
doors in places where the es to shut down and people ployers have made masks and vertising jobs — a record 9.2
Students ask Supreme Court to block college vaccine mandate
(AP) — The Supreme Court is before the court. In rulings over the employees on seven campuses to The vaccine mandate is being
being asked to block a plan by past year the conservative-dominated receive COVID-19 vaccinations for challenged by eight students who
Indiana University to require high court has largely backed the fall semester. argue in court papers filed Friday
students and employees to get religious groups who have challenged that they have “a constitutional right
vaccinated against COVID-19. restrictions on indoor services during Students who don’t comply will to bodily integrity, autonomy, and
It’s the first time the high court the cononavirus pandemic. have their registration canceled and of medical treatment choice in the
has been asked to weigh in on a workers who don’t will lose their context of a vaccination mandate.”
vaccine mandate and comes as In the current case, however, a three- jobs. The policy does have religious They’re asking for an injunction from
some corporations, states and judge federal appeals court panel, and medical exemptions, but exempt the high court barring the university
cities are also contemplating including two judges appointed by students must be tested twice a from enforcing the mandate. Seven
or have adopted vaccine former President Donald Trump, week for the disease. The school of the students qualify for a religious
requirements for workers or even was one of two lower courts to side announced this week that for now, exemption.
to dine indoors. with Indiana University and allow everyone, regardless of vaccination
it to require the vaccinations. The status, must wear a mask indoors There is no deadline for the court to
The case is not the first time a plan announced in May requires while on campus. act, but the students are asking it to
coronavirus-related issue has been roughly 90,000 students and 40,000 do so by Aug. 13.