Page 13 - MIN.VOS MARCH 10,2015
P. 13
LOCALTuesday 10 March 2015
Proceeds of the 4th Annual “Miss Canada” Beach Volleyball Tournament Awarded
PALM BEACH - After more for her homeland has with worthwhile causes evening, March 6. The fes- project. Special thanks
than 30 years of returning earned her the nickname and foundations. She tive event is also a thank go to the local vendors
to Aruba to escape the of “Ms. Canada,” among cares greatly for the less you to the volunteers who donated prizes for
worst of Canada’s win- island residents and her fortunate and regularly who help Michelle during the all-important raffle.
ters, Michelle Begin and vacationing friends. hosts fundraising events each year, comprised of They are Queens Jewel-
her husband Jean consid- During her five weeks on in Canada and Africa. A her Canadian compatri- ers, Diamanté Jewels &
er the island their “home the island Michelle likes few years ago, she began ots who live and vacation Time, Marriott Vacation
away from home.” Her to keep busy, and for deploying her consum- on the island, and many Club, and Renaissance
vivacity and outgoing this community activist, mate people skills to assist of her Dutch and Aruban Resort.
nature as well as pride it means being involved Aruban foundations. She friends with whom she This year, proceeds of
feels compelled to “give shares a strong bond of $7,800 were distributed to
back” to the island where community activism. Ambiente Feliz, a full time
she has made so many Also honored were princi- home for the mentally
dear friends, resulting in pal sponsors, La Cabana challenged, the Aruba
her annual fundraising Beach Resort, Portfolio Scholarship Foundation,
volleyball tournament, a Printing, Balashi Brewery elderly care facility Stich-
fun day for participants and Tropical Bottling, as ting Thuiszorg Aruba, and
and spectators alike. well as Hard Rock Cafe. to Hycienth Palmer, who
This year, the tournament Farita Luidens of the lo- personally cooks large
was conducted on Sun- cal TV lifestyle show Nos batches of soup that she
day, March 1. The awards Mainta and Ruben Gar- distributes to the elderly
of the monies raised were cia of Power FM radio and less fortunate.
hosted by event sponsors received tribute for their Ernst Giel of the Aruba
Hard Rock Cafe on Friday steadfast support of the Tourism Authority was on
hand to present the Be-
March Madness at Touchdown Sports Bar and Grill Aruba! gins with an Emerald Am-
bassador Certificate for
PALM BEACH - The 2015 pion of Men’s NCAA Divi- their steadfast dedication
NCAA Men’s Division I sion I College Basketball. to Aruba and contribu-
Basketball Tournament will It is scheduled to begin on tions to the community.
involve 68 College Teams March 17, 2015, and will Daniel Tecklenborg, the
playing in a single-elimina- conclude with the Cham- director of CEDE Aruba,
tion tournament to deter- pionship Game on April 6 which administrates and
mine the National Cham- at Lucas Oil Stadium in In- finds funding for the is-
land’s foundations and
dianapolis, Indiana. your Family and Friends worthwhile social proj-
No matter which Col- on Big Screens with indoor ects, praised Michelle,
lege you cheer for, we and outdoor seating, so “Miss Canada” Begin for
at Touchdown Sports let us host you for the big her devotion to the un-
Bar and Grill Aruba offer game! See you at Touch- derprivileged. He cited
Great Food, Great Drinks, down Sports Bar and Grill how fortunate Aruba was
and a Great Time for you, Aruba!q to have her as an annual
visitor, selflessly sacrificing
her vacation time to assist
Aruba’s needy and put
these important causes
into the spotlight.q
LOCALTuesday 10 March 2015
Proceeds of the 4th Annual “Miss Canada” Beach Volleyball Tournament Awarded
PALM BEACH - After more for her homeland has with worthwhile causes evening, March 6. The fes- project. Special thanks
than 30 years of returning earned her the nickname and foundations. She tive event is also a thank go to the local vendors
to Aruba to escape the of “Ms. Canada,” among cares greatly for the less you to the volunteers who donated prizes for
worst of Canada’s win- island residents and her fortunate and regularly who help Michelle during the all-important raffle.
ters, Michelle Begin and vacationing friends. hosts fundraising events each year, comprised of They are Queens Jewel-
her husband Jean consid- During her five weeks on in Canada and Africa. A her Canadian compatri- ers, Diamanté Jewels &
er the island their “home the island Michelle likes few years ago, she began ots who live and vacation Time, Marriott Vacation
away from home.” Her to keep busy, and for deploying her consum- on the island, and many Club, and Renaissance
vivacity and outgoing this community activist, mate people skills to assist of her Dutch and Aruban Resort.
nature as well as pride it means being involved Aruban foundations. She friends with whom she This year, proceeds of
feels compelled to “give shares a strong bond of $7,800 were distributed to
back” to the island where community activism. Ambiente Feliz, a full time
she has made so many Also honored were princi- home for the mentally
dear friends, resulting in pal sponsors, La Cabana challenged, the Aruba
her annual fundraising Beach Resort, Portfolio Scholarship Foundation,
volleyball tournament, a Printing, Balashi Brewery elderly care facility Stich-
fun day for participants and Tropical Bottling, as ting Thuiszorg Aruba, and
and spectators alike. well as Hard Rock Cafe. to Hycienth Palmer, who
This year, the tournament Farita Luidens of the lo- personally cooks large
was conducted on Sun- cal TV lifestyle show Nos batches of soup that she
day, March 1. The awards Mainta and Ruben Gar- distributes to the elderly
of the monies raised were cia of Power FM radio and less fortunate.
hosted by event sponsors received tribute for their Ernst Giel of the Aruba
Hard Rock Cafe on Friday steadfast support of the Tourism Authority was on
hand to present the Be-
March Madness at Touchdown Sports Bar and Grill Aruba! gins with an Emerald Am-
bassador Certificate for
PALM BEACH - The 2015 pion of Men’s NCAA Divi- their steadfast dedication
NCAA Men’s Division I sion I College Basketball. to Aruba and contribu-
Basketball Tournament will It is scheduled to begin on tions to the community.
involve 68 College Teams March 17, 2015, and will Daniel Tecklenborg, the
playing in a single-elimina- conclude with the Cham- director of CEDE Aruba,
tion tournament to deter- pionship Game on April 6 which administrates and
mine the National Cham- at Lucas Oil Stadium in In- finds funding for the is-
land’s foundations and
dianapolis, Indiana. your Family and Friends worthwhile social proj-
No matter which Col- on Big Screens with indoor ects, praised Michelle,
lege you cheer for, we and outdoor seating, so “Miss Canada” Begin for
at Touchdown Sports let us host you for the big her devotion to the un-
Bar and Grill Aruba offer game! See you at Touch- derprivileged. He cited
Great Food, Great Drinks, down Sports Bar and Grill how fortunate Aruba was
and a Great Time for you, Aruba!q to have her as an annual
visitor, selflessly sacrificing
her vacation time to assist
Aruba’s needy and put
these important causes
into the spotlight.q