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May 4, 2022
T: 582-7800
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
"Still in shock." Abortion defenders, foes stunned by leak
By REBECCA SANTANA, the basis for the Supreme
EMILY WAGSTER PETTUS and Court case. "I am not quite
CLAIRE GALOFARO sure I have the words to ex-
Associated Press press how I feel right now,
The owner of an Alabama but God has had his hands
clinic was flying home from on that bill since the begin-
a conference for abortion ning."
providers Monday night The leaked draft, published
when a leaked Supreme late Monday by Politico, is
Court draft opinion began a 98-page opinion in Do-
ricocheting around the bbs v. Jackson Women's
world. Health Organization, which
As Dalton Johnson read it, challenged the constitu-
he was struck by the blunt- tionality of the Mississippi bill
ness of the language that that banned abortion after
would end the constitu- 15 weeks. If the decision
tional right to an abortion, stands as written, it would
shuttering clinics in about also overturn Planned Par-
half of American states, in- enthood v. Casey, a 1992
cluding his. decision that protected
"I'm still in shock," Johnson abortion services even
said Tuesday. though it allowed states to
People on both sides of add some limitations.
the abortion divide have "Roe was egregiously
been expecting the Su- wrong from the start," the Demonstrators protest outside of the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday, May 3, 2022 in Washington.
preme Court this summer draft opinion states. It was Associated Press
to reverse the landmark signed by Justice Samuel
1973 Roe v. Wade case Alito, a member of the ruling. As written, it would The daily rituals unfolded as ing inside. "Have mercy on
that legalized abortion na- court's 6-3 conservative give states the power to they always do: protesters our unborn children. We're
tionwide. But many said majority. According to Po- decide the legality of abor- screamed at people walk- destroying our future, killing
the draft opinion was nev- litico, four other justices — tion. Roughly half, largely in ing inside, clinic escorts our babies."
ertheless stunning, forcing Clarence Thomas, Neil Gor- the South and Midwest, are tried to shield them and Jean Folsom stopped by
them to reckon with the such, Brett Kavanaugh and likely to quickly ban abor- hustle them in the doors. the clinic on her way to
reality the nation is likely to Amy Coney Barrett — have tion. "Please overturn Roe v. work, to thank the volun-
enter soon. agreed with the opinion. Abortion clinics in those Wade," said Barbara Bea- teers who help pregnant
"I can't stop crying," said an The draft opinion was writ- states opened Tuesday vers, who stood outside the people pass protesters like
elated Mississippi state Rep. ten in February and the lan- morning, still seeing pa- clinic in Jackson, Mississippi, Beavers.
Becky Currie, who spon- guage could change be- tients but uncertain about on Tuesday, trying to per-
sored the 2018 law that is fore the court issues its final the future. suade people against go- Continued on Page 2