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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 4 May 2022

            Yom Hashoa: Memorial and remembrance of the Holocaust

             Wednesday  April  27th  the  of  the  Congregation  and  Baruch  Zeilicovich,  Spiri-
             Jewish  Community  of  Aru-  guests  like  the    President  tual  Leader  of  Beth  Israel
             ba,  Beth  Israel  Synagogue  of Parliament of Aruba, Mr.  shared his thoughts  around
             commemorated  the  six  Edgard  Vrolijk,  the  Repre-    this  day:  “The  word  Holo-
             million  Jews  slaughtered  sentative  of  the  Nether-  caust is today the way we
             during  the  Holocaust.  This  lands in  Aruba, Mr. David  name the massacre of the
             day is called Yom Hashoah  Abrahams  and  the  Honor-    Jews  by  the    Nazis,  and  it
             in Hebrew.                  ary Consul of Israel to Aru-  will stay that way. But what
                                         ba,  Mrs.  Martha  Lichten-  really  happened  is  called
             The  evening  started  with  stein  were present.        a  Genocide:  the  intend
             a service, where members  During  the  service  Rabbi  to  erase    an  entire  nation

                                                                                                   from the face of the earth.  to  Aruba,  Mr.  Abrahams,
            Cadets Royal Military Academy roll up                                                  It is a shame that we didn’t  representing  the    “Righ-
                                                                                                   learn,  we  didn’t  get  the  teous

            their sleeves during exercise in Aruba                                                 message.     Unfortunately,  who were the people that
                                                                                                   this is not the only one. In-
                                                                                                                                chose to help rescue Jews
                                                                                                   digenous nations from both  with great harm to  them-
            From  Sunday,  May  8  to                                                              North and South  America,  selves.  The  sixth  candle
            Saturday,  May  14,  2022,                                                             Rwanda,  Sarajevo,  makes  was lit by Mrs. Raquel van
            approximately  twenty  ca-                                                             the  wish,  the  prayer  of  der Weide, member of the
            dets from the Royal Military                                                           a  “Never  Again”  is  hard  Congregation,    represent-
            Academy  (KMA)  in  Breda                                                              to  believe  in,  even    now,  ing the foundation of Jew-
            (The Netherlands) will com-                                                            men, women and children  ish life in Aruba.
            plete their officer training in                                                        are  slaughtered  and  are  And  the  last  candle  was
            Aruba with exercise 'Alum-                                                             forced to leave a war driv-  lit  by  Nathanael  Croes,
            no to Suda'.                                                                           en Ukraine.                  youngest  member  of  the
                                                                                                   As  the  service  concluded,  Congregation     present,
            After  the  summer,  the  ca-                                                          six memorial candles were  who  represents  the  future
            dets  will  start  their  Spe-                                                         lit. Each candle represent-  and  continuity  of  Jewish
            cialization  Training  as  final                                                       ing one million jews.        life in Aruba.
            preparations  for  their  first  Social day               Breda. At the KMA, a short   The  first  candle  was  lit  by  The  evening  concluded
            officer  positions  within  the  On  Saturday  May  14,  the  officer training, military sci-  Rabbi  Baruch  Zeilicovich  with   the   documentary
            various  arms  and  service  program will conclude with  ence  training  or  specialist   as  Spiritual  Leader  and  GENOCIDE,  a  documen-
            sections of the Royal Neth-  a social day in Aruba. The  training  can  be  followed.   representing  the  lost  souls  tary  of  1982  narrated  by

            erlands Army.                cadets  then  roll  up  their  The  Royal  Military  Acad-  of  the  Holocaust.  The  sec-  Orson  Welles and Elizabeth
                                         sleeves  to  help  with  main-  emy  trains  officers  for  the   ond  candle  was  lit  by  the  Taylor  that  features  foot-
            By  holding  the  exercise  in  tenance and practicalities  Royal  Netherlands  Army,   President  of  Parliament  of  age  and  interviews  with
            Aruba, the aspiring officers  at Ambiente Feliz, a family  the  Royal  Netherlands  Air   Aruba,  Mr.  Vrolijk  as    the  survivors  from  various    in-
            experience  what  it  is  like  replacement home for the  Force and the Royal Neth-    highest-ranking   dignitary  terment camps. The docu-
            to  operate  in  a  different  mentally   handicapped,  erlands Marechaussee.          of  Aruba  to  develop  and  mentary is a celebration of
            environment,  context  and  and  Sgt.  Pepper  Friends                                 safeguard     educational  courage and hope as well
            climatic  conditions  than  Foundation,     an   animal  In  organizing  this  exercise,   programs to help  prevent  as harrowing  glimpse into
            they are used to. By creat-  shelter  in  Aruba.  Commu-  the  KMA  is  supported  by   future Genocides.           the social and political cli-
            ing an operational context,  nity activities are conduct-  the  Defense  Leadership    The third candle was lit by  mate that eventually led to
            a deployment is simulated.  ed several times a year by  Expertise  Center  (ECLD)      Honorary Consul of Israel in  the Holocaust.
            The  program  includes  les-  the  cadets  to  contribute  and  the  Faculty  of  Military   Aruba,  Mrs.    Martha  Lich-
            sons  from  the  Aruban  mili-  to  local  organizations  and  Sciences  (FMW).  These  in-  tenstein,  representing  the  As  we  face  a  new  form
            tary  (ARUMIL),  sports,  thrill-  charities.             stitutes  are  also  parts  of   promise kept after the Sec-  of  antisemitism  under  the
            ing  activities,  moments  of                             the  Netherlands  Defense    ond  World  War:  The  Land  custom of anti-Zionism and
            reflection  and  a  24-hour  Hundreds  of  cadets  are  Academy  (NLDA).  There        of Israel.                   even  Holocaust    deniers.
            exercise with the support of  trained to become officers  is  also  cooperation  with                               One  thing  is  certain:  Who-
            the Marine Corps of Marine  every  year  at  the  Royal  the ARUMIL and the Royal      The fourth candle was lit by  ever  denies  the  Holocaust
            Barracks Savaneta.           Military Academy (KMA) in  Netherlands Navy.q             the  Dutch  Representative  is killing the victims again.q
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