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A28     u.s. news
                Diahuebs 5 November 2020

                                          Many Trump voters skeptical of vote count

                                                                                                                        twist, a large majority of Democrats
                                                                                                                        now agree — although they'd like a
                                                                                                                        shake-up to oust Trump.

                                                                                                                        But both candidates' voters expressed
                                                                                                                        worries  about  Washington  corrup-
                                                                                                                        tion, with an overwhelming majority
                                                                                                                        saying they believe corruption would
                                                                                                                        be a “major problem” in their oppo-
                                                                                                                        nent’s administration.

                                                                                                                        The pandemic's personal impact
                                                                                                                        Although  a  wide  majority  of  voters
                                                                                                                        said  the  coronavirus  pandemic  has
                                                                                                                        affected them personally, there were
                                                                                                                        deep racial and partisan disparities.

                                                                                                                        About 4 in 10 Black voters and about
                                                                                                                        3 in 10 Latino voters said they lost a
                                                                                                                        family member or close friend to the
                                                                                                                        virus, while just about 1 in 10 white
                                                                                                                        voters said the same.
                                                                                                                        Latino  and  Black  voters  also  were
                                                                                                                        more likely to lose household income
                                                                                                                        because of the pandemic: nearly half
                                                                                                                        of  Latino  voters  and  about  4  in  10
                                                                                                                        Black voters, compared with about a
                                                                                                                        third of white voters.

                                                                                                                        Voters in cities were more likely than
                                                                                                                        those  in  other  communities  to  say
            (AP) - Four years of partisan dis-  about a quarter of voters were “very  the top issue facing the nation, while  they have lost a close friend or family
            cord  and  a  tumultuous  election  confident." Almost 8 in 10 Biden vot-  only  1  in  10  Biden  voters  named  it  member. Urban voters also report in-
            have  left  U.S.  voters  deeply  di-  ers  were  confident,  compared  with  most important.               come loss somewhat more than other
            vided  on  everything  from  pub-   about 6 in 10 Trump supporters.                                         voters.
            lic  health,  racial  justice  and  the                                 The two groups did not agree on the  All  these  groups  of  voters  fall  into
            economy to whether votes would  Trump  voters  felt  more  confident  state of the economy, either. Trump  Biden's  column,  meaning  his  vot-
            be  counted  fairly,  according  to  about  another  democratic  institu-  voters remain adamant that the econ-  ers were somewhat more likely than
            AP VoteCast, a national survey of  tion that has already played a role in  omy is in good shape: About three-  Trump voters to say they’ve felt the
            the electorate.                     this  year's  election  —  the  Supreme  quarters call national economic con-  impact in at least one of the ways the
                                                Court.  The  high  court,  along  with  ditions excellent or good. About 8 in  survey asked about, 73% to 62%.
            Supporters  of  President  Donald  lower courts, handled lawsuits in re-  10 Biden voters call them not so good  Racial unrest
            Trump and former Vice President Joe  cent weeks about the count of mail-  or poor.                          A  summer  of  protests  and  some-
            Biden  found  little  common  ground  in ballots in several states. That was                                times-violent  clashes  over  racial  in-
            on  the  top  crises  facing  the  nation.  before  conservative  Justice  Amy  Partisanship  even  seemed  to  cloud  equality  in  policing  exposed  sharply
            But  among  the  few  shared  views:  Coney Barrett filled her seat on the  views  on  football  among  voters  in  divergent views on racism.
            Trump  has  changed  the  way  things  Supreme Court after the Republican-  many  states,  including  Iowa,  Wis-
            work  in  Washington.  Most  Trump  controlled  Senate  sped  through  her  consin,  Michigan  and  Ohio.  When  An overwhelming majority of Black
            voters say he has changed Washing-  confirmation just before the election.  the  coronavirus  threatened  the  Big  voters  said  racism  in  the  U.S.  is  a
            ton for the better; most Biden voters  About 9 in 10 Trump voters were at  Ten's college football season, Trump  “very  serious”  problem,  but  fewer
            say he's changed it for the worse.  least somewhat confident in the high  campaigned  on  ensuring  the  games  than half of white voters said it is.
                                                court to be fair and impartial in its de-  would  be  played.  Not  surprisingly,
            Here’s a snapshot of who voted and  cisions, compared with about half as  across  eight  states,  voters  who  ap-  Nearly two-thirds of Black voters and
            what matters to them, based on pre-  many Biden voters.                 proved  of  the  Big  Ten  playing  this  about 4 in 10 Latino voters said police
            liminary results from AP VoteCast, a                                    year  supported  Trump  over  Biden.  are too tough on crime. But among
            survey  of  more  than  133,000  voters  Two different worlds           Those who saw it as a mistake were  white  voters,  only  about  a  quarter
            and nonvoters nationwide conducted  Longstanding  partisan  divides  have  more likely to back Biden.       said police are too tough and rough-
            for The Associated Press by NORC  defined the past four years, explaining                                   ly as many said police are not tough
            at the University of Chicago.       why  roughly  three-quarters  of  vot-  Loyal to trump                  enough.
                                                ers said they’ve known all along who  Trump  won  four  years  ago  with  a
            Voter confidence                    they were supporting in this election.  message of disruption, promising to  Those divisions translate into partisan
            Trump for months has sought to sow  VoteCast shows stark differences be-  shake  up  the  Washington  establish-  splits. Biden voters almost universal-
            doubts about how the vote-counting  tween  Trump  and  Biden  supporters  ment,  roll  back  regulations  and  put  ly said racism is a serious problem in
            — especially of mail-in ballots, which  —  on  the  virus,  the  economy,  even  America first — and his message still  U.S. society and in policing, includ-
            take longer to count and tend to fa-  on football.                      resonates  with  his  supporters.  They  ing about 7 in 10 who called it “very”
            vor  Democrats  —claiming  without                                      like what they're seeing.           serious.  A  slim  majority  of  Trump
            evidence that the process was ripe for  As U.S. coronavirus cases rise, claim-                              voters  —  who  are  overwhelming
            fraud and that Democrats would try  ing more than 232,000 lives, a major-  Trump  voters  overwhelmingly  said  white — called racism a serious prob-
            to steal the election.              ity of Biden voters — about 6 in 10 —  their  vote  was  an  endorsement  of  lem  in  U.S.  society,  and  just  under
            The  survey  suggest  his  voters  were  said the pandemic was the most im-  him, not cast in opposition to Biden.  half said it was a serious problem in
            listening.                          portant issue facing the country. And  And they were somewhat more likely  policing.
                                                Biden  voters  overwhelmingly  said  than Biden voters to say they agreed
            Trump  supporters  were  more  likely  the  federal  government  should  pri-  with their candidate all or most of the  But compared with the pandemic and
            to distrust the vote-counting process,  oritize limiting the spread of the virus  time, 81% versus 74%.     the  economy,  relatively  few  voters
            though  voters  for  both  candidates  — even if that damages the economy.  An overwhelming majority of Trump  deemed  racism  or  law  enforcement
            had their doubts. About 7 in 10 vot-  But Trump voters were more focused  voters continue to want to shake up  the country’s top issue: 7% said rac-
            ers were confident that votes would  on the economy. About half of Trump  the political system — even after four  ism was most important and just 4%
            be  counted  accurately,  though  only  voters  called  the  economy  and  jobs  years of Trump's leadership. But in a  said law enforcement was.
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