Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20201105
P. 30
A30 world news
Diahuebs 5 November 2020
Pakistani bank guard kills manager over alleged blasphemy
(AP) — A Pakistani guard shot rushed to the scene and started hug- prophet. A Punjab governor was killed by his
and killed the manager of a local ging the guard in support. own guard in 2011 after he defended
bank in eastern Punjab province Blasphemy is a controversial issue in a Christian woman, Asia Bibi, who
on Wednesday after accusing him Later, Islamists surrounded the police Pakistan, where people convicted of was accused of blasphemy. She was
of insulting Islam's Prophet Mo- station where Nawaz was being held the crime can be sentenced to life in acquitted after spending eight years
hammad, police said. in the town of Khusab, to express prison or the death penalty. Crowds on death row in a case that drew
their support for the guard. and individuals often take the law international attention. Faced with
As the guard, Ahmad Nawaz, was be- into their own hands to target those threats from extremists, she later flew
ing arrested, he started chanting slo- The family of eh slain bank manager they perceive as perpetrators of the to Canada to join her daughters.
gans of love for the prophet. It drew Imran Hanif denied he had commit- offense.
the attention of local Islamists who ted blasphemy, insisting he loved the
Eta lashes Nicaragua with rains, deadly mudslides
inches (890 millimeters) in inhabitants are Miskito, who
isolated areas. Heavy rains live through subsistence
also were likely in eastern farming or fishing, Jarquin
Guatemala, southern Belize said. Most of their homes are
and Jamaica. simple wooden structures
concentrated in riverside
The quantities of rain ex- communities that likely suf-
pected drew comparisons to fered heavy damage. They
1998’s Hurricane Mitch, one depend on hand-dug wells
of the most deadly Atlantic for drinking water, which he
hurricanes in history. The feared would be contaminat-
U.S. National Hurricane ed by floodwaters.
Center says Mitch led to the
deaths of more than 9,000 As the storm continued west
people. toward Nicaragua’s moun-
tains and the border with
Nicaragua’s remote north- Honduras concerns grew
east where Eta made landfall that it could have devastating
was already isolated before impact on the country’s cof-
the storm. Crossing the wide fee crop — a key export —
Wawa river to reach Bilwi, just as the harvest was set to
the main city in the region, begin.
requires riding a ferry, which
(AP) — Tropical Storm 60,000 had been without gency management agency. had suspended operations as Eta already led Honduras to
Eta spun through north- power since Monday eve- the storm approached, mak- cancel a long weekend that
ern Nicaragua Wednesday ning. Corrugated metal roof- In Honduras, at least 559 ing driving to the impact had been scheduled to begin
after lashing the country’s ing and uprooted trees were people had to move to shel- zone impossible. Wednesday. The extra-long
Caribbean coast for much scattered through its streets. ters or go to relatives’ homes weekend was supposed to
of the past day, its flood- Some 20,000 of the area's res- to escape flooding, he said. At Cairo Jarquin, emergency spur tourism and help the
waters isolating already idents were in shelters. least 25 people had been res- response project manager in economy strangled by the
remote communities and cued, he said. His agency re- Nicaragua for Catholic Relief coronavirus pandemic. In-
setting off deadly land- Inland, about 100 miles (160 ported at least six rivers caus- Services, said the immedi- stead, Eta promised to bring
slides that killed at least kilometers) west of where ing significant flooding. ate concern in northeastern several more days of rain to
three people. Eta made landfall, two gold Nicaragua after the storm’s the region.
miners were killed when a Forecasters said central and passage would be getting wa-
The storm had weakened mountainside unleashed tons northern Nicaragua and ter and food to those remote In the Pacific, Tropical Storm
from the Category 4 hurri- of mud Tuesday morning. A much of Honduras could get communities. Odalys continued to move
cane that battered the coast, third miner escaped the slide 15 to 25 inches (380 to 635 across the open ocean and
but it was moving so slowly and sought help. millimeters) of rain, with 35 The majority of the region’s posed no threat to land.
and dumping so much rain
that much of Central Amer- One body was recovered be-
ica was on high alert. Eta had fore rescuers had to suspend
sustained winds of 45 mph recovery efforts due to night-
(75 kph) and was moving fall and there were fears that
westward at 7 mph (11 kph). more slides could occur as
The long-term forecast the rain continued, said Lt.
shows Eta taking a turn over Cesar Malespin of the Bo-
Central America and then nanza Fire Department. Bo-
reforming in the Caribbean nanza was getting lashed by
— possibly reaching Cuba on strong winds and torrential
Sunday and the Florida Keys rain, he said.
on Monday.
The storm also has been
Eta was located Wednesday drenching neighboring Hon-
morning 125 miles (200 ki- duras with rain since at least
lometers) north-northeast of Sunday, and the country re-
Managua, Nicaragua's capi- ported its first storm-related
tal. death on Tuesday. A 12-year-
old girl died in a mudslide
Eta came ashore Tuesday af- in San Pedro Sula, the main
ternoon south of Bilwi af- population center in north-
ter stalling just off the coast ern Honduras, said Marvin
for hours. The city of about Aparicio of Honduras’ emer-