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Sustainability in Motion

                                                                                      August 3, 2017
                                                                                      T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                                               Page 16
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                                                               Taking Stock

             Trader Peter Tuchman, center, wears a “Dow 22,000” hat as he works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2017. A big gain from
             Apple Wednesday morning sent the Dow Jones industrial average above 22,000 for the first time. Most other industries were trading lower, with health care and
             household goods companies slipping.
                                                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
                        Apple Powers Dow over 22,000 for New High

              NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Being  gest  jump  in  six  months  analysts  expected,  and  all-time  high,  and  when  Much  of  the  rest  of  the
              the  world’s  most  valuable  Wednesday,  helping  send  the   company’s    strong  some  other  technology  market was mixed, howev-
              public  company  has  its  the  Dow  Jones  industrial  sales  forecast  suggests  it’s  companies, utilities and in-  er,  and  most  of  the  com-
              privileges,  like  getting  al-  average  above  22,000  confident  the  next  iPhone  dustrial firms joined it, that  panies  listed  on  the  New
              most  all  the  credit  for  the  points for the first time.  will  reach  the  market  on  was just barely enough to  York Stock Exchange fell.
              latest  stock  market  mile-  Apple’s  latest  profit  and  time.  The  technology  gi-  take the Standard & Poor’s
              stone. Apple made its big-  revenue  were  better  than  ant’s  stock  climbed  to  an  500 index higher as well.  Continued on Page 25

                     US Test-Launches Unarmed Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

              VANDENBERG  AIR  FORCE  launched  at  2:10  a.m.  weapon system.                     However,  the  latest  U.S.  States,  including  Los  An-
              BASE,  Calif.  (AP)  —  The  Wednesday from Vanden-     Minuteman  missiles  are  launches come amid ten-        geles and Chicago, is now
              U.S.  Air  Force  successfully  berg Air Force Base, about  regularly   tested   with  sions  with  North  Korea  as  in  range  of  Pyongyang’s
              launched  an  unarmed  130  miles  (209  kilometers)  launches  from  Vanden-        that  nation  develops  its  weapons,  according  to
              intercontinental   ballistic  northwest of Los Angeles.  berg  that  send  unarmed  own ICBMs. Flight data on  analysts.  In  response,  the
              missile from California, the  An  Air  Force  statement  re-entry   vehicles   4,200  North Korea’s most recent  U.S. Air Force flew two B-1
              fourth such test this year.  said  the  test  would  show  miles  (6,800  kilometers)  test,  conducted  Friday,  bombers  over  the  Korean
              The 30th Space Wing says  the  effectiveness,  readi-   across the Pacific to a tar-  showed that a broad part  Peninsula  on  Sunday  in  a
              the  Minuteman  3  missile  ness, and accuracy of the  get area at Kwajalein Atoll.  of  the  mainland  United  show of force. q
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