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Thursday 3 augusT 2017
November 16 - 17 at the Hilton Aruba Resort:
‘Sustainability in Motion’ the Theme of Green Aruba 2017
from all over the world to advocacy, growth and sus-
share valuable information, tainability in the Caribbean
knowledge, experiences region, Central and South
and best practices. Americas.
PALM BEACH – Organizers
of Green Aruba recently
announced details of the
8th edition of the Green
Aruba Conference (GA-
VIII), which will be held at
the Hilton Aruba Caribbean
Resort on the 16th and 17th
of November 2017. This
year’s theme is “Sustain-
ability in Motion”, which
captures the focus on what In the context of creating Together, Green Aruba
it takes to move from talk- sustainable partnerships, and CARILEC will enable
ing about sustainability to this year the Green Aruba more opportunities for the
actually doing things in a will host the conference conference participants to
more sustainable manner. tinguishes itself from other premium informational ex- in collaboration with CAR- engage in moving sustain-
conferences by also focus- perience on how to reach ILEC. CARILEC, founded in ability forward by providing
Conferences on sustain- ing on the How of sustain- full sustainability, through 1989, is the leading associ- valuable insights into how
ability often center them- ability (best practices of best practices and innova- ation of electric utilities and the evolution of the elec-
selves around the Why of Aruba and other nations). tions. Most importantly, this industry partners in the Ca- tric utility sector will affect
sustainability (concern ori- Since 2010, Green Aruba conference has made it ribbean with currently 106 us all.
ented), or the What (inno- has served as an excep- possible for other countries, members. Visit
vation oriented). GAVIII dis- tional platform to deliver institutions and experts It focuses on electric utility for more information.q
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Aruba Beach Club
EAGLE BEACH - Recently and Mrs. Sally Anderson of
the Aruba Tourism Authority Massachusetts.
had the great pleasure of All three couples say that
honoring three lovely cou- they love Aruba very much
ples whom are loyal and because of the great ex-
friendly visitors of Aruba at tremely friendly people, the
the Aruba Beach Club as climate, the beaches, the
Goodwill Ambassadors. restaurants, and the relax-
ing atmosphere. They also
The symbolic honorary title appreciate the care and
is presented in the name attention given to them
of the Minister of Tourism as by the associates from the
a token of appreciation to Aruba Beach Club. The cer-
guests who visit Aruba for tificates were presented by
20-to-34 consecutive years. Ms. Darline de Cuba repre-
The honorees were Mr. senting the Aruba Tourism
Jack and Mrs. Susan Busch Authority together with Ms.
of Buffalo, New York, Mr. Kenia Brito from the Activi-
Javier and Mrs. Erica de la ties Department of the Aru-
Uz of Florida, and Mr. Bruce ba Beach Club. q